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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Thank you for your comments seaboater.. very much appreciated and all noted.
  2. Thanks David.. I just scrolled back to beginning and it just brought back memories! I forgotten it was that bad! It's strange how you quickly get used to a change.. I'm looking forward to putting a kitchen in though, I think that will really change the feel in there.. although it feels very comfortable and homely (in fact nicer than our houseboat but thats all good I guess!). Thanks Grace and Iain I didn't quite managed to get it all sweeped out and tidied up, plus I do want to keep a little bit more of a suspense as my finished design (if you can call it though) will soon be evident I think blood sweat and tears is still more fitting for a project boat lol
  3. lol Hi Paul, We've not grabbed from mum yet but we have heard it's heavy! But I wouldn't worry I'd rather have more weight in the mudweight than less.. We will put a windlass in one day anyway. Thanks again for doing this.. I will send some money over to the forum shortly (need payday!)..
  4. First thing this morning straight down the chandlers to collect the second windscreen motor which they priced matched for me (I saved £20 by having the cheek to ask!), Next off to the timber yard to collect three 6mm sheets to finish off the headlining.. Thankfully the job wasn't too bad to do.. once again being a perfectionist I was expecting this to be hard but the tick stick and router made it easy work.. if anything I made the boats a bit tight although I think it will still work when we cover with foam backed headlining. We cut the holes out for the recessed lights (managed to miss the beams for once too!) and cut out 2 of the vents holes.. time was getting on though so we need to cut the other two out tomorrow.. Tomorrow we also need to carefully mark the batterns and screw up in regular intervals as I gave up trying to do invisible fixings and will just use material covered screws but I think it will still look ok (I have to compromise somewhere).. We also quickly installed the wiper and dave will wire up in the week. It looks a bit different with these boards just temporary up like this.. when we got the boat it didn't have headlining so it's a new look.. So tomorrow, we need to cut out the vents with the router and mark the final screw holes.. Also epoxy the backs of the bulkhead boards and we will put a coating of wood treatment on the headlining boards..
  5. and welcome to the forum.. I suggest http://www.naturalheating.co.uk/they are in attleborough.. I'm not sure if they will install although we found them to be very helpful when we purchase our stove for our houseboat and I'm sure they can advise you how to fit it yourself successfully. Good luck
  6. Thanks again guys. I've just booked a hotel for last saturday in november so we will come up and have a good look around.. Looking forward to it (Weekend off!!)
  7. Thanks Frank. Appreciate your typing and thanks for the points.. certainly good point on electric .. we don't intend to install shore over at the moment but there probably will be the need to at some point so good point to consider... I'm a bit worried how we will find a full years mooring although there's ways (credit card lol!). I think we will try and get up and take a look around soon.. Thats a good point Steve, I have neglected to consider the extra travelling time although we have always hired from Brundall and my folks are still in Brundall so I think it would be nice to be somewhere different.. I'm also thinking being in stalham would be better for weekends.. weekends from brundall don't give too many options and lots of "sailing" but thanks for reminding me about the extra driving time that's something to consider... all
  8. Thanks Barry and Chris.. Appreciate your help! I want to come up and take a look around now! Barry I've sent an email over.. thanks again. Looking forward to seeing more pictures.
  9. Thanks Clive.. if you empty out early next year please give me a shout.. I think it will be quite fun to sit watch first timers from your yard and not to mention keeping an eye on your new builds! - I'll try and get in touch with yourself or Paul a bit closer to the time too.. I know my folks are looking for their Alpha 29.
  10. Hi Baz, thanks for your reply. I will admit I've not been there but it seems like one of the most popular marinas.. we have of course been invited to look around and will probably make our way up in a few weeks. I think important things for us would be.. - is it generally safe and secure? - is there plenty of car parking? - are the owners decent and are rules generally logical and not over the top? - can we gain access 24 hours? (we will want to drive up and arrive late on fridays). - are there facilities like water, showers, loos, shops? (Are the loos and showers clean and tidy?). - I'm confused why there maybe space considering it's popular so are there any reasons causing people to leave and find alternative. - I heard about icing problems.. do you know if this causes problems, either whilst on the berth.. (or if out.. I doubt we will be up if its serious weather although I do like the idea of spending chrismas/new years aboard). - What type of berths are they? is it all solid finger berths? (does it flood this far up?) The chap mentioned about electric but I'm not concerned about that as we won't install shore power for the first year (We've only ever watched TV a couple of times whilst aboard). Do you know if I can pay monthly or quarterly too? (I forgot to ask this?). Also you know if they will want a deposit or anything? Have you got any pictures to share too.. I noticed some on NBF from 2007 - has it changed much? (Sorry I just noticed that's a lot to ask!! thanks in advance though!) Steve, why didn't you go? was it just because it's too big?
  11. I just had a good chat with someone at Broads edge.. Very helpful.. Stalham is on high on my list to base the boat. Is anyone moored at Broads edge marina? and can share any review? (p.s sod off mum you can stay down south!)..
  12. LOL.. I'm lost too.. hough this forums relaxed and sometimes quirky nature does go some way to explain why this forum is getting popular... but we need a translator for those of us south of Ipswich.. !!
  13. Totally agree.. A BSC just like an MOT is only as valid for that split second when the examiner was there.. boat owners can make changes as soon as they left... Although I would suspect the examiner would look closely at these as it really is one of the most dangerous parts of the boat... and therefore owners (you hope) wouldn't touch, but certainly anything posible!
  14. Steve, I'm no expert with cables (My mate is the electrical one).. the best advise I would give . is that if you are not an electrician then consult a qualified marine engineer before doing anything with electrical bits.. changing anything around battery leads can be very dangerous.. google isn't really the place to be going for this. (To reassure, if you boat has a recent BSC then I would suspect these battery cables are thick enough).
  15. Jim.. This forum is by far the best ... although to defend the other forum.. they did have a bit of down time yesterday so that may explain why no one replied to you.. (Or they were all on here instead!
  16. Quick update. Daves been over most evenings this week.. he's been playing with more wires (I think he's enjoying himself?!). I've been over and reminded him where to put lights and switches although he's written it down now! I'm not sure why it's so time comsuming although he did say today.. "You do know theres 8 lights in the dining room/kitchen running of 4 light switches and that excludes the 8 low level led floor lights".. whoops fair point.. although at least I've done my normal multi-way switching for him to keep it easy (hmm that would be nice actually...).. In case you are wondering we have lots of mini led rope lighting to keep it atmospheric in there (remember I said I have a "problem" with lighting .. this is the problem!).. Although lightning is important.. so it needs to work well.... So.. I went over today and he has managed to wire some lights in.. the bathroom lights now run off the switch and I pressed the button and it looks good.. (May need a little more led rope in there but that's not too much work (probably!). My impulse purchase light is on the wall in the front cabin and looks nice.. the light switches I struggled to decide on are up in the front cabin and look good.. The low level blue led lights are working and again look neat (perhaps a bit bright but still work well). No pictures though I'll keep some suspense for now
  17. Does anyone know/understand why sometimes portrait pictures sometimes upload screwed by 45 degrees? Is it my phone? I've noticed the workaround of flipping in photoshop 45 degrees, saving, then flipping back but it would save me a few moments if it didn't do that.. it's probably my phone.. (although its not an apple I hasten to add
  18. geez what engine have you got in that sailing boat ?
  19. (Fingers crossed for you Andy..). I still remember our first time seeing the ferry.. I was 17, had a 5.5 hour coach trip from london.. we had a 30 min induction by an old chap (Although he taught us a lot and I still use what he taught us today) left silverlines yard in brundall about 3pm.. we turned the corner and through the pouring rain and through the infrequent clearing of the inadequate windscreen wiper; oh cool its a little ferry.. quick grab my camera there's a ferry! get a little closer.. actually are we meant to do something here?! its moving.. no its not! Oh I remember reading about this in the catalogue.. it's a chain ferry!.. what does that mean.. I can't see no chains? I thought the chains are above it like that one up north.. no they are underneath? really the woolwich ferry doesn't do that?! no one mentioned what we do.. quick stop the boat.. (it's not stopping.. how do you stop again?!) grab the manual thing.. somewhere in there it should tell us what to do... where did we put that manual?! ... move the backpack its under the backpack.. can't find it.. oh well too late we are passed the ferry!!..Oh well no harm.. next bit how do we moor...what's for diner.. i'm hungry... It was a brilliant holiday though but I do remember thinking we should have had a booklet or even a video when we booked as it was a very steep learning curve. Although I do believe these days there is more information available on the internet (I watched the videos on Richardsons website and I think they are helpful).. although I still think perhaps the handbooks should be electronic and available for download??.. I agree with other comments that the people who should read/view these wont etc.. I also don't believe the yards shouldn't cotton wool too much because theres limited amount time etc and people do just want to get out and probably won't/can't listen (I remember being lost with the amount of info)... perhaps there should be more insurance charges for new hirers or more instruction but I suspect most hires go without incident.. Hard decisions.. Once again.. I feel for Andy.. he has lost income, had a lot of extra work and as usual I suspect lots of expense.. I do hope this is all resolved quickly for him.
  20. Iain is there anyway we can delete upto #4 and then lock.. i don't think he would question then all though.. dad's are hard to buy for so this would be good
  21. Steveanddebs! nothing to see there dad! (I'm going to have to get mum to hide his laptop now!)..
  22. .. I don't do if I see both ramps up.. you can see that from a good distance.. If its up and I'm with the tide I turn around and sit and wait pointing into the tide (Or practice my own ferry drifting!).. Hows she doing Andy? is she all fixed and looking pretty again?
  23. Thanks JM, but that ebay link doesn't work any more .. can we change the subject now.. nothing to read... Dad you will never find them...
  24. Geez I remember them... were they from norfolk? (wasn't me everyone!)..
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