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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Fouled Prop......... miss two turns Iain
  2. This new system sounds very like what has been used in Austria and Northern Italy for a long time. It certainly speeds up things a bit there. Iain.
  3. Oye you pair, i'll let you know I went to electrocution lessons so I can spoke properly, so there Canny speek english indeedy huh! Nae boather at awe see Iain.
  4. Have made a mental note to ask at Richardsons, where the hair drier booster throttle is on Broadway Iain.
  5. As a retired sparky, dinny muck about with cables. Seek proper electrical knowledge advice IMHO. It will be safer and less risk in the long term. If you wish to put your mind at ease Steve. Iain.
  6. Guilty as charged m'lud, I digressed, coz I like to keep things light hearted. Now about Mr Flappy, there is Sea World, you could try there Frank Iain. p.s. I've got John's lovely sunny day here in Troon!
  7. The Three Blues....on the Thurne.... Maycraft.....Pheonix Fleet.....Martham Ferry Boats Three Pink.....Herbert Woods ....MarthamBoats....Whispering Reeds. Iain.
  8. The sky is leaking here with great profussion. Its also awfy wet too! Oh and blowin a hooley! Iain.
  9. Oh the pub shut is it? Evening John Iain.
  10. Oh eck yer quite right Frank, scuuuuuze me folks, but has anybody found Franks Fish yet??? Now where was I ??? Ah yes, RCDs, I do miss wiring them up!....Not! Iain.
  11. Hi Tim, How did all of that pass the spell cherck??? LOL Brilliant Stanley Unwin eat yer hert ooot! Iain.
  12. Hi RR, In Scots that wid mean....Hawd yer wheesht! Iain.
  13. Gawn yersell Frank.... I normally abhor violance Oh yer fish, that was the new baby mod Keiffy aka CooWee that nicked it! Iain.
  14. For those like me who dinny speek Narfolk, Mr Clive's translation..... Hold yew hard! Listen a minute, hang on a moment. Iain.
  15. Wimen and hairdriers Jim! Iain.
  16. Oh eck, you could be there a very long time Throw double six to be freed Iain.
  17. I do hope Waddingtons aint reading all of this! Take a patent out quick Tim!!! Iain
  18. There may well be a Norwich version, but I am totally biased and prefer Timbo's version/idea/theme Iain
  19. I have a Samsung Note 3 Alan, not had a problem like that.....yet! Iain.
  20. Hmmm name spelt wrong, and cheeky too! Risking the wrath of my twitchy delete finger Iain
  21. Does that include the Mods team room? If not thats nineteen Iain.
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