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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Maybe they think you like SPAM sarnies Alan Iain.
  2. After the past year aka 2013, its great to read that the rivers are busy this year, I hope though, its spread around the system. Just shows what decent weather can do to the UK holiday trade. Iain.
  3. Shot in the dark, but with a name like that ( Molyneux Leisure ) could it have a connection to Wolverhampton Wanderers owners? Just a thought. Iain.
  4. Although it is known as the silly season Grace on the rivers, the real silly season is on the roads, with the annual holiday drivers on them, driving as if no tomorrow! Iain.
  5. I had one of those Nokia Vodaphone thingies, you got a bargain, mine cost £20 a month but 30mins free time! As said, oh how times have changed. Iain.
  6. Oh dear Timbo, does that mean we have a criminal in our midst? I too have speed camera recognition on my satnav and it buzzes even at removed speed cameras. Joking apart, you thought you were driving legaly, sadly these police types can be sneeky and do require to keep up their fines kitty box! Grrrrrr! We have a speed camera going into Ayr, its situated outside an undertakers! Iain.
  7. I get these sent to my spam mail at regular intervals, it does not take rocket science, as Strowy says, with the spelling and shocking grammer to realise its a scam spam. I give it the magic click...DELETE ALL! Treatment Iain.
  8. Yup it would certainly speed up Santas journey through the night Iain.
  9. Sue, I do believe that Lancaster was the one that use to be at the museum near Auchterarder. I had the pleasure of standing under its bomb bay many years ago. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_surviving_Avro_Lancasters Iain
  10. I have just been talking to our ex coxwain of our local lifeboat, he was the boats engineer also. He says that the Mikuni is a very good reliable heating unit. Iain.
  11. Alan, years ago Aston Leo was warm air heating using gas bottles and a stat. Must be a modern version now I would think. Happy hunting. Iain.
  12. Although not Broads related here is a wee bit of info regarding the Halifax Bomber. There is a Halifax at Elvington Museum near York, an excellent day out or was IMHO. http://www.yorkshireairmuseum.org/ Iain.
  13. Hing oan here....errrrr are we back at school doing MATHS! Awe this talk of figures puts me into the 36 26 36 numbers mode, now that is what I call Maths It is staggering though, the fuel you can save, when you do catch the right tide You can bomb along within the limit at tick over. Iain.
  14. Glad you had a good holiday Alan, now get back to completeing that project of yours, then you can go to Norfolk any time you feel like it! Iain.
  15. Welcome Finny. The only boats that I have ever built, are Airfix kits Aye and that was 50 years ago! Iain.
  16. In the days of Hearts at Thorpe and Astons at Loddon, I started from both, many times. I did a week on both sides in the fortnight, but in those days deisel was cheap as chips so always got money back and damage waiver deposit also, oh how things have changed! I for one miss taking my hire craft through Wroxham Bridge under my own skills, not spend time sitting waiting at what I can only describe as a daft place for a pick up point, IMHO of course! To me the South broads have a special charm away from the biz of the North, The Chet feels totaly different now, sooo much wider than before. The trip up to Norwich is nothing like the eyesore it use to be. Still not convinced about all the changes at Woods End pub, maybe because i'm old in the tooth and remember it as a good pub many years ago. Pub, not a gastro pub, how I detest that name grrrr. Surlingham Ferry pub is a good pub for both drinking and eating, portions large to gut bursting. I could go on, but wont, get down to the South, and find out for yourselves. If worried about crossing Braydon, don't be, if you follow the guidlines and all the info on forums etc you cannot, or should not, go wrong. That's my plug for the South Broads on a very driech day up here ! Iain.
  17. The Concorde was seen at a regular rate here in Ayrshire at Prestwick Airport, the pilots were trained up here, perhaps the "Admiral" saw them when he flew into Prestwick? We played golf with the crews. One of the chief engineers of Concorde was brother of our Club Captain at the time. I remember the test planes doing circuits around Ayrshire think 1969/70. A graceful aircraft, but very noisey!!! I went through one once, and there sure was very little room in the cockpit. The seating close together also. A little bit of history... before Prestwick was an Airport it was used as a training place for WW1 and WW2 pilots, the old runway or part of is still there next to a Golf Course. The airfield was called Heathfield, later called Redbrae. Just down the coast Turnberry was also a busy place for planes, its old runway is still used at the Open Golf, when played there. Both for landing choppers and other side of the road at the course as a car park. Nice to diverse occasionally from the Broads I think. Iain.
  18. Robin, I can see where you are coming from, when you think about it, you being a city laddie getting out into the open air must be bliss. As I know the many times I have been in London, I am always knackered with the poor air quality there lol Keep the videos coming, with underwater filming now, Jacques Coustaeu eat yer heart out! Iain.
  19. Robin, have you not tried the Co-op at Loddon? Its quite well stocked. It would have saved you a treck. Working out tides for the South Broads can be good fun. But years ago both Blakes and Hoseasons had that chart you were talking about on the vid. Sign of the times all take, no give by the agents sadly. Surprised though your skippers manual did not have similar. Enjoyed the blog. Great so see when the weather had improved. Iain.
  20. Was that not RE- cycling Alan Iain
  21. JM find your pics realy brill to see. Then and now. Iain.
  22. Us BOG's are excellent skippers Grace. Steered straight as the tides allowed me. Crash?? Never! lol Iain.
  23. I am talking about the busy days of many yards in the early 80's. The wife noticed them before I did, and was told to keep my eyes straight ahead!! My father in law said then, it cost them that much to get to Norfolk clothes were very thin on the ground in their luggage. Iain. p.s. They were on the Yare at the time.
  24. They were sitting up front at the bow is why At a guess, mum and two daughters all scanadanvian blonde. Iain
  25. Wellll in the days/years when the yards were aplenty, it was possible if a Scandanavian crew/family were on the Broads to be topless going down or up the rivers, they just waved and carried on as normal. As for full starkers OMG a deffo not, that's a bit of a (__!__)r I think ! Iain.
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