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Everything posted by loribear

  1. hi john it sounds like you are really enjoying your hols, it's a really lovely boat, lovely colour too, would.nt mind one like that over here lol, I love all your piccies, they're brilliant, can't believe the size of that barge coming through that bridge, very tight indeed, what's the speciality over there john with food ? & what's your favourite ? lori
  2. hi Maurice, yes I also have heard of people losing their lives, there was one time that I heard about some young cadets losing their lives on there, apparently they were drunk & decided to try to jump the weir, but were drowned, very sad indeed. lori
  3. hi kerry look forward to meeting when we come south end september, looking forward to sampling your meals, lori
  4. hi john i was only about 14 years old, & it terrified me, & my dad was fuming, ive heard him swear so much, apart from when i nearly sunk us, & that Was at cromwell lock too, i think that locks jinxt, what happened was, my dad went up the long ladder to the top just outside the lock, & left me holding the ropes but we'd been waiting awhile for the other boat to come out, & i decided to tie the rope to the ladder rung, but when the water came out of the lock it rose at the other side & my dad saw what i'd done & shouted at me to undo the ropes as we were starting to list & the was coming up to the ropes, so i was frantically trying to undo the ropes, it was very worrying, but i did'nt know ,i was only young,:-(. it was one of my worst pet hates that lock, & quite a few hire companies lost their boats over that weir too lori
  5. hi john just read your story, it sounds great,reading about the large barges reminded me of one time when we had gone on our hols with dad when i was a youngster, & we were going on the trent up to cromwell lock, & Dad had a hangover & got his head down in the front cabin & left me to drive & i came across these two big barges full of gravel going at some speed & the tide was down & i was in the middle of these barges when all of sudden the boat went down & i felt a large thud,because they'd taken all the water away from us we hit the bottom of the river & came to a near stop & it just about threw my dad out of the bunk, we managed to pull in to a bank & my dad wound the prop shaft up, it was something called a zdrive prop shaft, & we found that we'd lost part of a blade off of the prop, & my dad was not a happy bunny, we managed to crawl so far up then got a tow the rest of the way up to the lock, anyway, looking forwards to reading more of your story,lori
  6. we had a similar thing the other day in my garden, they swoop down that fast & the pigeons are sooo slooow & docile ,they've no chance. lori
  7. Hi all ive noticed that when i first come onto nbn that peoples birthdays show up, but ehen i sign in the birthdays dissapear, why is this ? Lori
  8. hi john, why don't you have the first venue at beccles for a change & then oulton broad for the second one, that way you won't blow all the fuses if it's abit chilly lori
  9. hi easyrider, welcome to the forum, you've certainly got your work cut out there, but i'm sure you'll get there,& yes alan we doall seem to be drawn to water don't we ? mine is because i'm a pisces what's your excuse ? lori
  10. hi baz, i'm sure you'll enjoy it, & yes alan i have to agree with you there, there are loads of different scenes on the camera but i usually only use a few of them , if you went through all the scenes you'd miss your shot lol, lori
  11. hi trambo lovely tale, i always seem to get bitten alot too lol, we've only been to coltishall a couple of times ourselves, we hired a nice boat from george smith, our favourite on is sallyB an ex royall boat i think, lori,
  12. hi galley ali, lovely tale so far, looking forwadds to hearing about the rest of your hols, lori
  13. hi john & mary-jane hope you both have a really great holiday, congratulations on your anniversary , looking forward to your hols tale, lori
  14. no quite alan lol ,but i had a very very simple mobile,ive had about 15 fones since they first came out, & ive now got a samsung note & had that about 2 years now, hmmm i think it's time for a new mobile lol, lori
  15. haha littlesprite, i can't believe you've not got a mobile lol ,what century are you living in , ive had a mobile since they first come out lol, but as for twitter , well it is abit more complicated that fbook, lori
  16. Hi jill is the little house up at thorpe ? Now overgrown , lori
  17. Hi adnams girl, ive had the same problem with the sun, but i gound one of these from camera exchange, now i don't have problem lol, it fits on the back of your camera & the shade bit can be taken off if your taking pics indoors, it's a brilliant piece if kit, it comes in two sizes so take your camera to shop to make it's the right one. this is it closed . this is it open, just don't forget to switch your camera off before you close, like ive done on occasions lol. Lori Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
  18. hi baz, ive never had any problems with my camera, & ive never had any problems without view finder, you just look on the screen & you can see everything clearly, ive had my camera for about 2 years, & it's been a great camera, i only had problems with syncing it into my computer, as it's a samsung,& it does'nt like quicktime lol, but i just put memory card into computer & do it that way, & when i bought the camera i got £50.00 back, just as they promised, you my be able to put it in your pocket but it will be on the little heavy side, lori
  19. Here you go baz, some pics for you to compare my camera against a little samsung, so that you can see the size of panasonics. Lori Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
  20. Hi baz, the TZ10 has only 12 megapixel camera & 25mm to 300mm zoom lens, & only 12X optical zoom, whereas the TZ36-k has 14megapixel lens,& 20X optical zoom, & is 24mm -480 mm zoom lens, it looks like they have the same size screen,& they look the same size camera, they have a leica dc lens on them, & are quite chunky but great to hold, hope this helps. Lori
  21. hi all , hope you don't mind me asking on here, but can anyone please tell me what's happened to .co.uk forum, all i seem to get is a white page saying there's an internal error, ive tried 3 times today but can't get on, does anyone know what's going on ? i'm baffled, lori
  22. hi baz, ive got a panasonic TZ10, it's quite a hefty little camera, but it got a great zoom & loads of different scenes to use on it, it's a really great allround kind of camera, & the video is excellent, i did have a little samsung compact camera, but the video was lousy, & the sound was'nt great either, but it was alright for ordinary photography, lori
  23. :-)hi john, it may not be built to go under bridges, but it looks a beautiful boat, i quite like the sedan type boats as they're an all weather kind boat. lori
  24. hi john , may's usually a good time for us, but july is a no no, it's just toooo expensive, & i usually like to come down in september, as the past two years when we've been, we usually found that the weather would start to change at the end of september, lori
  25. hi all had an email from norfolkbroads direct, it seems they're having a new boat made & it looks very nice from what i can see of the mould, it's going to be called fair executive ,lori sent from samsung tab2 on tapatalk2
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