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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Well, as it is October 1st, I decided that I had better get next years holiday booked up, I have booked up early to ensure Mr Clive and his staff will have funds for their Christmas bash this year. Thought long and hard which boat to book, ok ten seconds if I am being honest , so its full steam ahead, and roll on May when I can have my favouritest time of the year on Broadway. Will be asking Mr Clive thoosands of questions Nah not really, just one...why is there no 360 saloon pic of it? Iain.
  2. Happy Lincs Day, Ron. I've been through Skeggie once. I thought living in Troon was windy till I went to Skeggie for the day! That Batemans was a very nice drop of ale indeed. Iain.
  3. Robin, Why have we moved to the Yorkshire Dales? Iain.
  4. Oye you lot, kindly refrain from complaining about the fine Scottish Resteraunt Trust me, they come in handy in places like Prague and Budapest! Lori obviously has class, and kens a guid deal when she sees one . Carry out tonight is it Lori? Iain.
  5. Hing oan Dave, Penguins were made by McDonalds, were they not, not the Drive through place, the Biscuit wan. Yer right though about the Uniforms. We don't need no education etc etc etc Loved that LP Right back on to Hypodermics, the point being, potholes are to be avoided, ok Grace, point taken Tesco's spoiled my fun at trying to shop at the old Stalham market, I saw things for sale there, that should have been tossed in the bin in the last century, no not the 20th, the 19th! Sooooo I say, Roy's should open mobile thingys all over the river Network. There back on thread! Phew! Iain.
  6. Indeed you have Frank It was the master stroke of the baked beans on toast, we can all relate to such gourmet delights. However, when did the Army become involved? I've re-read all threads and cannot find anything about troops! A "super-market" was Stalham market many years ago (see getting back to the Broads link of Robin's now) Anything and everything was sold there, sadly a real "supermarket moved in and the village lost its lifeblood IMHO. I may be taken away in a straight jacket soon, but, hey, this thread proves that we can be diverse but still keep typing complete and utter drivel Shops will always be shops no matter where....wont they? Iain
  7. Bring back Dunlopillo, I say . I like Frank's idea, always plenty of cheap off cut carpet. Iain.
  8. Hi Frank, Regarding meats of all kinds, I was spoiled from day one, my old man was a Master Hamcurer/Butcher, so always had the best cuts of meat. However, coming back into fashion up here is a cut of meat that was cheap to buy down in say Liverpool area and North Wales, skirt of beef. The taste that beef has when casseroled is quite superb, loads of shallots, carrots and gravy hmmm, nice. Rolled spring leg of Welsh lamb is something I always looked forward too when we went to N Wales on holiday as a kid. The down side, I had to pop all the pea pods and collect the fresh mint from the garden. When I see some of this Michelin food presentation, on a plate five sizes too big, my first thought is, a sparrow would consider it leftovers! All of this is not Hypothetically leaning towards this thread, but I am sure someone will soon rectify that. Wont they? Iain.
  9. Will sit on the fence and call it a draw! Iain.
  10. Oh dear, I can visualise it right now, a buttered Scottish Morning Roll, a Scotch Meat Pie and broon sauce. Put the pie on the roll and push down on it, heaven! Aye ok heart attack in yer hand We wud go to the bakers near oor school, rather than have school diners somedays. Oh and that was washed down with proper Irn Bru, not the stuff they try and produce today. For sweet, oh a big Empire Biscuit. Iain.
  11. Hi Frank. Its begining to look like a name of a pub....the Fish and Duck, there again, I could be totally wrong.....again Iain.
  12. Frank, No No No, you cannot be serious Anyone for tennis This is too much...Twice in a week! Now, be a guid fella, and go to Lidls or Aldis and take the tablets, then you will be fine again, Hypothetically Iain.
  13. Hi Lori, Looks like you now have a full time job, checking for best signal areas for sending pics. Sorry, this entails staying aboard 24/7.... 52 weeks a year Iain.
  14. Hi Alan, Its your location, BT smoke signals don't reach that far north from the BT Tower in London Iain
  15. MM, Nah thats Robin's supply vessel to go round the rivers supplying all the happy boaters. Don't you know. Iain.
  16. BroadScot


    Know one loves Christmas more than me, even more so as you get on a bit. As for toys, I had one for more years than I care to remember, and knew in those days it was a dear present, what was it ...a Meccanno Number 5 set. Grace, you have covered nearlly all the things that IMHO are wrong so has Dave and MM in his very clever worded way. For me, my highlight was singing in the church choir over the Christmas period. To see all the kiddies faces, was a joy to behold. That folks, is the real Christmas to me. Not commercialisation grrrrrrr! Right feel better for typing that, now wheres my Easter Bunny? Iain.
  17. BroadScot


    Roll on Hogmanay Hic! Iain.
  18. BroadScot


    Oh don't forget the sticks of dynamite and pick axes to break through the ice flow! Iain.
  19. BroadScot


    Hi Dave, Norty lady Gracie I said this yesterday!!! Easter Eggs on sale though Iain
  20. Nae wonder the Germans couldny win at the flying lark that wurd widny show up oan their RADAR Sounds double dutch tae me Iain.
  21. Nah your fine Gramps Now where is my remove button Iain.
  22. Hi Neil, Welcome to the NBN from me also Iain.
  23. Thats TWO or is it THREE in one day mention the C word. Tut Tut Gramps its no even October...yet! Think I will sharpen up my remove delete buttons Iain.
  24. Ah yes the old couple who ran the shop at St Olaves, one about 86 the other about 90, and carried a stock of 4 morning papers, you had to get up early or the milk would be gone by 8am Iain.
  25. Hi Shepster, Welcome to the NBN from me also Iain.
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