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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Today, we had an easy day to be honest.. we both the starts of colds so are feeling pretty exhausted. Although we managed to get the three kitchen cabinets in.. we had to cut the backs though due to the shape of the fibreglass although it didn't need much and went together well.. We also did little bits.. Triming some of the sidelining. .tidy up.. Swapped the fuel tank over as the one we brought needed an inspection hatch but it wouldn't really take one.. but we had a spare one in the shed (like you do) and that will work better (It's taller and shorter so more space for the heater and the fuel sender will work better). Lots of pictures attached.. enjoy.. as you can image the boat at the yard here is getting lots of attention (we had 4 people walk around this morning!).. everyone likes my boaty lamp (It was my impulse purchase although thankfully didn't cost £250 like the first one I saw!).. This is the only bulkhead mounted lamp though so I wanted something boaty... The yacht clubs commodore came to look although he mentioned his wife was talking about it all the way home and now wants a power boat.. whoops!
  2. Thanks Maxwellian Paul! We have some spare epoxy so I'll give it a good paint I think when we have finished it will be no work for at least a year!! Mum needs to do her front cabin carpet though
  3. Geez thats alot of water! Pictures look insane.. Thanks for posting Neil. I hope it doesn't spoil your trip.. Makes for an unusual trip though.. It certainly makes you wonder why there isn't a barrier considering the amount of damage it can do...
  4. Grace.. we went greece a few years back and even though we had a hire car .. 5 star everything... we was bored.. and it's not relaxing as you have to make the most the holiday and it's rushing around (Even when you are on the beach you aren't relaxed)... time doesn't matter on the boat though and it's soo relaxing.. we will try and have the odd week in greece every few years just for a change but still will relax in norfolk ... I do believe it's getting too expensive to hire though but get your friends to try a week on a marthams boat and they will be bittern..
  5. Busy day and I'm exhausted! I spent all day gluing the headlining onto the boards.. Strangely hawke house made me buy and use waterproof PVA instead of contact adhesive... I wasn't confident but it's done really well and has glued on perfectly.. It was hard work to score and remove the form to staple over but again we managed.. Whilst I was doing this Dave nailed in the bulkheads and installed a couple more timber battens. Mum and dad popped in for lunch and brought the mudweight which was kindly donated by captmatt (Paul).. It is nice and chunky at 22kg so it should hold (thanks again Paul) . It's turning a few heads already as mudweights aren't used down here lol..! (Oh dad said no mermaid fenders on their boat lol!) After lunch and into the evening we carefully drilled the screw holes (Last weekend we test fitted these and marked the screwholes on the back so we can drill threw the fabric and know that the boards will fit).. thankfully all that prep work last weekend paid off and we quickly (In about 1 hour!) quickly installed the boards.. We are both very impressed with the outcome! it looks amazing (if I say so myself!) and certainly fells finished now!! The light really did started to go so I didn't get many pictures (I'll get more tomorrow).. but it really looks good! (better than I hoped!).. I quickly ran round and pushed in the recessed LED lights. Tomorrow, I brought the kitchen cabinets so we will cut them and put them in.. I'm also going to install a punnet above the windows as I don't like seeing the crease of curtains (and we will have LED rope lights there as a feature so will maybe fabricate them tomorrow (not that's why the edges of the headlining don't have buttons!).
  6. Enjoy guys.. I'm dreaming of our first day out with the boat on the broads.. it's probably a very strange feeling!
  7. Oh geez .. I knew there was a good reason why we got our own boat!! Do you want to check this with Dad before you by them? I don't think he will be too pleased having mermaid fenders!!
  8. Hi All, This landed in my sailing club mailbox.. The RNLI are doing a survey mainly focused on Sailing safety in the salty areas.. Although there are questions relevant to inland use and I'm sure they would welcome your comments. It looks like if you complete it you can go into a draw to win a PLB (Not really useful on the broads but still!). Closes 9th November http://www.rnliyachting.substance.coop/
  9. Mid week (ish) update. Thankfully the storm surge didn't do any damage for us apart from wash the ladders and kept me up most of the night.. Dave's been over and nailed the bulkhead walls up and tested the lighting circuits to ensure all will be fine when we come to put the headlining boards up... he's probably done more bits with electrical cables too. I've ordered the headlining material and stainless steel staples and hopefully they should arrive tomorrow (fingers crossed).. This evening I also went and collected the kitchen cabinets (B&Q ) although they are oak cabinets (I know this is a botch but it will be quick and easy - It should look ok too though - we can always replace later in the boats life). I've also just ordered a starlight cooker too.. (We dont have space for a moonlight ) I promise I'll get some pictures this weekend
  10. Ok Silly question from me.. What happens to the fish? is this water now mostly salt water and all the fresh water fish have pegged it? (or did they manage to swim further up to fresh water and survive!) or this part too salty anyway for fresh water fish?
  11. mum it was discussed back in may on another forum.. you can't but it in the UK.. and 39 bucks for what is solar light from the pound shop isn't worth it.. so DIY option is pound shop for the light and a chanders for a rail mount flag pole socket.
  12. They are though.. it's only banter... Thankfully mums not worked out what fender socks are (and red ones can be bleached! lol shhh).
  13. lol what are you lot like! Thanks everyone for helping mum...
  14. Jim I quite liked it although it was expensive.. .. there's not so much of a view though (unless you like car parks).. Inside is "different and modern" but worth a look.. I must admit we stayed out till quite late the time we went and I got really wasted which is unlike for me so it wasn't a bad pub! (Strangely the road noise didn't notice either) .
  15. They do know the train tracks on the other side of the cut don't they?
  16. lol, here here... also please do not use ronseal on the any timber work.. its a pain to remove! Do not replace your transom with chipboard either.. it just doesn't work!
  17. lol no chance! .. thankfully mums clearly struggling with even black ones!
  18. Frank.. we would like to be on the ends of the rivers really as it makes for ideal weekend fishing trips ( I can't wait to get back to falling asleep whilst pretending to fish!). The trip up the ant is normally the best part of the holiday so I think it would be great to be based there! We live on a residential mooring here so we are used to lots of rules and some of the them I dare to admit but I agree.. such as working on the boats, I don't really want the noise and stress of others working near my boat when I'm relaxing!. We are coming up the last week of november so will certainly try and look around (I need to try get back in touch with David and arrange) so hope to see you then Once again though appreciate everyone's comments, it's all very helpful, we will be looking at other places although we do like stalham and wayford (I need to take look at Jons yard too)..
  19. whys thats? feel free to PM.
  20. Lol sorry Grace, I do type too much .. It will be worth it in the end lol I promise I'll get some pictures soon.. You don't want to spoil the suspense though.. we've all been through this for the last few months! Ok so we back home and the suns still up!.. we had a good day and a good weekend.. Today we have done all of the prep work for the headlining boards, this included; cutting the holes out for the last vents and led recessed lights which will be recessed into the boards, marked and carefully measured where all the screws will go so they look neat and tidy (74 in total! they will be covered with the same material), boards then moved and taken outside (in the 50mph wind!) and the backs coated with 2 coats of wood treatment, The bulkhead boards also coated with a coat of epoxy.. and that was it but we had a early and it was hard long weekend.. Next weekend though hopefully (if I can get it here in time) cover the boards with foam backed headlining (despite its disadvantages (i.e 4-5 year life span and slightly outdated look) I still like it and it will give a little more insulation.. we are also doing large boards so to give it a little more of a modern look and the boards are screwed up so they can be replaced at any time). We also will start to order the kitchen. No pictures today largely because most of the boards and panels are down to allow them to dry so it actually looks like we have gone backwards today but midweek we can permanently secure these in ready for the headlining.
  21. Good luck Frank.. Keep the posts and pictures coming
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