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Everything posted by loribear

  1. hi jonzo, no it's not stock browser, or tapatalk, ive tried chrome 'dolphin & puffin but none seem to work. lori
  2. jonzo i really like the new site, but i have one little problem, when i go onto the site via my mobile i can,t see the emoticans, & i have tried different browsers but none seem to work, is anyone else having that problem at all ? lori
  3. hi all just seen on fbook from anglia afloat that sealine has gone into liquidation, which is quite sad, & it must be quite a blow for some of you, as i know some of you like your sealine boats, lori
  4. hi all as i said yesterday, me & hubby went down to broads for the day, but on the way down the air conditioning went, Oh dear, anyway our first stop was at beccles & we went & sat by the river having a coffee, there was only about 3 boats there, very quiet for this time of year, then we went onto oulton broad & had a wslk round the park, & it's hardly changed since i was a youngster, & YES it was along time ago before anybody says anything lol, we then meandered over to potter heigham, i could'nt believ how many boats were for sale there, & they seem to be alot cheaper diwn there than up here, after that we popped over to horning as we usually like to finish in the swan hotel, & look what we saw, friday girl, but not no john, you missed out there john lol, we were going to buy you both a drink lol, anyway, after that we had a very long journey home because of road works, which added an extra half an hour onto our travels, lori
  5. hi mbird am using dolphin browser, will try & delete my cache ti see if that helps, & yes am using bookmarks which dolphin saves, oops. thanks for info. lori
  6. hi all just visited oulton broad, have come down fir the day, but noticed at the other side of the pontoon on the park side that there is a concrete ledge with water over it, has the ledge dropped or has the water risen over it? lori
  7. hi brian help, every time i sign out, when i go back on forum i find that i'm still signed in. lori
  8. the one thing i don't understand is this anonymous thing, why would anyone want to be secretive, you're either on or your not, it seems a strange thing to do, or maybe thats just me. lori
  9. WOW, it's great, love it, i'm sure we'll all find our way around it soon enough, by the way, where's the emoticans, i can't find them lol. lori
  10. hi john, don't know what we're doing early on in year but me & my sister will be going down to broads at end of seotember on distant horizon, a dual steerer, really looking forwards to that. lori
  11. hi all i don't know if many of you saw the speedboat races at oulton broad on the wherry webcam, i watched it & it was brilliant, abit jerky at times but still enjoyed it, & managed to take some photos on my phone from it, & here is a few i took. lori
  12. hi baz, it started off abit shaky but ended up being a lovely poem, if you love poetry don't give up trying, lori
  13. so you're more of a guy martin & fred dibnah man then are you leo ? lori
  14. hi all, i think it's a real shame about chatterbox, i don't think it's a case of whether it's a classic or not, but how someone feels about it, i always remember the old wooden boats from my childhood, & they made the broads feel more like the broads than the fibreglass boats, & i like the fact that there are still some wooden boats around, & people still love them & royal tudar is actually doing one up thats similar, & i think it's great, lets hope someone refloats het. lori
  15. i'd have thought they'd have gone for something like the broadsman, lori
  16. hj john, it looks like you've written yours & secret lady down twice, were you in the pub by any chance when you wrote that ? you should know you can't write & drink at the same time. lori
  17. hi ferryman, do you mean the hortor film, The Reeds, set in norfolk ? i don't know the yard but here is a pic of it, , in the film the boats named corsaire star, does'nt look a brilliant film, lori sorry not a brilliant pic, took it on my fone lol.
  18. hi all , just been having a look at the cam, you can see right across to the broadsview pub , brilliant, i'll be watching you all moor up, not that i'm saying you're bad moorers , i hope you all have a really great time, hopefully i'll get to one of them lori
  19. morning all, have good news today, the wherry webcam has gone up, but they've got to wait now fir BT to connect everything up, so hopefully won't be long now, fingers crossed, lori
  20. hi all according to my mag , we've got a new boy on the block coming, the broads authority have bought a new patrol boat, it's being made at goodchilds, for just under £100,000, OUCH, &it'll be about 33ft long, but why they need a patrol boat that long is beyond me, it will have a nanni 320hp engine, & it's suppose to be for breydon water & great yarmouth, it will be equipt with hi tech video binoculars, that can watch you 2 miles away, so we'll have to watch ourselves, spoilsports here is a pic of it. lori
  21. , i think us hirers are already paying enough as it is, i had a letter the day from hoseasons, saying that horizon had put their fuel prices up, so ive got to pay an extra £20, even though i booked at last years prices, which seems wrong to me, lori
  22. hi all, ive been reading the anglia afloat mag about the tolls going up, & the hire boat operators are'nt very happy at all,which i don't blame them, apparently tony howes secretery of the broads hire federation, said " that this penalises the hire craft more than anyone else, but the trouble with that is , that they'll put the prices up on the hirer ,which is not good, it's expensive enough as it is, NSBA chairman, richard card , said " nearly 40% of tolls income is now supporting the authority's central overhead,whilst the amount of money spent on maitaining rivers & broads fell by £1/4m last year, which is disgusting , & apparently the agreed plans will see the smallest boats on the broads pay less, & more than 50% of craft will face no rise, whereas ,larger craft will face increases of more than 3% from 1st april, with the average hire boat looking at a 4% -5% rise & the biggest ones will be more than 6%. but surely that's going put the big hire boats prices up, & people won't want to hire them, which is bad for hire companies & bad for people like me, who like to hire big boats, these people obviously have no heart, or care about the holiday industry. lori
  23. hi danny , i seen one on ebay , i think it was about £45 . lori
  24. hi jill , i can't wait to see her again, & have a piece of one of her lovely cakes , here's a better foto of her what i took last year , lori
  25. hi paul ive actually got a cgarlie bear called jodie, i never realised they were collectables til i looked on ebay , this is jodie . lori
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