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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Maybe shud rename this thread playtime Delighted to see your pics are working Iain.
  2. Miss a turn left Rhond anchor at wild mooring. Iain
  3. Barton Broad = Trafalgar (Red) Nelson Connection Iain.
  4. Free Mooring at top left corner Iain
  5. Now get it manufactured for the Christmas rush! Iain
  6. Go back four spaces and dredge the River Thurne. Iain.
  7. Fog on Braydon go back to Gt Yarmouth Yacht Station
  8. in Chance....Its your Birthday....Free River Toll Iain
  9. Go Direct to the Broads Authority do not pass GO do not collect £200 Iain
  10. In Chance or Community Chest.....you have won a beauty contest collect £10 from all Forum members! Iain.
  11. Clears my throat coff coff...Bulbs grow in the ground Lamps light up the world, so I was told at day release college in 19canteen well 1964 Iain p.s. Fluorescent lamps required to have a ballast/choke unit a condenser/capacitor so many MFUs usually 7.2 and that daft starter switch of varying wattages, but, funny enough the Atlas/Osram 50watt Arrowslim fitting would only light with the exact 50watt starter. Later quickstart Chokes. Not a lot of people know that Iain.
  12. BroadScot


    The ones you get around Lake Garda in N Italy are pretty spectacular too. Iain.
  13. Reedham Ferry problems could be resolved, build a swing bridge instead of using the ferry? The problem being with that at a guess, is, who would pay for it to be built? Then I remembered the Faircraft Boat stuck under Sommerlayton Swing Bridge. I'll get back to reading threads ..... Iain.
  14. BroadScot


    I bet you look lovely in yer pattern apron on Alan whilst doing the ironing Iain.
  15. Tim, Memories are flooding back to the days of young apprentices straight from school, who had been taught in metric, where around 1970 we used both measures in the electrical trade, 25mm = 1" etc etc. Cable was in metric and Brittish Imperial. Our fluorescent lamps started to shrink from 40 or 60 watt to 38 and 58 watt but told no loss of lumins, aye right, not! Oh and metric cable was a nightmare to work with in very cold conditions! So yes, I agree with you completely, it was Brussels, or the French to blame. Now then, where is my foot rule??? Iain.
  16. BroadScot


    Errr whats ironing? Iain
  17. As Jon XS650 would say, loik loik loik! Thats October seen to in the calender IMHO Iain.
  18. BroadScot


    A very wise thing still to do Jill IMHO. Having seen a PC tower mangled by lightening! Iain.
  19. Does it say, has to be boaty pics Jill? So there you go Iain.
  20. Hi Grace, Given the right weather (It WILL BE) nothing nicer sitting out front with a sherbert or three or in my case a 0% Bavaria or Radlers . Roll on May 2015! Iain.
  21. Hi Mark, There is no truth in the rumour that Alan sells sand to the Arabs given the chance. Iain
  22. Agreed, David. Come on Jill get them on the calender thread please! Iain.
  23. I am sure SWMBO and her sister will be delighted to be known as kids up forward on Broadway Iain.
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