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Everything posted by loribear

  1. Aaaaahh that was so lovely,& cute, i love watching that sort of thing, being a big softie, . lori
  2. i can't ever remember passing it at all, but it looked a really nice place, it looked different to normal hotels you usually get these days, it looked like it had abit of character about it. lori
  3. hi strowager, i think it's great, i would'nt mind one of those,be handy on the broads, if anybody got in your way you could just ride over them lol lol, lori
  4. hi everyone i found this postcard on ebay of an old pub, but i can't ever remember seeing it,i think it was called bure court hotel, & was suppose to have been in wroxham, can anybody remember it & remember where it was ? lori [attachment=0]$(KGrHqQOKigE5dk6sFmRBO(mHS510!~~_12.jpg[/attachment]
  5. hi dan, no it's not san remo, it was sandcouger, it was one of our favourite boats, & i can't seem to find the fuel price either for it, last year it was £150 , ouch, lori
  6. hi everyone i saw on the webcam that the water had risen at barnes brinkcraft, they had started putting wooden planks round the mooring area, but they obviously were'nt quick enough, i took this pic on the webcam yesterday morning.[attachment=0]mine 008.JPG[/attachment] lori
  7. thanks guys for the info, what really worries me, like i said in last statement, is that the price seems to have gone up quite abit already, but not sure if this is because of the merge of hose/blakes, if there is no healthy competition any more for hoseasons it may mean that they might hike their prices up too much, & price people like us out, who does decide the pricing for the boats ? does hoseasons tell the boatyards what to charge or are the boatyards doing that themselves ? i'm never quite sure . lori
  8. hi all ive just been looking in hiseasons/ blakes brichure & noticed that our beloved boat has gone up in price to £880 which seems to be about £100 pound more than last year, but don't know if that includes fuel as i can't find the fuel price for that boatyard, i was told by someone on webcam chat that if you book through the boat yard direct that you can save £100, but we tried it a few years ago with astons, as we'd been with them 3 times but was still charged the same price, has anyone ever tried booking direct ? & have you really saved any money ? lori
  9. hi everyone i too have just recieved my hoseasons brochure today, & am not impressed with it at all, the boat pics seem alot smaller now & there's alot of other pretty little pics everywhere which i find a big distraction, i think if they want to put some pictures on of the broads then they should put them in the front or back of the brochure,not everywhere on all the pages, you can't seem to concentrate on the boats very well, i just hope this is because it's their first time at putting both companies together, lori
  10. good old caroline, she deserves it, she's one in a million, & her cakes are delicious, & she always makes you feel welcome bless her. lori
  11. hi everyone just want to wish you all a very merry Christmas & a happy new year. lori [attachment=0]Christmas 002.JPG[/attachment]
  12. hi all i will probably be having 2 breaks on the broads next year, first one in may sometime & the second one in september as usual, not booked any boats as yet, lori
  13. hi W44NTY it was a lovely card, the same to you too. lori
  14. hi bill it would probably be more like blokes .
  15. hi buffalobill, i saw on fbook today that they are keeping the 2 berths as they are, & i had an email today from karen spooner, from barnes craft she said that they are building a NEW brinks quartet holiday cruiser, but i'm baffled as to where they are going to put them, because when you look on the webcam the yard looks full to the brim with boats. lori
  16. hi scot nice to see on here, & sorry to hear about the pinched rnli outboard, why can't these thieves leave other peoples property alone. lori
  17. thanx guys you've been a great help, lori
  18. NAH, looks more like harecastle tunnel on the cheshire ring to me with it's roof off, i was absolutely terrified going through there, especially when i heard the fans going off before we entered, & it was so dark in there, & just before we got to the end we broke down & nearly had a very large barge up our backside, but managed to get it going again, very scary, lori
  19. thanks guys, is there any other hotels on the south that you or anyone could recomend ? we've tried wroxham hotel & hubby was'nt impressed with the carpark, it had glass everywhere, so he could'nt settle at night thinking his car would be broken into, i'd have thought that the hotel would have had their own car park, we had thought about horning hotel, but it looks like they share their carpark too, so i thought we'd try somewhere different. lori
  20. loribear

    Party Trick

    hi donnygeoff have you tried looking on ebay yet ? i saw two for sale last week one was an old wooden one, & the other one was a sedan type which did'nt look bad, don't know how much they went for as it was still in bidding mode, lori
  21. hi all we were thinking of staying at the wherry hotel at oulton sometime in november for the night, but i went on to the reviews section about them, & it gave out quite alot of bad reviews, from the staff being slow at serving food to the management not caring & the rooms being very outdated, ive seen the downstairs bars & imust admit it did need updating, has anyone ever stayed there ? & IS the service really that bad ? lori
  22. hi andyg i can't believe how much it's changed, with all them student accomodation flats, & i really miss that lovely little club house pub, where they've built that big pub called the shed, why could'nt they have called it the brayford instead, & i used to like seeing that barge at the other side of the glory hole, that used to sell fish, & i still love to visit lincoln now & again, somewhere in braydon pool is my mums wedding ring, from when dad went & dropped it, plonker. lori
  23. hi kugababe welcome to the forum, you'd better pack an extra arm you'll need it after all the waving all week your arm will ache hope you have a great time, lori
  24. hi all ive noticed that alot of boats can't get under certain bridges because of the height of the river, when we used to travel on the trent when i was a youngster you used to see barges taking in water to weigh the boats down,i'm suprised that nobody's ever thought of a way to do it with hire craft, or would it be too dangerous for fibreglass boats to do that, they could take in water before they go under the bridge then bilge out once they'd got through. lori
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