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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Have a bliddy guid holiday Alan and just be careful in the heat with strong booze. Am not being a kill joy, just my serious side to life. After all, you have a boat to finnish! Happy Iain.
  2. O^O¬ <---- Fur you Grace am 6ft tall! Wee indeed tut! Iain.
  3. Grace yer worse than a wuman lol Give the laddie a chance hes probably cream crackered wi awe the heat! Iain
  4. Anno off topic but regarding breakfast food Alan, we now use Sainsburys new large store as you come into Kings Lynn its on the left at the roundabout canny miss it. The breakfast choice aint bad for the money either. Also cheapest petrol seen anywhere in the area. I have words for the A17 but are NOT printable on a open Forum!!! Iain. P.S.To save ink lol. Keith, I hope you and Lisa have a brill holiday
  5. You've had the stress, now have a great holiday! Bow thrusters....Bah! Thought they were for firing arrows! Iain.
  6. So basically Keith your fighting fit, till it comes to handing over a Lappy to her ladyship. Aye there are some very strange expressions in cricket, some not printable on here! Most of mine were at the slips if they dropped one! Iain.
  7. Keith, I come into the canny drink anymore catagory. But, thanks to Sainsburys, I have found Erdinger 0% Wheatbeer, nice when well chilled. Also the new Bavaria 330ml 0% bottles. No hangovers either lol Farmfoods best for all Diet Can deals too. A whole new world to me over the past two plus years. Iain.
  8. Could not agree more Keith with your remarks. Were you meaning Mark Nicholas who played for Hampshire? I just cannot get my head round why England cannot knock over nine, ten, jack. Oh for a Devon Malcom or similar. Thank you for health interest, have had a bad attack of arthritis and lumbago. So am on n off laptop when feeling up to it. Iain.
  9. Rather than start a new thread, I felt this would be fine for the purpose. Wanted new England Cricket Captain with knowlege in how to play the game to win. Must be able to bat and make simple decisions like selection of a proper spin bowler! Apply to the ECB somewhere in a cricket club dressing room. Iain.
  10. Alan you could always fill the bilges to lower the boat under the bridge at Beccles if stuck! Will read about your obituary in the EDP...Mother son for dropping her boat right in it! Iain.
  11. Many years ago Grace at Potter Heigham three of us were chatting as you do waiting for our turn to go through that Bridge when a boat came into moor up, the lad made the fatal mistake of trying to jump off before the boat reached the side, needless to say he had no lifejacket on. To cut a protracted story short, he was half cut as they say. Know one loved a drink more than yours truely, sadly through health issues this is now a thing of the past. Has it ruined my Broads fix. Nope if anything I see the whole thing in a much better light. As has had ben said the odd sherbert while cruising along, but the bottles of wine etc AFTER doing the days cruising is best IMHO. Iain.
  12. After all your hard work on your boat Alan, I think you deserve a few days afloat. Dinny overdo the swally bit though, or Broadsbeat will be after you! Iain.
  13. Good point SG but I have had my fill of ejits on the River Ant, (three overtook me on blind bends in May) it would defo have to be off season to start from Richos. That is why I have moved to HW at Potter H. Iain.
  14. Certainly different from the usual efforts we have seen in the past . I just looked at Broadsman and Carousel say for next August and am now sitting down with two Paracetamols to get over the shock! Quiet a few are already booked up for next year. Austerity must be over in South East England right enough! Iain.
  15. Maybe a yachts bowsprit made the hole? Pointy thingy Alan, am awfy guid at boaty terminology Iain.
  16. Sorry Keith, no Kleenex emots here lol... BTW the second prog I found a bit repetative, just my view though. Iain.
  17. Keith, err rumour has it he is related to me Or maybe he isny BTW you still lost ! Iain
  18. Its really taking shape now young Alan, are you going to name this good ship "Blackpool illuminations! " I rewired flats with less lighting than that lot! My only worry on the horizon is the stainless steel cooker, nice as they are, they show up every mark possible. A wee wiring tip, leave plenty of spare capacity on each Circuit. Easier to add than take away later. You'll soon be off to the Med with it soon laddie : Iain.
  19. Grace, don't believe any golfer that says it disny rain on a golf course! I should know lol I was Match Secretary at one of the local clubs here. We have several courses all links and all are a mile plus away from the clubhouse at the 10th tee so getting drooket was common place. Take my advice stick to the rod n string wi a hook. Iain.
  20. Eric, I stand corrected. Nah a sit doon corrected. lol So yer no long tae yer joining oor elite band then. Iain.
  21. Aye Eric laddie you dae that so you do! lol Iain.
  22. Helpmaboab Eric, yer Mels twin! Iain.
  23. Grace, fur a blondish wuman yer daein no to terrible! Iain.
  24. Keith, if doing the Cally n Loch Ness, tack my advice, do not do it in the Midgie Season. Unless you like being eaten alive! I prefer these days if went up yon way, to dae the length of it all by car. Yon boats look too high oot the water fur ma dodgey old legs. Asfur yon wee fella Mel Gibson, his scottish accent wizny the worstest ave heard Iain. p.s. Some words in my scots accent for Grace to practice on!
  25. Up here we have Green for general waste, Blue for Glass, paper and plastic, Brown for garden, oh and Small Grey for used food waste. Wonder if we will get a White one next for snow waste? I do hope this problem is resolved soon, with the Broads reaching peek season! Iain.
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