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Everything posted by loribear

  1. They're really great pics, it's a beautiful boat, that's what i call a broads boat, & it's nice to see that they've got back all in one piece, lori
  2. There is another one too john, sandersons at reedham, they pumped us out even though we'd not hired from them. Lori
  3. hi john thanks for the info, had a look at the pool, it looks nice & big but it looks like it will be closed when we go, , by the way what height is the beccles bridge ? lori .
  4. Hi baz i think you can find that information in the free newspaper that you usually get on hire boats, but we did'nt get one on george smiths boat, plus i think you've got yo pay for them now, lori
  5. thanks guys for all your help that's a great, you never know when you might need them , lori
  6. hi matt, how did you find the numbers for the docs ?
  7. hi everyone, with the weather getting warm again i'm suffering with my migraines again, & it got me wondering , how do you go about finding doctors around the broads ? & is it easy to see a doctor down there when you're not from around there & you are on holiday ? has anybody ever had to use the doctors down there when you've been down there & have you ever had any problems with them ? lori
  8. in all the years that ive been hiring on the broads which is about 12 years ive only ever been asked once to take a test & that was with richardsons, & we've hired some quite big boats, the biggest one was sand couger which i think was about 38ft long, &i must admit it did take some handling but we never banged it once, we were alw ays careful as we always are with other peoples property. Lori
  9. Thanks for info senator, but i think it will be a little cold when we go in september lol, i seem to remember one at ranworth broad i think, did it get shut down for health reasons ? I can't remember. Lori
  10. Hi senator, i'm afraid i have to agree with you there, you see that many strugling with some of the big boatsthat it makes you wonder why they hire them when they can't handle them, because when you think about it, if they were on the road they'd actually be driving an hgv lorry when you look at the size of some of them boats, & i think if it's their first time on the broads with a big boat then they should have a proper test drive, i'm afraid just taking the boat up the river for a quick test is not enough. Lori
  11. thanks guys,will keep an eye for them, although ive never seen one in beccles, but will have a look. lori
  12. afternoon everyone, & what a beautiful afternoon it is too, i wandered if anyone can help me, ive just taken up swimming & i'm enjoying it, ive only been 5 times so far bht have got upto 20 lengths already, & i would like to go when i'm kn my hols too, can anybody tell me if there is any swimming pools on the broads on either the north or south side near the rivers ,that are easy to get to ? Lori
  13. loribear


    wave hi everybody, long time no see, seeing that picture is a little worrying, at the angle he's going at , but i don't think everybody needs a pilot to go through wroxham bridge, i think it's all down to common sense, & looking at the height level before going through the bridge,as alot of people have hired boats before so they know what to do & are usually sensible about it, although the people who hire ARE lucky to be able to have a pilot if they want one,we've just been on the broads with george smith at wroxham, & they told us that they did'nt have a contract with whoever runs that scheme,:ie. either the pilot or hoseasons/blakes, they told us that if we wanted to go under wroxham bridge, then we we're on our own, but to be careful,the boat was called sallyB with a height of was 6.10 , so we checked the bridge height which was only just under 7.ft ,as the water was a little high, so we slowly went under chains & there seemt plenty of room but actually going the through bridge we found we only had an inch spare but we were sensible & took it through slowly & got through ok, the people at the yard also told us that they were fed up people damaging their centre cockpit boat & it was in the shed being repaired again, as it had been damaged 4 times since they'd had it, so i guess it just goes to show that not everyone IS sensible, i don't know where you have been john ,but you don't get your damage waiver back anymore, that stopped years ago. but just to tell another bit of info, when you hire from them you don't get your fuel money back, it's all included in the price,with your damage waiver etc, & the only downside to hiring from them is that you have to take your own bedding, but on a good note, you don't have to take the boat back til 4.30 pm, so you get a lye in , nice as they hire by the day not night like hoseasons/blakes. lori here is a pic of sallyB just to show you how high she is,
  14. hi matt now that ive seen your pic i know what your doing wrong , your using the mobile version, if you go to skyfire & type in the web address then go to the top of the page to settings, then click desktop, & you should see this full page, [attachment=0]iphone desktop version 001.PNG[/attachment] good luck, lori
  15. good morning misty, & welcome to our forum, i'm sure you'll enjoy it, we're all a friendly bunch on here, ENJOY. lori
  16. hi matt, had another thought , have you deleted your history & cookies lately ? because sometimes if you have'nt that can interfere with some of your old apps, if you go to settings then scroll down to safari & delete them, the come out of settings & double click your home button, & there you'll see all the apps thats you've used, if you just touch one of the apps till it wobbles then you'll see a minus sign on them, delete ALL the apps & then just click the home button again to go back to home screen, you should do this every week as it also help sabit with your battery, apart from that i can't think how else i can help you flower, good luck. lori
  17. hi matt have you tried SKYFIRE , i use that sometimes on my fone & it's also got flash for videos, if none of the browsers work on your iphone then you could have a problem with your phone, have you tried doing a hard reset or a restore on your fone to see if that helps ? which iphone have you got ? ive got a 3GS with ios 5.01 the only problem ive got is my battery draining because of update lori
  18. my favourite pic is one i took of some trees near norwich, they're all starting to turn red, beautiful .lori [attachment=0]red trees.JPG[/attachment]
  19. hi john when i had the htc wildfire , i used dolphin browser & it was quite good, it even gets good reviews on google, & i think it's a full browser, lori
  20. matt, try mercury browser,ive been using it for a while & never had any problems with it, i even use it to go on webcams too. lori
  21. hi matt ive just posted on here with a iphone 3GS & it seems fine to me, & i'm using mercury full browser, ive tried the ithers & like you say they don't seem to work on an iphone, lori
  22. love the boat, but can't see any ropes so does it have a remote control to moor it ? lori
  23. hi everyone i bought this old postcard of the wherry hotel at oulton broads, it looks so eerie & haunted abit like the addams family house but was just wandering if anyone had any ideas on what year it might be ? lori [attachment=0]norfplk 016.JPG[/attachment]
  24. Ooooh i wish i was that young, don't let that avatar pic fool you i'm coming up to my hawaii _ _ in a few months, do you remember that programme ? now who's showing her age.
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