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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. As you live close to where they build and test the Lifeboats, Neil, a few pics showing the sheer size of the set up at Poole may surprise some. I have on disc somewhere and will try and hunt out soon. Iain
  2. Portland Bill lighthouse I have climbed, Neil, all 153 steps its a long way down to the sea from the top ! Iain
  3. Looking good, Steve, Hopefully many cruises this season Iain
  4. Neil, You have my sympathy, a mate of mine also suffers it. Me, oh I have been up extension ladders and high scaffolding, through my work. But, the best view I have had on the Broads is up both Horsey and Sutton windmills, amazing views. Iain p.s. I had to talk an apprentice down off a ladder, when he froze with vertigo.
  5. We had an excellent fishmonger in Troon, but know one in the next generation of the family was willing to take it on, so it has closed. Very sad. Iain
  6. Excellent Alan, so if its garbage, we can blame you for the viewing figures ! Iain
  7. I hope I am not tempting fate.....but....common Andy!!! I hope you can win in Paris today ! Iain
  8. Agreed, and, just a thought, with more and more, or less and less viewers to the BBC, why do we still have to pay them a licence that as each year goes by, is very poor value for money IMHO. As for the Amazon product, I will wait and watch to see the feed back for their "new" format prog will be like. Iain
  9. When I was younger, much younger, my father was able to get fresh fish down at Ayr Harbour as soon as the fishing boats moored up to sell their catch. My mother was an expert at skinning and filleting haddock and whitting, so from boat to table was less than a couple of hours, and oh how could you tell the difference compared to fish n chip shop fish ! In the fifties and sixties, it was not unknown for what I think was called "Blackjack" fish to be sold as haddock in some F&C shops. I am not a fish eater, the smell of salmon makes me ill. However I still like to try the very occasional chippies fayre. Iain
  10. Oh please, let's not go there
  11. His travel case would look a bit silly with that attached to it ! Mind you, the way they jostle in the London underground it could become a new fad !
  12. Just watched it....again, and noted buildings that look just the same today, as they did then. In those days the only boats I saw as a child were the pleasure steamers and fishing boats at Ayr harbour. Thanks once again for bringing to us Carol, another piece of Broads history. Iain
  13. Tut tut Boycee you really meant Mags 21st Birthday.....again! Hope you have spoiled her rotten ! Iain
  14. And Me ! Carbonated mind blowing discoloured water! Now a certain few German biers that's a different kettle of fish ! Hic! Iain
  15. Oh I played ice hockey on the River Ayr in 1963, it was frozen over for weeks ! So look forward to seeing you in your shorts Vaughan ! Iain
  16. You mean soggy dough Dave? Can't get proper bread these days !
  17. I too had a Canon 35mm for years. Then a Sony digital cassette video camera. Now like Strowy, I have a Panasonic bridge one. With the cards the work you can save to it is amazing. The fun begins when you down load it later ! Iain
  18. Hi Neil, A couple of suggestions..... http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/old_fashioned_rabbit_74225 and this one.... http://www.food-first.co.uk/gmf-slow-cooked-rabbit-stew/ Happy cooking! Iain
  19. I have been clattered at Ludham bridge moorings by a first timer going far too fast. But worst of all for me, three times blootered at Stokesby! Boats coming in with the tide, too fast! Iain
  20. Errr in those days Richos were with Blakes, and you went into the HW Yard to get their Pilot I seem to remember. Or was that just for their boats? I do know you used the Pilot as we were on a Richos elysian called Streamway in 1977 Oops Charles norty boys ! Iain
  21. Great photos Strowy thank you for posting. More please ! Am greedy! Also, so pleased the weather so far has been kind to them all. Iain
  22. I am sure we could find enough space for you, Paul. Iain
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