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Everything posted by Polly

  1. We are up to 25 boats as of today. 😊
  2. Spring is on its way! Our Spring Gathering is a great opportunity to get together, have a BBQ, a drink, a chat; to meet old friends and make new ones. Here’s the current outline: Friday, May 15th Ranworth. This is a come as you please, moor as you please day. Some may get on the Staithe, others may mudweight, raft up, or moor on the island, whatever you like. Forum Flags and Channel 4 will help identify forum members who are around for informal get togethers. Saturday May 16th 1030am we depart in single file, flags and bunting flying if you have them for a cruise in company to Salhouse Broad Lunchtime Meet and greet after mooring up.We plan for some stalls, demos or exhibitions in the afternoon. Tea and cake at 4pm! + Lazy Treasure Hunt Quiz at 5.30 7pm BBQ and music. We usually have a bring and share bar running throughout. Sunday May 17th informal. People chat and boat visit and depart at their own pace. Salhouse Broad mooring for Saturday has to be paid in advance! So please, as you sign up also use the Paypal button, at the top of the page, to pay £10 for your mooring. Sorry, this has to be non-refundable. In the event that we have a small amount left over, we will donate it to one of our charities and keep members informed of this.
  3. New members are welcome, as well as long-standing.
  4. Hello and welcome! Wroxham Broad next to the sailing club; Horning next to The Swan, key at Post Office I think; Hoveton, Marsh Road, at Landamores, £12; This one is a bit awkward as it could use a bit of restoration, and has a lip, but we use it. Sutton Staithe at the boatyard. I guess the one at Womack is public too, but I really don’t have the facts on this one. There is a slip at Martham Boats that may be available, ring them to check? Also one at Upton check with Eastwood Whelpton about use, but I think it is public. Hope this helps. Nice boat!
  5. Is there an echo in your shed JA ?
  6. You have got me thinking!!!!! Phill and I are spending many hours stripping down Brilliant’s topsides, maybe we could go Deks Olje, it is a really hardworking finish for wood. It is easy to apply and fairly non slip as compared to your traditional 6 coats(+) of varnish. No it is not cheap, but neither is decent varnish. Hmmmm.
  7. All welcome! New and established members of NBN
  8. We have used this on the dinghy since 2000 satin finish as Marshman says but very durable.
  9. The quiz was fine,Arthur. Many thanks.
  10. That is very sad, Ray, all the best and please stay ‘on board’ the Forum.
  11. Yes midships cleat was a boon on the canals when we were short-handed. I am surprised more boats don't have them.
  12. No need to get personal, it helps nobody in the long run.
  13. Some of us are/were mods and have to plough through, not ignore so that isn’t the whole picture. This Forum also has a committee (non moderating) who read as a matter of duty if you like. My point is not that issues should never appear but that the endless wrangling is deeply counterproductive.
  14. “I would much rather that the many negative threads started by those who campaign against the BA, and specifically it CEO, did not even appear here, but were confined to campaigning sites like Protect The Broads We are Not a National Park. I'm sorry, but the nub of this is a rather childish, but unfortunately accurate, "He started it Miss" If this site is used as a vehicle to campaign, then there will always be push back.” I agree with all of the above posted by Batrabill. The same few insistent wranglers are damaging this Forum. We suffer as NBF suffered before us. I have been reading the same squabbling for something like15 years!! I think of it as the abuse of a resource, to which some of us commit time and money, only to see it subverted. Have I lobbied Parliament? yes Have I written in support of the Broads? Yes again. Do I think the anti BA campaign has lost its objectivity and balance? You bet I do!
  15. Completely agree with Helen, this is like Groundhog Day.
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