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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. That looks a very good speed, John. Get it going, then head to your local for a few pints while it downloads! 0 The Q has described the system well. Like all new programmes, it takes time to find how it all operates. Best of luck . Iain
  2. Hi All, I know we don't do politics on the Forum, but feel I must pass comment on the dreadful killing of Jo Cox MP today. My thoughts and prayers go out to her husband and family. RIP. Iain
  3. Really? Has Maradonna signed for England on the quiet In your own hands indeed! Nah no change of country, but I am dreading the World Cup qualifiers. Iain
  4. Well that was Men against Boyos, and the Men won! Iain
  5. You don't look anything like the above pic Poppy!
  6. I sat on the triplex one at the golf course once. Great fun ,but, a modicum of skill is required to keep it running straight !
  7. Ah, so you like watching garden lawn motor mowers then Eric Iain
  8. Two or three hours out away from SWMBO
  9. Perhaps now is the time to rejig as in widen Ludham Bridge during the off season? This would hopefully reduce the log jam that is there now, and can only become worse with even more craft wishing to pass through this bridge ! Just a thought. Iain
  10. I got as far as the second paragraph JM, the phrase using BNP ended it for me ! Iain
  11. Oh JM, being a Liverpool fan from a very early age, I met Bill Shankley,once, I am the last person to ask regading the gent in the pic ! Iain
  12. Litter lout! Leaving that water bottle on the base of the stairway ! Shocking !3,
  13. From memory nearly up to the lock. But I chickened out when hit the bottom, plus, all the vegitation in the water. It has or is being cleared I read. Broad Ambition with Griff and I think Robin have a thread about being moored up there. Will go try and find it ! Iain
  14. Awe Grace, you poor lady, tied to a tree all night ! Still whatever takes your fancy ! Iain
  15. Polly was saying about the fishermen and a Irish pop star -Bob Geldof - having words on boats outside Westminster on the Thames, MM. Roll on the 24thJune !!! Aye it will be all over then, wont it? If this thread elongates into In and Out It will disappear methinks ! Iain
  16. One thing not mentioned, it can take a while to download depeding the power of your broadband etc. Doing it in the busy times for example, may cause a slower loading of 10. In saying that 2pm today I would think would be ideal! Iain
  17. He did, maybe he has a twin ! He had a few howlers in the past season. Get to bed Neil if yer that tired! Iain
  18. I have one laptop on Chrome the other lappy on IE both work fine with W10 Iain
  19. Certainly do....it rhymes with bigger.
  20. Word of warning, dinny watch the France v Albania game tonight, its being refereed by a dumplin called Wullie Collum, he is only fit tae ref tiddly winks, on a windy day in the Shetlands! Aye he's that bad! Iain
  21. Engurland don't have a Gareth to Bale them out!
  22. Tell that person you can get treatment for using such an appliance , Eric! Iain
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