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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. BroadScot


    Hi Tim, Bit of a shocker this thread is Iain.
  2. As we say up here, that was Pure Dead Brilliant I can relate to the returning to Wroxham many times, with a face like stink as they say, after our holiday. I hired with Summercraft in the early 80's, their boats are always beautifully turned out, even at the end of the season. I am sure you will be well looked after there. I felt ill at the thought of that other crews fuel bill from Brinks £260 if for a week, they must have had the throttle full on all the time! Like Grace and others have said, a cracking read, and look forward to your next trip. Oh, yes, come on, PICS we want pics please! Iain
  3. I have the "power" but will leave if you wish? Iain
  4. Sorry JM , we don't get much snow in South West Scotland For once I aint kidding you! Iain
  5. You see that Keith? Steve is calling you a comedian! Iain
  6. Hi and welcome to the NBN from me also Iain.
  7. A weekend away from London has to be good for you both. Glad you enjoyed. Iain.
  8. Hi David, Many thanks for taking the time to write such an excellent account of your holiday for us all to enjoy reading. Iain.
  9. What is it they say??? Rome wasn't built in a day, but the boat is starting to look really "Nice" inside young Alan. Delighted to read you gave Dave a ticking off! Just remind him, mud weights hurt without shoes on! Iain.
  10. They bulk buy Brilliant White Vynil Silk....simples Iain
  11. Very true Grace, you can now see it all coming together at last. It will be soon chugging on the Broads. Iain
  12. I am too young to go back to 1946 Grendel, but I am sure Coowee(Keith) and the Hockham Admiral(John) will remember it vividly! Iain
  13. Ohhh wat a clanger now removed Thanks Mike! Iain.
  14. Nothing wrong with her steering, its the sat nav was wrong! She was only following the planned route. Wasn't she? Iain.
  15. Come on folks get some more pics in so JM can make his mind up. Oh and mine also, the calender will add to my christmas stocking filler list! Iain.
  16. Whitby we have stayed many times for short breaks. Always the chance of a good pic there. Then go onto the moors and the NYMR. Iain.
  17. Hello young Allan, Elf n safety inspector here bare feet! OMG not a good idea Iain.
  18. Likewise, but now a bit too hilly for my old legs. Hence use Bridlington more. Iain.
  19. Hi David, That is exactly what my wife said about Brid. They are getting there, slowly. We went to Scarbro' for our honeymoon, always had a soft spot for the area. As you say, when it rains....oh boy it Rains!! Iain.
  20. Hi Keith, I have enough trouble spelling english, I dumped French at school after a month, and took more Techy subjects instead! Oh yes, the card is still in A&E recovering! Aka the fridge! Iain.
  21. Hi Kev, Nae bother at awe sur. Conseeder it done!. Siddy has already put several pics of Broadway 1 on this thread. Iain.
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