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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Not sure you are right Tim, ideas, sorry professional planning, I believe, though not substaniated, was carried out at the Public Conveniences next to Norwich Market ! Iain
  2. Admin really must get aroma vision on here ASAP! Iain
  3. Hi Ray, I spent 10 days checking out SUVs and MPVs before I opted for the Renault Scenic. It has the lowest sill to enter. However, if I could have afforded the Rav4 Toyota, that would now be my car. A lot of the SUV & MPVs are high silled, unfortunately. I have a friend/customer with rhumatroid arthritis and that is what she drives. Hope this helps. Happy motor hunting ! Iain
  4. It was chocolate box, its now IMHO a tin box! I look to port as we head towards Wayford and blink lots on the return trip Sorry, but I just don't like the alterations. Iain
  5. Very true, Jean, but I have had another mail from HW.... http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=3b9d161caf6bb9ad264cb395d&id=92364d8d61&e=63dc11297a so a tad back on thread! Iain
  6. Why does he keep two dozen Yorkie puddins under the floor? Strange folk frae Donny right enough Tim Iain
  7. Yep, beautiful morning up here in sunny Ayrshire, but later, windy,blowy. Disruption to the coastal ferries has been warned. I hope all the folks from down south who go to the Isle of Arran for Easter make it without delay. Iain
  8. Smugglers on the Broads.com Norty Timbo Iain
  9. Just a normal Easter on the Broads. Come well prepared for all weathers, then you wont be disapointed Iain Happy Easter !
  10. A bacon n egg "Stottie" not the 12" version I may add from the lay-by at Scotch Corner....what a mouthful! Brill value too! Iain.
  11. Hi Andrea, I have turned a 42ft Carribean from Richardsons up there, just use the ropes is my advice. Lovely quiet spot too Iain
  12. Find a nice sheltered spot for the weekend, word has it its going to be a bit blowy! Well it is up here! Iain
  13. Poo-bag sounds far more polite, Alan! Iain
  14. By accident I discovered it's one of our members birthday today Ian (Chelsea14Ian) Many happy returns Ian Iain
  15. The men in white coats are at the door!
  16. I have heard of a husband called many things, but, NEVER a polishing attachment!! How could you Polly! Iain
  17. Tony, I was going to summat similar, but thought better of it, having heard from a very good source that Ray has a Black Belt in Ludo! Iain
  18. Too much information Polly Iain
  19. Hi Steve2604, Welcome aboard the NBN Forum. My advice would be to stick to the North Broads being as its your first time handling a Broads cruiser. There is plenty to see and do, and please take your time and take it all in. If you have kids,you can go up to Wroxham moor at the yards before the bridge and take them see the Model Railway there. If no kids, its still worth a visit IMHO. Watch out for the Broadcaster 2016 paper http://html5.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=Broadcaster&pubid=d55702b1-4b67-415b-ae69-0ad00f49e71f Take it nice and slow is my main advice, its not a race! Iain
  20. Calm down, Howard, its not Gracie in her high heels doing the "Hucklebuck" ......is it Jean? Seriously, like Howard I also look forward to the video. Iain
  21. Hi Jean, We were moored next to that boat at Rockland St Mary three years ago, then it had 240v shore power cable? It was with Ferry Marina then. I wonder why its been removed? Enjoying the tale Iain
  22. NO! Far too cold yet! Really Marshy, we aint all built of steel, like you! Iain.
  23. Ah....a PROPER train! Ta for posting FTM Iain
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