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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Jason, Know the feeling. I have had a Samsung Mini3 now for a year. At times I pine for my old Nokia! Its called progress.... hmmmph. Iain.
  2. Just remembered one my crew did one morning from Stokesby. 2miles I think it is in length approx. You end up at Acle Bridge where I picked the crew back up. SWMBO has just said it was very pleasent indeed. For me, I had the purr koff koff of the BMC 1.5 to keep me company chugging up the river. Iain.
  3. I don't bet, never seen a poor bookie....but...will put a 5p on Mike coming first the odd time in three lol Iain. p.s. Your getting ever closer to 50 posts Mike
  4. Oye Max, Please dinny do that, you scared the life out of me, and probably the other Mods with yer headline Personally I am having a busy time reading, and having a guid laugh at times, with some of the posts. Others are pure Broads Theatre, for all to enjoy and read or look at the pictures etc. It will calm down, once folks find their way around all the Forum links. Enjoy your searching Max, Iain.
  5. Hi Frank, Delighted to see you have sold your boat so quickly. Great news indeed. Now I hope a quick and successful hunt for a replacement craft for your goodselves. Well done Jon too. Never met the bloke but he comes across here, as no airs or graces type person. Once you have cracked his Narfolk twang Iain.
  6. Its here Jim...... http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/forum/51-jokes/ Iain.
  7. TY for update. When that style were for hire, to me they always looked like private vessels. Iain.
  8. Right I think we have solved MMs problem. Once he has won the Lottery, he has only one problem left. HOW to get it through that bridge back to his mooring! Iain
  9. Good afternoon Charles welcome to the NBN I have only ever dipped my toe in the North Sea at Scarbro' and will never do again! You are a brave fellow going in! brrrrr Iain.
  10. One of my all time favourite short walks was from the Pleasure Boat Inn into Hickling Village and back. Oh dinny panic, we always stopped at the Greyhound to carry out market research on a few ales before returning back to the staithe. Iain.
  11. Nice for the NBN to have roving camera reporters. Good onya Grendel Iain.
  12. BarnesBrinks had them on their bows for years! JM. Iain.
  13. Eric, We only walked past the White Horse at the time as it was closed! Thankfully it was open on our return, phew! Iain.
  14. Before my old pins misbehaved, although not a long walk I enjoyed from Gays Staithe into Neatishead, and a bit beyond, back for a few ales and back to Gays Staithe. Iain
  15. Keith, I blame these laptop keyboards. None of the letters are in the correct place! Iain.
  16. There you go MM .... Eric has it cut n dried for you. ALL you need now is your BIG Lottery win Iain.
  17. Hi Mickey and welcome to the NBN , September can be a brilliant month to be out on the rivers. Have a great time. Iain.
  18. Hi John, I had the same problem as you on Silver Harmony last year with the seating position. The old body aint as flexible these days lol Iain.
  19. Pic four Jon looks like an old Harvey Eastwood? Santa Margerita or name such like. Iain.
  20. Easy peasy lemon squeezy Griff Look forward to the write up etc later. Iain
  21. BroadScot


    Hi Paul, Having had dealings myself with ASDA Head Office, regarding trolley parking in the wrong place for disabled. The reply was what I call a version 21 letter, says and meant absolutely no appology at all. BTW I too find many quality items in Aldis. Iain.
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