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Everything posted by loribear

  1. wow this is weird, when you click on a word or emoji it comes out at you lol , i really love your wooden animals, especially the teddy & chinese doll, lovely lori
  2. tried to have another look at pic, but it's abit blurred, it look s abit like an H but not quite sure , lori
  3. hi brian, good luck with the move, hope all goes smoothly, , out with the old in with the new as they say, lori
  4. it seems to have a distinct wooden canopy in the middle that looks like it swings back, it does have a number on the back, but it just says 54, lori
  5. i get the feeling it is, as they name all their boats with light after them, lori
  6. hi jill, just found it, but it's star of light a 1950s boat, but it's still nice, lori
  7. Ooooh can't wait i also collect old postcards, & i noticed that in flikr that someone was breaking up a starlight boat, & i have got an old foto of a starlight boat, i,ll have to see if i can find it. lori
  8. hi jill, just had another look at the pics,& spotted my dads boat at loddon which was taken 12th august, never realised what a mess it was, georgina111, he can keep it, lori
  9. hi jill, here is my collection, i collect teddy bears ,boyds, steiffs bearingtons, TYs & gunds,& a few from norfolk , hence the name lozibear lori
  10. hi bill, freedom boating are also thinking of putting a webcam up & there is a webcam at waveney river centre, but you have to register on their site at the top of the page, but if you want to view it on your fone or tablet then you have to have chrome on, otherwise it won't work, yes john, i'll be able to see if your behaving yourselves just wish i could be there, but hubbys on nights grrr .lori
  11. hi all, i know this is getting off the subject of bridges, but seeing that pic of bridge from webcam just reminded me, the manager at the wherry hotel at oulton broad, was asking us all on fbook whether we'd like a webcam at uolton from the hotel, & they said that they MIGHT put one up for us, which would be great, as we'd be able to get our broads fix & see the races too, if they could put one up , that'd be three over on the south side, brilliant. lori
  12. hi john, i'm afraid the wroxham webcam is down at the moment, but i managed to get a pic of the gauge from a few days ago, & it looks like the waters quite low, it seems to have dropped quite alot from a couple of weeks ago. lori
  13. hi john, that's brilliant, did you do that one ? lori
  14. blimey john have you warned the restaurants & pubs you lot are coming they'll have to stock up on food & beer lori
  15. hi mba, i used permanent marker for the window i'm still not sure what kind of boat it is, hahaha. lori
  16. hi all, i got fed up of waiting for winter to go, so i decided to build a boat, i thought i'd put it up for sale, ANY OFFERS ? lol, you'll ave to buy it quick before it melts. lori
  17. hi all, whats the thickest the ice has been down there,? & which would crack first the fibreglass boat or the wooden boat? taking into consideration that wood does tend to flex well, & has anybody seen it happen to boat ? . lori
  18. haha typical of you john ,what should i substitute it for ? a little sharpue or some spitfire lori
  19. hi all, we always go to the south side, because we find it more peaceful & there seems to be nice pubs too, & i think things will change ,as there's the internet now so people can check out different boatyards, & there's also facebook which alot of people are on,so alot of these boat companies can advertise themselves,& which people become friends with like i do, like freedom & eddie of the waveney river centre which seem to cater for everyone, whether you want to go camping or stay in one of their lodges,& they've got day boats too, so people can have the best of both worlds wich alot of people like, in some cases i think the internet has been a good thing, espescially for the boating companies as people can see the reviews of the boatyards. lori
  20. well how about thurne dyke, ive never been to that pub down there,, everybody keeps saying how nice the food is, might even venture there on my hols to see how good it is. lori
  21. hi guys & gals, don't know if you've seen the story, but a dead pike was found in the netherlands, anglers have been left scratching their heads as to why a pike has been found dead with a zander in it's mouth, as the zander was 2ft 5ins & the pike was only a little bit bigger at only 3ft 2ins, the pike has killed itself with this fish as the pikes teeth go backwards , so it could get rid of the zander,mr spaargaren reported his find to the dutch nature conservation news website naturebericht, which published his story, it certainly is weird as ive never come across this before myself, i know they do eat big fish & even chicks, but ive never known them be that greedy, & apparantly a similar phenomenom was reported in suffolk in october 2011, when a pike was found dead with a carp in it's mouth, here is the picture of the dead pike, eeyuk, lori
  22. i'm amazed & shocked that he took it through when the water level was high, i'd ave thought being a private owner that he'd had more sense, surely he must ave known how high his boat was, & surely he'd ave know not to take it through the bridge, unless he was showing off, in which case, that was utter stupidity, lori
  23. hi everyone, you probably thought that it was only the broads bridges which stopped you getting through, well apparently not, here is a picture of a big boat trying to get through a small bridge & failing badly take a look at this, this guy got himself well & truly stuck lori
  24. hi john, i'm shocked to still see a house with a well in it, it must be a very old house ,the last time i saw a well inside a place was in a pub, & it had a glass floor over it, & everybody always walked round it to avoid stepping on it, including me i was never quite sure just how strong the glass was, whats the highest it been up john ? does it ever worry you that it might come over the top ? lori
  25. Hi everyone, hope there is'nt too many hangovers HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL, Here's to another great year. Lori xx
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