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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. With regards to costs, the posts are the dear bit, and the labour fitting it all. The armoured cable is not a dear item in the installation. I don't know what is involved cost wise dealing with the property owners. Iain.
  2. Should not be difficult at the Pleasure Boat Inn as power is nearby. West Sommerton a bit of a long cable run there to the public moorings, so a possible voltage drop. Horsey, its years since I have been, but if the mill has power then puting power at the staithe should not prevent any problems at all. All this in my visionary mode and could be talking utter gibberish, but NOT the voltage drop bit!
  3. Personally, I think you should toss Haggis instead of teddies. You can eat a haggis afterwards I answered a music question recently at a quiz....mind you it did date back to the days of Mary Hopkins! Iain.
  4. Hi Tim, Well my accent is posh weegie, being south of Glesca lol. I like your choice of for the voices , biased as I am . I had better duck...SWMBO is a Weegie ! Iain
  5. Don't tell me the Kings Head moorings are Wroxham are still ringless or postless? Iain.
  6. Thanks Frank, sorry to force the brain cells into overdrive at the weekend ! Someone will know. Iain
  7. Personally Gracie, I think you would look loverly in PInk Fenders! Pair young Alan, whitever next! Iain.
  8. I had the first style once. Sabre Princess. Hired off Dave Pipe at the old Astons, Loddon Yard, It handled superbly, if a bit bouyant. Didn't DAWNCRAFT have the style you have bought or buying. Old sawdust cells are telling me I may well be wrong with that assumption. Happy rebuilding to your spec though Frank! Iain.
  9. Welcome back Marina and Ian . Delighted to see you had a good holiday. The non working windscreen wiper, was a sign that you would not really require it! Glad your back though, that son of yours has been up to his usual mayhem on here Nah only kidding! Iain.
  10. Hi Frank, Which style? Pic 1 Pic 2 Iain.
  11. I loved the old gas water heaters that were on the Aston Concorde class and the Oak too. No noise and hot morning showers...Bliss! Steve and Debs happy hunting, as Frank says, the magnet will draw you to your final boat choice. Iain
  12. Like any guid job young Alan its twa steps furrard wan back. As one who was use to having his mits dirty most days, I refused to ware gloves! (Only a left hand wraggling one) However today, with so many cheap shops selling these throwaway gloves, may prove handy. If not too late? Ever closer to the winning post ! Iain.
  13. Nice roasted flavoured ales if I remember correctly. Sadly I canny have any now. As one who in his earlier swally years survived on McEwans Export, finding places like the Ribs of Beef with so many real ales to sample, was always a very good reason to cruise all the way up to Norwich YS My personal favourite will always be Adnams Broadside....oh if only To all who do go enjoy! Iain.
  14. Jings tae hang helpmaboab, Tim, whaur wur yooz when ah wiz doon in May, I have mair accents than a pot of Scotch Broth! Ayrshire, Weegie, Welsh and Scouse! Oh and I say my finest Public School Boy wan too from my Cricket days....Whato! Iain
  15. I have been lucky enough to see it several times up in the Highlands, a wonderful sight to see. Did I have a camera to hand...naw! grrrrr! Iain.
  16. NN there were a few Jazz Jam sessions in that pub in the early 80's... First place I sampled Abbott Ale......oh my head! Iain
  17. Great work Grendel, thank you very much. Iain
  18. JM, Do Ex RN types qualify Nah he didny get lost JM.....did he? Gets my vote, even said good morning to me as we passed him on the River Ant in May. Iain.
  19. Jim, Hoseasons& Blakes use to do that in their brochures in the 70's. To be honest some of the measurements IMHO were at times, not very accurate! My poor old bonce has many war wounds from forgetting to duck! Good idea though. Iain
  20. Jim, what makes you think its Alan's office? Its our Mods Room!! We get allowed out once a day! Hiya folks>>>>> Back into the black hole! Iain.
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