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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. The suspense is killing us all Clive. Its worse than the saturday morning Odeon Club was. Iain.
  2. Hi Keith, Rather than start another thread on ball on willow, I felt it was only right n proper that I congratulate your Birmingham Bears, sorry Warwickshire to me, on winning the T20 Blast tonight. A great final that went to the last delivery, just a pity it wasn't Freddy Flintoff facing the last ball, to try and win the game. lol Iain.
  3. Hi Keith, your comments from the other thread... Its the only rules I have ever known also, but these days with all the cameras, even though INDIA won't or don't like modern technology, he IMHO wasn't out...NO APPEAL. Have to say there were times when yours truely was about out of puff attempting an appeal, after I hit the pads or whatever. But the decission you ask about, I am with you. One last comment though, both those umpires are pretty new to the Test arena, and are a wee bit finger trigger happy still. Iain.
  4. I have tried it that way also Keith, but as has been said many times, its not an exact science, with winds as well changing things there. Iain.
  5. Ok if Richos says that time try arriving an HOUR after that for the easier passage through on SLACK WATER. From Straceys if you catch the end of the ebb it should take you approx one hour 25 mins to Gt Yarmouth yacht station and the two bridges. As Matt said, go past the Yellow Post first before turning right. Iain.
  6. Personally speeking I think it should be named..... BROADSCOT Iain
  7. Hi again, Tables I have just looked at says low water 15.36 As slack water is the best time through GY so that will be approx 16.36pm. Hope that helps you. Iain.
  8. Hi June, I don't know whch tables you are using, but add an hour or so to that time you said for slack water. If you leave near that time you said for low water at GY you should be fine. You will know the nearer you get to GY if you are hiting slack water. That boat should clear the bridges easily, if as you said you are on Crown Gem. Just have the canopy and screen down before you get to the two bridges. Have good trip over Braydon Iain.
  9. They often land at Prestwick and refuel at RNASR HMS Gannet if up here. Iain.
  10. Hi Tim, The plates on the early cruisers we hired were the pyrex type smokey brown or plain clear glass, very small drinking tea/coffee cups, a typical camping kettle with a whistle that worked! Egg cups that didny fit the average egg. All the decor was plywood with umpteen coats of varnish, so that meant the parts that saw our "hot" summers then were well and truely bleached. The heads were done in a primrose yellow formica, and of course the loo itself was the bog standard pun intended well used recycled blue loo pump action, the makers name I do no know. Dunlopillo beds and seating too with the waterproof type rexine. Sorry Tim, nae duvets either, you will have to rough it with fresh white bed linen from Fakenham Laundry and good old fashioned army blankets. No rev counter just oil and battery guages. Lighting, such as it was was 15/30watt Bayonet Cap. A little beeswax on the drawers helped them slide easier too. Hopefully other old codgers like me will remember many other styles of that era for you. Iain.
  11. Hi Tim, Shot in the dark, you may have done this already, but what about contacting Royalls at Wroxham, they may have old pics of your boat. Original plans maybe also. Happy hunting. Iain.
  12. Oh eck, I go back to the days when many of the boats only had a small heater in the saloon. Having had many freezing cold early "Spring" holidays, it was a case of the woolie toorie on the bonce and plenty of blankets, not to mention the faithful hot water bottles. First up put all the gas rings on, and the oven, plus the heater, and watched the windows drip with condensation in no time at all. Old newspapers were vary handy around the window edges to collect the drips. To think we could have flown off to sunny Spain or Tenerife, instead we preferred to "chill out" instead on the Broads, and it has NEVER put us off!. Iain.
  13. Thank you Dolphin, thats the one. The owner I think came from the south coast, but could be wrong with that. Great boat, just flick a switch in the morning, piping hot water for showers etc in know time at all Iain.
  14. Word got about Eric that you come frae the "Kingdom" so being royalty they gave you a wide berth Iain
  15. John and Alan are old enough to remember them am just a young wippersnapper in comparrison Errr also tells fibs Iain
  16. Eric, Class in a glass...oops bottle! Iain.
  17. Aye Eric, spoken like a true Scotsman Whit is it we say? Nae waste I hope! As if!! Iain.
  18. Hi Eric, Glad to see you have returned safely to yer Hot House Reading your blog, I am delighted you enjoyed that cruiser. More importantly you manged to get Cardhu down there! I use to see it bottled at the old Johnnie Walker Plant at Kilmarnock. These hydraulic drives are becoming more and more the norm it would appear. Robin, London Rascal, used a high amount of fuel on his last trip out, on a much smaller craft than yours. It was also the same drive.. I was moored two along from Carousel in May, she sure is a BIG boat and looks the biz. I am sure for you, March cannot come quick enough. Iain.
  19. You would think, with all the electronic wizadry that is available today a lazer gun of some sort, could tell you exactly to the millimetre the height and width at any given time or tide. In my case feet and inches! Iain..
  20. Hi John, You've stumped me there regarding the "Glitter" one. However regarding displays the best I have seen is the one at the end of the Edinburgh Festival which uses the Castle ramparts as a back drop and all done to music played down on Princes Street Gardens. Amazing! Iain.
  21. Hi Mike, We had Sunmist in 1977, the yard went overboard excuse the pun with hideholes soooo much storage on it when they fitted it out. Never forget that boat, my head was black n blue that slight rise to the front ment being 6ft tall was an ouch every time I forgot to duck! Iain
  22. Hi there, We certainly hired Aston Norwich, Crossbow, Wizard, Warlock, and one other think Viscount? Also a private one whose name I cannot remember. But it was based at the old Loddon Yard. Iain
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