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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Delayed and welcome from me too ... this forum is a friendly forum and all us on here aim to help and support anything broads related (and even beyond).. I know sad aren't we! Please do feel welcomed our intentions are only for the better and I'm sure you will see lots of support for your project if you go ahead with it.. don't forget our first look though! :
  2. I second Peter (JennyMorgan).. there really arent many clubs and not many boaters belong to clubs.. so we aren't interested in clubs. (I'm a member of a club here on the medway and don't follow them either!). I also don't like reading magazines on a tablet or pc.. I work in IT and spend far too long on my laptop.. I like features such as; new boat reviews (but river boats really not sea boats.. the odd sea boat review is a nice to see but not frequently) motorboat owner do a good job at reviewing older boats which is really interesting as the majority of broads owners aren't bling boat owners.. so to read about older boats, which is probably what we will invest in one day, is a better idea...(they have a freeman 23 write up this month!) Things like local business insight (like a behind the scenes of broadland businesses). Pub reviews would be interesting (anywhere between medway and north norfolk - We've been to a few anyway but still!! ). I do enjoy reading about new toys but only cheap ones (We don't need plotters!) and things that will really help me.. (Cookers, loo reviews etc.. things we may upgrade over time), I also enjoy reading about distant places as there is more to the east coast but don't make it the biggest feature. General broads/East coast news (although it needs to be up to date).. insights into Broadsbeat and the BA would be interesting.. also hireboat news would probably be interesting (New hire boats reviews)..I like the mishaps photos in pbo and MBO.. what's coming up, what can I do when I'm up next (a bit like broadcaster which is always an interesting read).. what happened reviews (Horning boat show review etc).. good old competitions... Things on this forum which are popular are things like wayford bridges blog, insights into Clive Richardsons boat builds, (restoration projects )... Clearly there's lots you guys could be doing... I think you can make it if you tried again.. there is a gap at the moment for the average (motor)boater (Motorboat owner is good although it has little in there about Norfolk and it's electronic).. PBO is too sailey now and I don't want to know (No offence!).. the other motorboat mags are full of gym palaces and I'm not interested either)... I'll stop typing now
  3. Well done frank.. looking good and certainly sounds like you are getting right stuck in.. Keep it up.. as Grace says we need more pictures!
  4. Thanks for the official word there bowwave. I've always enjoyed it.. when it first came out it was part of my broads experience (Into lathams to grab a copy).. I'm a recent subscriber and although it has lots its focus recently, (i.e you could see how this forum works as an example how news, gossip and stories are in demand), I still enjoyed getting my copy in the post so I find it's sad that its being wound down.. hopefully you can resurrect it again sometime soon. Good luck..
  5. Lol Iain.. I'm never putting pink fenders on and if I ever find any on there this forums to blame! Mark.. your panels there look very smart , I've tried to do larger panels to help get away with the cutting errors ! but I love the look of yours if only I had more guts!! Thanks for your comments too means a lot from a pro!
  6. Thanks for your kind words Alan I don't think we have any problem if the boat becomes famous although there will always be the odd bit to finish off so hopefully people don't look too closely .. But we will have to come to a few forum meet up's and show her off
  7. Thanks Grace.. I always felt like we gave up on the interior on the last boats so I really want to do a good job and prove (to myself) that we can get a similar look on the nice posh modern boats.. If we can then I'm happy (I'm sure we are a long way off the professional standard though and I know we can't get anywhere near the likes of broom etc).
  8. Thanks All, those instructions really were reading between the lines.. but at least its in and we are still talking.. I think it needed us both.. one reading and one doing lol that's my excuse anyway! I get you there Iain..these where clearly badly translated from German!! Today's update; We prepared the wheelhouse for the timber sideing (it will be mahogany and look nice).. we had a few screw holes leaking though which needed sorting so this was done, also tided some cabling up etc... Also we tackled the pelmets (whatever you call them!).. these have been coated with recycled black leather (not pleather which dave called it.. yeah i made him smell it..).. it is real leather but just been reformed and bit cheaper but still expensive enough!.. I wanted to use a chocolate brown but they didn't have stock so had to order Black.. to be honest I didn't quite like the black but it's starting to grow on me and it does look ok.. we have had to do these quite large too due to the shape of the superstructure but again I think it's worked and broken up all the white.. We also installed the LED strips and connected them up.. we had a little problem with one of them and it went up and a down a few times (and it wasn't easy to install as the fixings are all hidden... With the lights installed I'm pleased with the finish though (it's hard to capture on my phone) but it does look very nice and it's nice to have lots of mood lighting.. (we don't really need the spot lights on)... (can anyone see far horizon yet??)..
  9. We are still going...! So midweek, Dave got the fuel tank plumbed in and relaxed a bit.. I didn't do much lol Today as the weather wasn't brilliant we tackled the heater install, to be honest it wasn't as bad as we thought and it's largely in.. the webasto kit isn't brilliant though some parts are bad quality and just not up to the job.. the instructions are crap too.. so if you do try and install one of these yourself, you really need to have a mechanical background (Dave did most of it!). but it's largely in we just need to connect up some of the cabling. Whilst I wasn't deciphering the instructions for Dave I was washing the boat as she got really dirty.. the paintwork came back though as she's a nice bright white again! Couple of pictures attached.. Mainly showing the lighting working and the tiny webasto thermostat which is all we have to show for a days work (you don't want to see the heater installed)... (and it was too dark to take a picture of the skin fitting!)..
  10. I watched it and it brought a smile then a tear.. I'd forgotten about the truce.. the story of the truce clearly shows the better side of humanity, the innocence of the poor situation that all the lads were in on both sides. Should it be a "commercial", hell no of course not however it's a good reminder.. If the RBL could have done it themselves then would have better (but then that's certainly not the best use of donations)..or if the RBL logo was used instead and perhaps a sponsored by sainsburys that would have been much wiser. I personally don't see a commercial there, I do see it as an attempt to get a reminder over and help a well worthy charity. I think as time goes on, generations get older and these nasty times soon become distant memories (and as our stupid government still send people to war) the more we do to remember and the more we do to keep the discussion going the more chances we have to ensure the world doesn't fall back into war and all those who put their lives on the line (or were forced into fighting) for our freedom were so sadly worth something. (Needless to say I hope I haven't caused any offence to anyone)
  11. Sean and welcome to the forum. Well done for posting. I don't think anyone has seen your first message being impolite. This forum is much more laid back than the other despite having mostly the same posters although everyone behaves sensibly! Please do keep posting though. When you heading back to broads?
  12. That's a good idea.. cheaper than expensive fleeces...
  13. That looks insane Clive! So much detail and complexity in the moulding.. I can't imagine the time, design and skill gone into do doing that.. you clearly have a very skilled team there! Good luck to all your team with rest of the build.
  14. No Worries John.. Happily stand corrected.. I'm a long way off mechanically minded
  15. Hi Tony, You may need to get a gas water heater like a Morco to heat your water.. I don't think (I'm probably wrong) that a immersion heater is enough to heat water.. I think they are just intended to keep water warm after warmed by something else.. (http://www.morcoproducts.co.uk/stock-5/Water_Heaters.html) If you can get away with it they do similar 240v water heaters although depends on your shore power connection.. (we aren't allowed here to heat with electric here we must use gas).. Oh actually I'm not sure on the BSC on morcos though as it's all open to elements so you may need to check that first...
  16. Hmm.. probably asked for that one... Go talk to Tom at JPC direct just next to eastwoods.. he will sort out a thermostat for you.. Or just do what I do and live in a fleece!
  17. Hi Alan, Lol, I'm pretty certain.. she's a like and forward plans! Our list certainly is .. Mums getting fendoffs! (Thankfully we have lots of bits left over from our last boat, like ropes, kitchen bits etc) I've asked everyone else for money really as we will have lots of upfront costs even before we leave for norfolk! Living on a boat too means the families are pretty used to a "only useful presents" policy due to space constraints!
  18. Some very good advise there Andy.. Thanks for taking the time to do this.. very kind of you.. I must admit I've not thought of some of these.. I wonder if we can pin this permanently somewhere as it would be a good reference?!
  19. lol.. I think mum said she's already brought them!
  20. They are both wimps Grace! Even though she has nice diesel heating they wont use her.. rather waste my inheritance on staying in hotels.. how the other half live ey
  21. He's done a good job as usual.. hopefully that's all the repairs for now on and you can just her stress free for a few seasons.
  22. Pics below Today was a lovely blue sky day. We had to go shopping in the morning for parts, cat food and coal (in that order!).. back at just to 11 so down tools until just after 11.. the club had a remembrance event which was thought provoking. We started off by installing the aft cleat and missing fender eye... both took some time.. then onto making the two punnets .. again these took some time due the shapes involved.. but look a bit different (They will be covered with some nice real leather.. I also went round and tried to seal the odd leaky screw in the wheelhouse window (we have 3 screws left although creaping crack sealant is slowly working) Finally today we cut the holes and ran the pipe work for the loo and that just needs attaching. Pics show the headlining, (It looks better than in the pics).. posh tank vents (again excuse the mess.. she needs a wash).. bathroom wall trimmed, forward cabin vents and lighting and punnets being fabricated.
  23. Iain.. I think she wants pics of the boat.. She's seen my facebook pic when I posted on here once Yes, that's really the plan, although it's only timber trimming and carpet left in the forward cabin, which needs to wait until the floors down, which I'm putting off for a bit as I don't want to lay it for it to get damaged so little jobs elsewhere.. I also want to try and get the weather dependant work done (like ply sheet work) as these have to be cut outside.. other considerations are trying to get things done for the BSC as so we can get to norfolk even if theres finishing left to do.. It's certainly hard work to plan and manage.. I think we are doing well (We learnt from before!! redoing jobs which were done in the wrong order is sad!).
  24. Pics tomorrow grace.. these short days dont help me, as it's dark when we finish and too dark for pics promise tomorrow though!
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