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Everything posted by loribear

  1. although it is a pain, ive changed alot of my passwords on sites that i use, but it's not just internet sites that are affected, according to my lookout antivirus it apps too that can be affected on android devices, so if you sign in to any apps that you've got ,change your passwords on them, lori
  2. hi mandy , my heart goes out to you, i lost our cat last year , she was 19, a pixie bobcat & she had a heart murmur & hyperthyroidism & then she kept having seizures , so we thought it was time to put her down, it was the hardest ive ever had to do, dogs or cats when you've had them awhile become part of your family, they're like a miniature human being, & have the same feelings as us too, i'm sure your dog has many more years to live, i'll have my fingers crossed for you on monday. lori
  3. Hi wooster & welcome to our forum . Lori
  4. hi jan , i agree with everyone else, i would not swim in the broads, you don't know what's below the water level, a relative of ours years ago dived into the water on one of the broads & gashed his leg quite badly & had to go to hospital, luckily my mum was a nurse & knew what to do, it can be quite a dangerous place to swim, & NO i definitely would'nt swim in the broads, lori
  5. hi all princess anne is coming because it's been 60 years since herbert woods passed away, so they are having a heritage day,& have invited some of the old woods boats, so keep an eye out on the webcam.been looking on myself today & saw a rover75 car on the quay exactly same as ours, & same colour too lol, but NO it's not us there, but i wish i was. lori
  6. You're not putting her in on april fools day are you john ? LOL . Lori
  7. hi all , i was looking on pintrest at houseboats & i found the perfect one for me, just handy for the broads for when it floods lol. & i also found another one which is abroad & it actually moves lol. What do you guys & gals think ? Lori
  8. i had a few teething problems with my bank because i got hacked, many years ago, & went into the bank to order another card as i did'nt feel safe using the one i had at the time, i think i got hacked at one of these stand alone machines, anyway i went into the bank & talked to one of the staff, & was shocked to hear her say that she used the password for all her stuff online, which to me did'nt sound good for someone working in a bank, i'd have thought she'd had more sense than that, lori
  9. hi all, ive been using ebay for some years now, & never really had any problems with them, you can whatever you're looking for, as long as you're patient lol, i can never seem to find what i want from amazon, as they seem to deal more with books than anything else & i don't EVER use gumtree, my sister was ripped off with them, as she sent some stuff to someone in nigeria, & t ,hat's a definitely a no no in my book, so i don't touch them, lori
  10. hi diesel falcon, it's really good news at last, i see caroline was at the front with her pinny on bless her, well done to everyone at loddon, & everyone who signed the forms, thats one cause that was well worth it. Lori
  11. Well frank i nearly did take my kit off & sort of got caught coming out of horning by a fisherman , ooops . Lori ;-)
  12. Yes ive been there got the backaches lol, been everywhere from lincoln to the cheshire ring , llangollan canal & foxton flight, & what a hill that was . Lori
  13. hi all , well my hubbys bad day just beat mine lol, he went out to get some car parts from a breakers yard , & set the satnav as it was in another town, & the satnav did"nt help much as IT could'nt find it either, so neil took a few detours & still could'nt find it , anyway , the satnav had an american voice on it, & it decided to have a tantrum, it said, & your not going to believe this but it's true, it said'.... if you take any more detours i'm going shut off, & it did, lori
  14. hi andy, there is a quietish little spot where we sometimes go , i think it's postwick viaduct , it's a little cut off the main river & a nice little spot, just down from thorpe there's only the trains that'll really disturb you, but it is nice to just watch the boats go up & down, lori
  15. well all ,i had my bad day last night, the bulb went in the dining room & it knocked the trip switch off, so i was in complete darkness, then remembered the torch hanging up in the kitchen, went to get it & the damn thing went dropped on the floor, i could'nt find so tried to find my other torch but it was pitch black, & i could.nt find the matches to light the candles to see with, then i remembered my other torch was in my suitcase in the wardrobe, so went hunting for it tripped up over some shoes & banged my head on the door, finally found the torch & some more lightbulbs, i told my sister & she just laughed at me & said ' ..... WAIT FOR IT !!!! you'll have a good laugh at this , she said, why did'nt you use your fone, erm derr , becus i'm a plonker lol. lori
  16. Hi mandy i keep hearing about this quidco, but whats the catch them, & is it good ?lori
  17. Talking of how hill john, i typed in windmills into the playstore on my fone & there was a picture of how hill where you could make ripples across it by touching it lol,lori
  18. Hahaha Oooops, what have done ? Lol. Lori
  19. i was looking on ebay at badges & saw one or two from different boatyards , like martham & harts & a few others, & i came across this car badge, with a heron on it with broads society on it, & it was quite expensive too,at £120, ouch, was wondering if anyone knew anything about it.lori
  20. hi all, ive heard some of you talking about hamptons, i remember seeing hampton boats years ago in a brochure, i can remember they were a khaki green colour, but did'nt like the colour very much lol, but can't remember which boatyard it was or where , can anybody shed any light on it ? & were they the same hamptons that's been mentioned on here ? Lori
  21. Thanks jonzo, broadscot ive got some samsung books you could ave lol, yes mat just seen the mistake lol. Lori
  22. hi broadscot, ive got a stylus in my fone too, ive just got the samsung note3, but not as much of a fan of this one as i was with the original note. lori
  23. Hahaha , i think it's a bogeyman in speedboat lol, oops, it's this new fone ive just got , the keyboards terrible lol, lori ;-)
  24. Hi all i thinking about the speedboat racing at oulton & i know some of you like watching so here are the dates & times that it starts, lori ;-)
  25. When we last went through wroxham bridge the water was up, & i did'nt think we could do it, we got the bridge & a rangers boat was at the other side &waved us through , but i chickened out & made neil take it through & i could see the ranger laughing at me, but we only had a few inches to spare, & i'm always wary about taking boats through bridges, when it's other peoples property, & i think everybody should, it's just a pity that some of them you see on utube don't, & find it funny, which i don't. I ALWAYS respect other peoples property. Lori
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