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Everything posted by loribear

  1. hi jill I totally agree with you, & also just because you're blonde it doesn't mean that you can get away with it, as I first thought when I went blonde, my scalp actually burnt more being blonde, a lot of people automatically think that being blonde will make the sun reflect off your head, but that's not so, lori
  2. hi jill, what about avatar pictures, sometimes when I change my profile picture it takes about 3 attempts before I get it right, as I can never remember what size it's suppose to be, a lot of the time it's good luck that I get it right. lori
  3. hi john , i asked the doc about it & he said to give it time, e said sometimes it can take about 5 months fir pain to completely go, brilliant NOT . Lori
  4. Sorry john, don't know how that happened, having a bad head day today, can't think straight, i cracked my head on edge of cupboard a few months ago, but it's still hurting even now, that'll teach me Lori x
  5. thanks jill for putting that first one on, it brings back memories for me, my dad moored at the other side of that railway bridge, & went to the pub, & must have got up someones back as someone undid our ropes , I was only young at the time & I remember my dad whistling & waking me up, & asking me to throw the rope to him, & it took 3 attempts ,as the boat was near the bridge , good job it wasn't on main river . lori
  6. Hi john we're hiring from acle this year , we're having distant horizon, but we will be coming south hopefully,lori
  7. well it looks like I am unlucky again, we go back home on the Friday boo hoo, hope the weather stays nice for you all , coldham's one of my favourite places to eat, lori
  8. hi neil ive not got a map , but ive hot an old photo of loddon with boats moored up on the other side , when hire boats could moor there, & it looks quite set back .lori
  9. am sooooo jealous john , the only thing cold i'm having is an icescream lol . lori
  10. thanks guys & gals , but what is 500kb in pixels please ? lori
  11. hi jill, i tried to put some picciies on flikr but it kept telling me that i had to register with yahoo, but i have'nt got a yahoo email account, i'm with gmail, is there anyway you can get around that ? lori
  12. hi all, is'nt there any way we could get a petition up to push these people into pulling their fingers out ? it's not going to be very nice if loddon starts losing business, & it must aweful for the people that live there, & not being able to move their boats because they are sat on silt,surely they can't expect them to just sit looking at their boats for another year, & still pay their river licences, i think i'd be livid , lori
  13. Damn , i knew i'd given too much away lol, well done matt lori
  14. Erm , nope & nope lol, but they have a nice little icescream shop at the bridge, lori
  15. hi john , nope lol , it's one your favourite meeting places lol, now are you any wiser ? .lori
  16. hi all ive got an old pic for you , but where is it ? It's hard to believe how much it's changed, lori
  17. hi alan, yes it is, i think i remember seeing the peregrine thats just died, i saw one on utube , it had just taken some food off of one of the other youngsters, & then fell of the edge of the nest & i saw it go swooping right down rather fast, poor thing, lori
  18. hi aall , don't know if any of you have been watching the peregrines fledge at norwich,they had 4 to start with, but now there's only 2 left , they lost another one yesterday from brain damage, it looks like it flew into something at high speed poor thing, lets hope the other 2 survive, lori
  19. after seeing those pictures, it is really worrying, it really does look very shallow on one side & it seems to have spread nearly half way across,which does'nt give you much room for manouver on the mooring side, & we go up there every year to see caroline, but i would be abit worried about going up there with it like that, & getting stuck with a hire boat, i'm sure the people who live ther can't be too chuffed about having their boats sat on the mud & not being able to use their boat, i have shared the info on fbook. lori
  20. It looks like you had a lovely day brian, but i'm not sure about eating icescream brian, all them calories glad you enjoyed yourselves. Lori
  21. hi brian we hired a similar one from george smiths of wroxham , it was sbout £100 for 3 people , it's probably the same one you're talking about is'nt it alan ?,anyway , to all fathers out there, happy fathers day , lori xx
  22. John , forgot to say click on the smiley app before you come on here, then click out & the smiley should be at the top of your fone, & it stays there , then all you've got to do is pull the tab down at the top of your fone & all the smileys will be there. Hope this helps lori
  23. hi john you just put your finger on a smiley, & at the top of the page you'll see a grey area that says copy your smiley, you then click out of the smiley page, & go to your comments & put your finger on that page & it 'll say paste, you'll get a long line of letters, don't touch them just carry on writing & the smiley will come up when you review it, lori ;-)
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