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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. The words for people IF you can even call them that, are unprintable on this or any civilised forum! Iain.
  2. The last paragraph may answer a question asked elsewhere today. Iain.
  3. I have looked through several threads, I cannot find Clives (Richos) comment about some boats being moved to Acle. Someone asked him, would the Acle yard have some new boats for next year. Will keep hunting! Iain.
  4. Hi Frank, Your boat looks stunning - on other thread - and can see your hard work you put into Crackers. You are not allowed though to disappear, as from what I have seen on here, you are one of those that acts as the eyes and ears on all thats happening on the Broads rivers. May I wish you every success in finding the right project boat that suits you and your good lady. Iain. p.s Its obvious you canny spell the word...Retire!
  5. Hi Alan, Agreed, I have lots more pics SWMBO took yesterday , but feel its not fair on folks who may wish to go and see it for themselves if up here on holiday. Iain.
  6. All the times we ended our trips at Thorpe St Andrew, at Hearts, we always went over to The Buck Inn. The menu never changed, and was plain good old fashioned pub grub at very good prices. I hope it reopens soon. As for the moorings, I think the BA in this instance have got it wrong IMHO. Iain.
  7. Here are a couple I took from a distance yesterday, the old legs widny go any further.
  8. Hi Alan, Stop Press!!! SWMBO just off the phone to a friend who said when they went to see the Kelpies last week, a film crew was there with Timothy West and Prunela Scales. Watch this space ! Iain.
  9. Hi Jill, I had a late aunt who made that in N Wales. Never sampled it. These days am barred from falling down water Iain.
  10. Hi Alan, Its nearer Grangemouth than Falkirk I would say, but, in saying that, there is I think access from Falkirk Football Club Stadium. Personally when its all finished it will be a massive attraction. I only walked a short step towards it, as my arthritis was being norty today. Yes, I agree with the Million figure, it does sound very low IMHO like your goodself. Iain.
  11. Hi Alan, An Update... I was there again today with the man who was involved in the Kelpies Project, as he used to work for Falkirk Distrct Council. Apparently the original idea was to use the Kelpies as a means of opening a lock. The budget though, and the engineering involved meant it did not proceed. The biggest surprise to the council has been the visitor numbers to the Falkirk Wheel. Well over a million at the last count. Also today, at the Kelpies, considering schools are back in, there was a steady stream of folks going to it. Iain.
  12. Err should this thread not be in quarentine till the Drinkies are ready? Iain.
  13. I suppose in the earlier days of Windows lets say Windows 98 TIME and TANDY both installed Symnatec aka Norton so many folks would never have heard of any free software. I could be way off the mark with this suggestion, but it was 1993 and Windows 93 I first used at the golf club at the time, and to be honest I don't remember much about anti virus then. As Strow says, there are many kinds now, AVG, Panda are two that spring to mind. Iain
  14. Here was me thinking that he had retired Instead he's been playing with boats of all kinds, and making a tidy sum know doubt too Nice to see yer ditys back on line Jon. Iain.
  15. Very true Simon, All caused by the camber of the road is my assumption, Iain.
  16. Hi John, Well well, being near Tain with that pic, I wonder if you could taste the Glenmorangie below at Tain Iain.
  17. Hi Alan, Aye when the sun shines here, its one hellova nice place to live. Glad your friend has stayed down at the excellent Marina. Probably has sampled all the very good eating places here, and decided to stay lol. We have had some very posh bling jobs out in the Firth of Clyde this week. One came in and moored up for a while. I will take a trip the other way some afternoon towards Girvan and Ailsa Craig, better known to us as Paddys Milestone lol. Glad you enjoyed the pics. Iain.
  18. Hi Chris, welcome from me also Iain
  19. I would not be surprised if it was not "Princess" from Richos. That boat just clears the wood spar at the Dilham side if low water, or shall we say even lower water. However a family had been stuck the wrong side for over 24 hours and ships stores critical. We gathered about a dozen other holiday folks, got on their boat and we manhandled it back through with a coat of paint to spare. BTW, this was not the first time I have seen that happen to that particular boat! This was over 15 years ago. Perhaps Mr Clive another notice warning of the dangers of that bridge may be in order for "Princess". I appreciate you put plenty of info on your boats, and no matter what height you show at the helm, skippers will still try to get the square peg into the round hole routine. Iain.
  20. Well folks I am a very happy bunny! Just had this e-mail. http://www.scottishairshow.com/ Hopefully will see some of it next weekend! Iain.
  21. Thats a wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee boat! How many feet to gallon in that one? Don't think its in my sedate boating style, but wish good luck in selling it. Iain.
  22. I think its safe to say many of the dual steering boats indoor vision aint the best for reversing especialy. Best to use upper one IMHO, so as Spider says have the right clothing. Iain.
  23. Well there you go Tim, Grace says you will require a BIKINI ...OMG whatever next, the mind boggles! Iain.
  24. I remember Bob saying they used a 4x4 to bring supplies in. Ordinary vehicles are a no no. So you would require a substantial 4x4 vehicle MM. I believe some of the liquid stuff was delivered by river many moons ago also. Iain.
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