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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Well, I am back in gods country, after a interesting 11 days on the Broads. It was nice to be back on the rivers again taking things easy. The crew of my wife and sister in law and yours truely set off from Herbert Woods on Tuesday 29th April, departure time 1.30pm, the boat was ready at mid - day thank you Herbert Woods for that, much appreciated. Out onto the Thurne and decided to chance my arm and head for Ranworth. Cruise was a good shake down to see how the boat handled, over all for a bath tub NTT. Arrived at Ranworth and nabbed the mooring at the starboard corner looking over to the Church. A privateer was outof his boat in panic of me coming in to moor stern on, next to him. Manouver done a piece of cake no bumping and moored up for the night. A very nice meal enjoyed by all with very attentive staff too. Wednesday 30th April was a nice cruise up to Barton Turf for lunch, and Sutton Staithefor overnight mooring. My one gripe on the Ant was a nutter on a Spring Horizon overtaking on bend WHATS THE HURRY??? Thursday May 1st, had told my crew to go do the Mayday wash in the grass at dawn, that fell like a lead ballon and breakfast became self service! Today we were heading for Wroxham/Hoveton. The usual viewings through Horning, I am sure half the boats moored at the homes never move from year to year! Arrive at Wroxham Bridge and await the Pilot, this is another moan of mine, having taken over 100 boats of different designs myself in the past, I now feel inadequate. By now my left foot was like a balloon with arthritus, so no Roys for me. Ladies went, but bought nothing of note, just ships stores. Friday May 2nd, awoke to a bit of dampness in the air, my original intention was to go and see the new Model Railway exhibition, but my left foot thought otherwise. So a we had a nice toodle up to Coltishall and a public staithe bereft of any boat life at all. Has the pilot service or all these new high level boats reduced what gets up there now? Just a thought. Headed back down to collect said Pilot again and down to The Ferry Inn for the night. The ladies used the pool out back later. I wont bore you with every day of the holiday as I had to stay on board most of the time with said sair foot. However, I must mention Norwich Yacht Station. My fault not reading all the info on it, but, if you are going to stay overnight be there just after 10am and get the full 24 hours mooring time, otherwise pay for the day and head off back down river. Also don't let one of the HMs there near your ropes, I asked him to put the spare bow rope as a spring through the ring and double knot it but he tied it like a lock knot. We had to get a gasman working on the road to untie it with a screwdriver! Anyway, on our final day on the river we encountered the weather I have only seen in late October, very strong winds and driving rain, not forgetting the thunder and lightening, I suppose it was my closing stanza as I entered the boatyard at full throttle nearly to keep her straight through the bridge. Overall, a nice relaxing holiday, just a pity my body decided to play up whilst there. Oh nearly forgot the bacon roll from the store at Stokesby is/was amazing. Also Rosie Lees coffee at Loddon, there, thats two plugs for the locals. My left foot and crew shall return again, god willing. Iain. p.s. If you see spelling ot grammatic errors, tough I aint editing it so there.
  2. Well looking at its old J reg that was about 1975 so the old girl will have covererd the Broads a fair number of hours cruising. The Astons yard lads always checked that clock when we came back on any Aston Concorde Class at Loddon. Iain.
  3. Look on the brightside Geoff, it could have been worse, an hour out of your life! Iain.
  4. Frank, if I had set that programme up to promote The Broads, the Producer and Editor would now be looking for new employment. The editing was a shambles, why so much time wasted on a ice cream boat! Iain.
  5. His opening remarks saying the TOWN of Potter Heigham. Looks like the editor wasn't even at the film shoot! Iain Yippeee only 4 days to go!
  6. Perhaps they used Warwick to show the shortcomings on The Broads? Iain.
  7. Awe Grace panic not, I will be gentle....honest! Iain.
  8. Forgot to say Grace...err am half Welsh as well as being a Scot! Iain.
  9. Nah Pally, mine are home made wans, frae used Irn Bru cans and Ginger bottles ! P.s Am a freen of Mr S! Iain.
  10. Grace panic not am very thick skinned (Psoriasis sufferer) lol As for wearing a kilt, sadly I have not worn one in years, but have noticed of late many sassenachs do at weddings etc. I personally have a very expensive pair of tartan troosers of my family clan. Cost in excess of £250.00 In my opinion, its without doubt, the smartest garb available to man and woman. Oh BTW I can dish oot the funnies too! Trust me Attached why I dinny wear the kilt no more. Iain.
  11. Nah dont have a windup TV....mines steam powered! Progress thats called! Oh yes I will increase the number of depth charges and torpeados I bring next week! : Iain.
  12. I don't know about down south, but District Round Tablers, and Rugby Clubs do displays up here, perhaps maybe something similar down south. I would guess they would all be close to the 5th though. Ah JTF you will soon be catching up on me 60 indeed just a youngster still! Iain.
  13. Oh dear Martin they say there is no cure fur afflictions like that. Take eight pints of Adnams Broadside and just maybe it may act as a cure. Therefter you shoodny unnerstawn Jon again! Iain.
  14. I must be goin blin O^O¬ I canny see a classic boat pics Jon? Iain.
  15. Soundings I respect what you are doing, done. I for one though will chug up the Ant next week, I know what you are saying, and it doesn't take rocket science what the problem can be at certain times of the day and night on the Ant. I hope you have some wonderful sailing on Hickling Broad, a place I have had the pleasure of wakening up to in full view, staying at the Houseboats at Whisperring Reeds yard. Who knows maybe I will be lucky enough to get through that bridge and wave to you as you tack. Iain.
  16. I cannot agree with you regarding too busy, yes in the early 80's it was like the M25 at times, its just some on the River Ant are not willing to stick at 4mph or less, sad I know, but nothing is going to change it there, till the BA book more for speeding !! Iain.
  17. For those like me who live north of Hadrians Wall, that prog will be on Sky Channel 973 as we have a different prog on at 8pm. Iain.
  18. Tut tut Jon laffin at the afflicted tourists! I will be down in just ower a week so watch yersel you may BUMP intae me Been lookin forward tae this holeiday fur munths. Will bring doon the odd depth charge or twa sorry cans foo oh irn bru DIET version so you have been warned keep aff ma bit of the river! Eight days to go, canny wait! Iain.
  19. May I wish you all a very Happy Easter and boating too! Iain.
  20. From what I can see the neap tides next month are Saturday 10th and Sunday 25th may if that is any help. Both late afternoon Low Water. I hope you can squeeze through. It was over on very low tides ( 9ft ) last year early October. Iain.
  21. Alan get yer (_!_) and yer boat through yon bridge, if Jason says it can go, dinny chicken out, it would be a lovely cruise up the Ant in your own boat am sure! Then all that is braw about Irstead and Barton Broad. You might even be unlucky and see me on that river in about a fortnight or so. Iain.
  22. 50! Just a whippersnapper Many happy returns Mike. Have a good one. Iain.
  23. Enjoy the weather folks, but it will be wall to wall sunshine from 29th April for 11 days on The Broads! Iain.
  24. Jan hi, on a techy note, see am off topic...again I notice your smilies dont work. Do you have the latest abode reader 11? That may be the reason you aint showing them. Back on topic, see I can do that IF you lot were to come and BBQ up here just now you would all end up in bed with pluracy! Brrrrrr!!! Oh and well done the local butcher too. Iain.
  25. That was twa sober drivers Jon lol I was at a wedding and as I am now TT I also was on Diet Coke and Diet Irn bru. I like tae mix my drinks Iain.
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