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Everything posted by loribear

  1. hi jill, we had a lovely Christmas thanks, do i take it that your friends live in derby then ? dunham bridge is near lincoln, it's about 20ft high but the water came nearly to the top of it, & they had to block the toll bridge off as the water was quite deep on the road, even artics could'nt get through, we visited it today but it had hardly gone down, here's a pic of it, lori
  2. hi jill are you still up this end or are you back home ? do you go via dunham bridge? if so, you'll ave to pick a different route back, dunham bridge is flooded & as know that bridge is quite high, they've had to block it off as it's gone over the bridge, i can't believe how high it's risen, ive never ever know dunham flood before, if you are still up here in derbyshire,i hope you get back ok. lori
  3. hi everyone, hope you're all bearing up with these floods, i looked at the york webcam today & could'nt believe my eyes,the last time i looked the river was just on the edge of the mooring, but today it was nearly half way up the sign post, so it is hard to tell where the river edge is,i really feel for these people, having to evacuate so close to Christmas, i'm really glad that i live in the derbyshire hills, & it's not that long ago since it flooded last, i don't think it's even been a month, i don't think i'd ever want to live in york when it's flooding that much,it's really aweful for the people who live next to the river, knowing that you're going to have to evacuate every time it floods, lori
  4. hi carol, thats brilliant, MERRY CHRISTMAS to you, & i just want to wish a MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone else too, & a happy new year to you all. lori
  5. hi all ive also got abit more info too, from today wifi is available across herbert woods marina, & it is free to all boater & cottage customers, & it is also available to everyone else but charges will apply, you'll get 90 minutes for £ 5.99 & 24 hours for £ 9.99 , to access their wifi whilst on site ,simply select one of the wifi spark' wireless network connection ,then enter your subscriber login details, or buy time using secure online payment system, lori
  6. hi all just heard from freedom boating via fbook, that they will be moving to the south next year, i think it will be at thorpe by the viaduct, & it looks like they might even be setting up a webcam, which would be nice for a change, i wish them all the luck in their new venture. lori
  7. hi carol it's lovely to see the old films,& to look back on, but what was it with the belt around the blakes sign, what was it suppose to stand for ? thanks for sharing it with us . lori
  8. hi dan, ive noticed that they'll all have solar panels on ,& ive seen them on some of the private boats too,is it something that could take off for all boats in the future do you think ? & would there be enough panels to power everything on a boat ? knowing how many gadgets we all use these days. lori
  9. hi diesel falcon , thanks for info, in future i'll be taking a battery operated one on my hols, we have got two of them at home, but they were low down, so ive just moved them, i just don't understand why the hire companies don't fit them on all their boats just to be on the safe side, especially with having gas cookers & fridges, lori
  10. good evening everyone, hope your all well & taking your echinacea i just wanted to ask a little question , i was emptying my suitcase making room for the chrissy presents, & found a carbonmonoxide tester, it's one of those small stick on types, i always take one on holiday just in case, but have never seen them change colour, i'm glad to say, but was wondering what you thought about them ? do you think they really work or do you think the battery ones are better,& do any of you actually take these on board with you ? lori
  11. hi all, i was talking to a friend the other day about old boat companies & they mentioned a company called babik cruisers, i think that's how you pronounce it, but all the years ive been down norfolk, ive never ever heard of them, has anybody here heard of them ? & were they a big outfit ? & why did they finish ? & what happened to kingfisher cruisers ? i can remember hearing their name but not sure where they were based. lori
  12. hi pat, i'm on the 3 network & i don't really have that much problem with the network down there, there are a few places where i can't get a signal like bramerton, loddon & horning,but i CAN get hsdp with my fone some times too, & ive also got a mifi on 3 too & seem to be ok with that too as i take my laptop with me when i go on my hols, ive got a samsung note fone , but ive only had it for about 6 months, i don't really believe the story about the sim being too old, i think that's a load of rubbish, my hubby's got a voda sim that's about 3 years old & is still working fine, lori
  13. how do they get on without registering? they're very naughty, lori
  14. hi all, ive gone &booked early for a change, got fed up of waiting for my sister, so not telling my sister yet, & ive decided to have a nice boat, so ive booked distant horizon, end of september, never had a dual steerer before GULP, i know one or two of you have had that boat, is it easy to switch from top drive to bottom & vice versa ? lori
  15. hi senator, it's not that i don't think that you salties are not aloud on the river ,because i don't, you're aloud on the river as much as anyone else, it's just that seeing the other meet pictures of all you salties, just makes people like us hirers feel alittle uncomfortable turning up in a hire boat, & i know before you say anything john, that we're all welcome , it's just the way i & probably others see it, lori
  16. yes buffalobill it was a pity really, but there was a certain lady who seemt to like causing trouble & she was having a go at everybody including me,& i was just trying to help her, it was like she liked being ellusive & would'nt even put a picture on of herself, or turn up to see people when she said that she was going to,& could'nt seem to work out why people were getting abit fed up of her, lori
  17. yes the only thing i could come up with was ,little silly jokes little singing jobs
  18. well it's not long now john til your meet, ive tried to order some nice weather for you all ,so lets hope it does stay nice for you, all day, been talking to my friends on fbook & one of them has said that he's seen an artic lorry going round the norfolk pubs to fill them back up for you, with me & my sister emptying them when we came on our hols, so there should be plenty of food for you all, , i hope you all have a really great time, lori
  19. good evening everyone, I'm afraid ive some bad news for those who liked watching the webcams & seeing the chats, After all the bickering & fighting with certain people ,i'm afraid the webcam chat is no more, ross has decided not to keep the chat on the webcams any more, & that includes the wroxham & barnes craft one as well, as he says that he has'nt got the time to run it any more, but i really think it was because of people moaning all the time, BUT the good news is , is that the all cameras are staying & we've been told that there's going to be some more put up in different places, so if anybody was wondering about them ,now you know, lori
  20. hi brian, we've actually seen a whole family of herons, it was a few years ago when we went to rockland broad, we'd just started coming off the main river where it's very narrow, & we looked up into a tree & saw a massive nest with a whole family there was two adults & two youngsters, it was great to see them all, lori
  21. oh dear john ,after just being there not so long ago,& knowing how noice the food is there, your making my mouth water, lori
  22. hi joe, here's our cruising route, we first went to reedham, then onto beccles , then onto oulton broad, but we usually go to oulton first as it is a shorter route, from there we went to norwich for the day, as we don't like staying all night, so we came out & moored up at thorpe commisioner cut, from there we went to coldham hall for the night, then onto hardley mill for breakfast then onto reedcutters for lunch then back to loddon to the free moorings til saturday,, hope this helps joe, lori
  23. well everyone this is our last day well we got up & travelled to hardley mill for breakfast, it was quite choppy & the current was really strong, the water just pushed us into the mooring, we then decided to go to the reedcutters for lunch, where we met pete, lisa & courtney, they are really nice people, i introduced myself, & told them i had been following them on fbook, next thing pete came down & said that HE'D had a look at my blog on fbook, & let me use his wifi for our fones, as we could'nt get a signal, we're now back at loddon, it's not been a bad boat, it's an ex alpha craft,& apart from some minor niggles, ie; draughty front cabin, no lock on front door & the bilge pump going off alot,we've still enjoyed it, we will be sad to go home tomorrow, hope you have as good a holiday as us joe, & here is a another little poem for you all, THE BROADS ON MOONLIGHT *********************************** being in norfolk's like being at home i feel that's where i really belong my heart & soul feel so at peace & the yearn to be there is so strong, it always has that affect on me & i think mum felt it too it is so full of charm & charisma it just puts you under it's spell, you can't help but fall in love with it as it makes you feel so free all that space around you everywhere that's what norfolk means to me it's one of those enchanted places that drags you back year after year & when it's time for the holiday to end i always shed a little tear. lori hope you've all enjoyed my blog
  24. well guys & gals, here's the latest update for you , last night we stayed at the thorpe cut & had abit of a bouncy night,so had to drop mudweight again, but we did remember to pull it up this time, i bet that harbour master's still laughing at us, today we set off down the river & decided to stop at coldham hall for lunch, & the meals were gorgeous & so big, neither of us could finish our meals because they were that filling & it's such a nice place that we've decided to stay for the night, the people at the pub are really nice, & because we've had a meal there, it's free mooring, what more could we ask for , nice pub, nice meal & nice settings too perfect, i'd recomend this pub to anyone, oh yes & it's a beautiful sunny day again, & that's it for peeps, lori
  25. hi joe, yes it does lock from the inside, but they're only small hinges, about as much use as chocolate fireguard, we might still be there when you come, as hubby's picking us up in the car, when he gets down from chesterfield that is . just one other thing, you'd better pack some warm night clothes, it's a very draughty boat when the wind gets up, in the front cabin, & the bed in the back cabin is a little small for tall people, lori
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