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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. We went to Paris when SWMBO retired. Then had 11 days on the Broads, Alan. Iain
  2. Alan in a word...nope...oops that's 5 words Iain.
  3. The Ant or Chet...I like covering my options Marina Iain
  4. A lot of water? Iain Two competitions going now ....goodie!
  5. Well done young Alan Yup tiz indeed Pulls Ferry Iain
  6. Hi Eric, Be careful, Griff will be over and nicking it. Iain
  7. Nope, yippee lasted more than 4 minutes! Will let you think a bit longer while I have my dinner Iain
  8. He wants tae buy a cooker, no the company!!! £700 eye watering. Iain
  9. There is no cure for BroadsItus, it grabs you with both hands and just won't let go. Ask anyone on here, and they will all repeat what I am saying! Or words to that effect. Delighted Mickey that the outlaws are now smitteners. Good init : Iain.
  10. Alan, What is it that was said..."Rome wasn't built in a day" I rewired a very large cattle market many years ago, you think by the end of it you were on nodding terms with the cattle that came in there, it took ages. Patience and aye, deffo a holiday laddie is what is required. But, get that dod of wood fitted first You can be a project manager, but bosses have the last word! Only joking, honest Iain.
  11. Common as muck are two lawns, we have two also Iain
  12. A few more from years passed. Iain
  13. Hi Matt, Yes very confuzzling indeed. 6ft8" with windscreen and canopy down. Also, Dave(ExPilot) has said in the past you have more chance of that type of craft getting through PH Bridge. Whoever is doing their promotional material, aint very good IMHO. Iain.
  14. Well young Alan, not what was planned eh? But, still lots done and no mistake. A bit less to fit next time. Keep at it! Oh ta for the pics also Iain.
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