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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. Hi i take it your bringing the bin liner down?? If so you can t get past trowse rail bridge in Norwich or past beccles road bridge(old) check the tides for springs for loddon and rockland although time it mid tide you have no problem at 11ft you'll have to Wait at both swing bridges and get your times right at Yarmouth (sorry if I am sucking eggs but you did ask!!) Sonia s at the ferry house surlingham is a must !! Mud weighting on surlingham broad if calm very peacefull also Langley dyke very wild!
  2. If it does more than 6 miles an hour..... It's totally unsuitable for the broads!!
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm0J0Jtdui4 they do go well with diesels in them!!
  4. yup!! i thought one of them was 650x
  5. http://apolloduck.net/328857 A whole working engine!!
  6. There goes the coffee all over the screen lol
  7. you need ally anodes, the water is brakish where you are(weak yess but brakish) mag anodes will just fizz away at a pace, i reckon to get about 2.5 years from ally one,s, as for the clips you need the full salt water one,s, i forget the stainless number but someone will know, we moore at st olaves
  8. I do know why he was sailing up the right bank, but he was doing this after he had made a tack, a simple wave of his arm would have been appropriate....he just could n,t be bothered, i had no clue if he was going to tack or not so followed the rules of the road,all he had to do was steer 2 degrees starboard, but no played chicken , he misjudged the speed , didn,t blink an eyelid, and tacked to get out of the mire, if he had done this with a less powered boat he would have been splinters, a simple mistake,which didn,t need to happen......a clear wave is all it takes....and some basic manners.
  9. Hi find live cable which feeds them then trace back there maybe an inline fuse, sometimes there fitted near the battery
  10. Must be something about the tat ha around the reedcuters area we passed serveral yatchs there who were brilliant indicated early which side to pass,then there was one who was sailing up the right bank on a direct coarse for us no signal at all ,we had the tide behind us , it got close to him being run over very close, it took 300 horse power of engines in reverse to miss him a total berk,a local boat owner who moors down Langley described them as big headed ********* so beware around the reedcutters
  11. Currently moored At Norwich Yatch station new crew member doing well!!
  12. Waiting for next thursday evening week on the boat yipeeee
  13. Canopys are a pain in the proberbale ,trouble with them you got store them someware and on sports boats like that targa27 theresnot a lot of options.On the th sea you get a lot of spray at speed keeping Canopys on keeps salt away from your electronics and moor inportantly away from your gt!!!
  14. Que you didn t mention theotherTUG in your life 52 gallens an hour?
  15. darn sourth where there is a shelf, the ba bang in 2 by 2 yellow posts , because of the shifting silts, perhaps the lower Bure could do with some??....dosn,t help if your asleep thou!! opps didn,t read post above!
  16. Good i remember the Wren block!! had to be escorted...... for protction not for them....for me!! fixing heating in there was a nightmaare
  17. Please excuse the camera shake this was shot at max zoom on my walk round lens(300mm) on a rocking boat! Here,s the Wren complete with bugs for the little one,s, you never know what,s going on right next to you!!
  18. There you go Gracie!! it is a wrens nest, jenny bieng the nickname for a Wren.....will post pic tonigh;t well done mauricemynah!
  19. HI, nice to see you posting again, took a while to work out who was waving at us friday!, to give an example , we have to be very careful when motoring against the tide, the speed limit has little influence on the way we go against tide because with a 4 knot tide running our boat simply digs it,s stern in and produces a hugh wash at 6mph, Going with the tide we produce very little wash at 6mph over the ground.
  20. A quick flutter?? with a members boat at oulton broad, first name is the nickname of this creature??,there you go gracie
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