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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. When are you entering Master Chef Dave? Sounds tastey! I am biased. I love cheese n onion!!! Iain.
  2. I am fortunate Grendel, I have done my 50 years hard labour so can watch whenever I choose. This is where UT comes into its own IMHO. Iain.
  3. Thank you sooooo much for all of that gents, brilliant. Did anyone spot Griffs deliberate? mistake! Iain
  4. Oh I say, Rincewind, I DO like your choice of red! Iain.
  5. Oye you'll be Moded Mark!....Alan sort him out! Iain.
  6. Hi Rincewind and welcome again to the NBN . 50 posts will fly by. Yes pray tell, please, like Keith I too would like to know. Iain.
  7. Hi Mouldy. Welcome to the NBN from me also I can fully relate to 1987 Hurricane. I was on the Broads that week. My tale is here http://www.broadlandmemories.co.uk/page333.html Enjoy your next trip on the rivers. Iain.
  8. Watershed, spot on, I gave up the fags in 1993, I was a heavy smoker. Ever since I get new cars every few years. If folks have a desire to be on the rivers with their own craft, the money will be found from somewhere I guess. Iain.
  9. Cancel poorer Jim, insert SKINT! Iain.
  10. Aye very true Jill, that Cooo stuck its tongue oot at me And we will leave it at that, before I have to Mod myself Iain.
  11. Thanks Marshman, that is the side I was thinking of also. Iain.
  12. VC aye we are that, I know one thing, well think I do, its gonnae float on the Broads. I didny get a higher in stupidity for nothing you know! Steve, I am sure you will let the cat oot the bag in the fullness of time! Iain.
  13. Alan, There use to be I think, public moorings down near the end towards where the style is/was. Iain.
  14. That is a very good sheltered spot Alan. Strong tide pull sometimes too, but VC is right it was well used in the days of the Wherry pub, I miss that one a lot. Iain.
  15. Interesting facts and figures showing here, should you add an Accountants fees also? Or does SWMBO do that part? When Ted Heath was PM I thought about buying a boat. The idea for me, as I have said on here before, it just was not feasible. If you live over 300 miles away its a fair bit of car wear and tear, as well as fuel. Yet another add on to the costs. I'll stick to hiring. But good luck to Jim and anyone else who takes the plunge into the empty pocket club. Iain.
  16. Ah, possibly copious amounts of bottled ales, or pre heated bean tins (insulated), hence the flatulation Iain.
  17. MM, I tried to hire one of their craft last November, for May, even the 2nd choice was booked for the time I required. Iain.
  18. Yes Jill, it HARDLEY took 4 mins I'll get my coat...... Iain
  19. A lot I would think, Jon, judging by the early bookings from November each year and beyond. Iain
  20. Hi Craig, I was surprised how surpressed the diesel engine noise was, you canny hear it in the car. Seating very cumfy indeed. Wife took ill when saw it was 6 forward gears It suits my needs hopefully. Oh one other thing, the Diesel engine is nippy! Iain
  21. Craig, Many years ago on a day trip over to Cherbourg from Weymouth, I watched Renaults being put onto a ship. The Renault 5 was being wheelied onto the ship lol. So any poor sod in the boot would be black n blue I would have guessed. What has surprised me is, cars you think their boots are big, when you see them in the flesh, they aint. The Scenic has 555 litre boot. That should be big enough for the wifes weekly shopping Also big enough for a few crates of whisky too! That I canny have Iain.
  22. Hi young Alan, Thank you for kind remarks, yup all being well a nice brand new Silver Renault Scenic Tom Tom. Big boot if I have to get a wee scooter. Before you lot ask, thats Sat Nav not a drum beat Iain.
  23. Due to health problems, I have been out car hunting to replace my motability car. I am now going to reply as best I can, I aint a politician Right, I aint going into great detail, but brief replies to some if not all posts. Craig, passports ...read the print on it, its a EUROPEAN Passport so I can go anywhere, I so wish. JM, we are a very proficient inventive nation as it is, Macadam Roads, Fleming penicilin, Watson Watt ..Radar need I go on? Lots more. Watershed, Au pair Do you??? Oh errr Great Escape..yes the "Mole" died this week. RIP. JM the only floodgates that will open, are all the bottles of whisky to celebrate a win or lose depending which way folks have voted. I have not replied till now as I felt its not a subject for discussion by me. At least my day was not wasted, I hopefully will have my new car next week or by the end of the month. Frank, can I supply the cement n sand? Iain
  24. Do we Mark? Yes we do, and very much like it to remain light hearted as Gramps said. There are many topics of reading, not all Broads related. They said you will enjoy your retirement. You bet, by trying to give some of my spare time back to this forum. Iain.
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