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Everything posted by loribear

  1. Whoohoo it worked , if you get it john & everyone who's got a fone ? Get the unlocker too, it's free of ads, when you download it just click on the unlocker app just once, them you can click on the smiley app which will stay at the top of your fone, then you just click on a smiley & copy lori x
  2. hi john think i might ave found one, called copy my smiley , hope this works lol. Lori
  3. thanks guys for all your info, you don't realise how much things change til you see old postcards like that, i never knew there was such things as gibbets john, maybe they should bring them back , ive never heard of sirdar trambo, it must ave been before my time lol , by the way alan , why did they take the bridge down ? Lori ;-)
  4. now i'm going to be a creep norwich lol , because robins right it does seem alot easier to find things now, & i really like it , it does seem to run alot smoother ,just wish i could sort the emoticans out kn my fone, maybe one day lol lol . Lori ;-)
  5. Hi all , i got this old postcard of yarthmouth , but i'm sure the boats are on the wrong side of the river to the bridge when did they change sides ? Lori
  6. hi all don't know if you've got your anglia afloat yet, but the oulton meet is in, there's just a little piece in with a piccie too, lori
  7. Sorry diesel falcon, no thats not the one lol .although it is outside her little garden lol . Lori ;-)
  8. Hi robin greag read again, i hope you remembered to take your own tin opener this time lol, i never laughed so much seeing you trying to get into that tin haha , i'm surprised you don't get writers cramp doing all that blog, look forward to seeing more stories, lori ;-) ^ ^ (º º) ( )/
  9. Hi all sorry about my comment yesterday, put wrong name on, it was johnny depp , not brad pitt, i was having a blonde moment lol lol . Lori ;-)
  10. i spoke to caroline last week about her man, & she said hers was suppose to be brad pitt lori
  11. Hi mbird , ive also noticed yhat they've gone today , it must have been to keep the speedboats away from the private ones, as they did get abit too close for comfort, lori
  12. hi brian, it looks very nice , & very sleek too, i'm sure 2014 will come round soon ,lori
  13. hi all, i was watching the races at oulton today & noticed some extra pontoon sticking out, does anybody know what thats all about ? is it to keep the speedboats away from all the other boats or it for when the yacht station gets busy ? lori
  14. Aaaaah shucks john, you're making me blush , , so where did you get to john ? i really love my broads, i always feel at peace down there .lori
  15. hi robin, thanks for sharing all your videos with us, i really enjoyed them, & i liked the aerial view of the boat from that toy helicopter lol, i always think it's sad when you have to say goodbye to boat when you've had a great holiday ,i know this is going to sound weird, but me& my sister always take the boats out on the morning we're due to leave for a short drive for an hour up the river, just to say goodbye & it's a ritual we do every year, maybe one year we will bump into you , but not litereally , lori
  16. good grief mark, you don't know how to use a smart fone ? what century do you live in ? & just to confuse you even more, mines a phablet , now that'll get your brain going, thinking what one of them is, i'll leave you ponder on it for a while , lori
  17. hi robin, loved all your vids , next time you go down to the broads take a little penknife with you, just in case you forget your tin opener again ,that way you can cut around the edge with that, instead of using a scew driver, ive never seen anybody try so hard to get in a can , for the time that you kept going backwards & forwards on the north side, you could have have stayed for abit more time south & gone down to loddon, & had one of carolines beautiful cakes ,at rosy lees, it's a lovely little cafe, & carolines so welcoming bless her , you don't know what you missed . lori
  18. haha , multi coloured , like it john, brilliant, & such lovely colours too . lori
  19. Hi robin, nice video, how did you cope with ludham bridge with the height ? Did you get through ok ? By the way, next time you have to moor up in stix , get both wrond anchors out , that way you can use the other one to knock the first one in lol . Lori
  20. hi branden, i'm glad i'm not the only who has that problem, it seems to be something with fones , ive had to resort to chrome as thats the only broswer which seems to have the emoticans, well sometimes , lori
  21. hi mark have donated, i think RNLI need all the help they can get, good luck with your absail , lori
  22. hi robin thanks for sending the 1st video of distant horizon, thats actually the one we're having, it really looks a nice boat but that throttle does worry me abit, & the fact that it's got no dials up on the top driving position,which is abit weird , i'm really looking forwards to september now, thanks for posting your videos ,great stuff, maybe next time you could do loddon & beccles & oulton, although that ladder at the back does worry me a todge, it does seem to stick out quite abit does'nt it ? lori
  23. yes they do nest in some funny places do'nt they ? lol ,you should ave seen what i saw the other day, some blue tits going into a cat box outside, which was the size of a small kennel, for the fur, luckily for them, we'd had to ave suki put to sleep poor thing, as she'd had 2 seizures & we thought it was for the best, it was almost like they knew that she'd gone , or they could've been dead dickies lol. lori
  24. oh dear , looks like i'll ave to watch myself with that patrol boat lol , is there a speed restriction on breydon now ? i'll have to curb my river rage lol lol. lori
  25. forgot to ask, what are the stars under our names for ? & can you explain the box ive got which says neutral. lori
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