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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Agreed, for a cat-nap forty-five minutes is far more acceptable.
  2. Surely there should also be davits, pulpit, glitzy, stainless mud weight and a fully adorned radar arch?
  3. Back in time I remember it as a bikers pub, later it allegedly hired rooms by the half hour, presumably to folk who liked to take a cat-nap!
  4. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/fire-at-griffin-pub-thorpe-st-andrew-6911410 One from Vaughan's formative years?
  5. They certainly do, when mixed with an egg and put in a hot oven!
  6. Fascinating stuff, thanks for the reminder. I well remember Walter Coe and Chris Groves, good old boys, good old times. But that was then, now is now.
  7. Re 'herd immunity', my understanding is that having had the virus most people will then be immune for four to five months. We still have a great deal to learn but somehow or another we surely need to break the chain.
  8. Best way of looking at it!
  9. I am not bothered as to whether I would be able to profit or not but I am cautious where subsequent liability is a possibility. By that I mean being continually expected to dip my hand into my back pocket in order to avoid bankruptcy. It is a community project, I wouldn't expect to retire gracefully on the proceeds. This is one for folk to weigh up the pros and cons, to decide for themselves.
  10. Before investing, becoming involved, I would wish to know how this venture is to be managed. The comment about 'too many cooks' is sadly both valid and relevant. Due to Covid 19 I sincerely doubt that there is any possibility that The Locks will be up and running and at least able to cover its costs anytime soon. I don't see The Locks becoming self sustaining for many months, if not years to come. It strikes me that the prospective was written and viewed through several layers of rose tinted spectacles. I note the projected costs include a proposed management fee and I do question whether that alone is sustainable, especially during the present trading conditions. As we have seen over this past winter flooding is a major, and unpredictable factor. I had in mind a £500.00 investment but what would I get for that? Some satisfaction in knowing that I have helped revive The Locks, at least in the short term, but that's obviously it. No guarantees of success, no discounts for shareholders, no sweeteners whatsoever. In the hard light of day I do question the realities. The Locks is a business, it is not a charity. I do question the business acumen of those leading this venture. Nevertheless, I wish them well.
  11. Allegedly you would. Just maybe there would then be a demand for electricity on the moorings, I wonder if that might alter the customer base.
  12. I note the intention to connect to the national grid. I find that alarming, the very ethos and character of the place could be under threat. I have read the prospectus, am glad that I did.
  13. I do worry that if I invest in the Locks that I would then be buying into a potential liability. Losing the value of my investment doesn't worry me particularly but I wonder if there is not the potential for a limitless liability that could be charged to shareholders. Donations to the cause is one thing, investment another. The current pandemic has shown what could potentially happen again.
  14. If we are to believe the doom-mongers then in fifty years time the Broads will be returned to being a big estuary, the sea will be allowed to ravage the land & Potter Heigham renamed as Potter Next To Sea and the RSPB will be celebrating.
  15. It's all here: https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/learning/for-students/history#:~:text=The broads are man-made,digging was a major industry.
  16. Skinny Dippers have the most to fear!
  17. I was speaking this evening to a man who knows about these things and he told me that there are now a number of cat-fish on the Broads, he's personally had an 86 pounder. I have also heard of two others at over 100lbs.
  18. 25lb of bleak, WOW! I joined a friend for a fun day's bleak fishing, we caught literally hundreds of the wee beasties between us but I doubt that we were anywhere near 20lbs.
  19. It can also play havoc with varnish work on wooden boats stored afloat.
  20. Coypu numbers, over the last fifty years, has plummeted. Mink and otter numbers are up, substantially. Seals are now relatively common. Lapwing numbers are sadly well down, Marsh Harrier numbers well up. Pike numbers are well down, bream numbers are up. Waterfowl numbers are down, fox numbers are up, coincidently. Songbird numbers are regretfully down, domestic cat numbers are up. Hedgehog numbers are down. Eel numbers are down. A list that I am sure can be added to.
  21. More truth in that particular article than perhaps you realize. I have friends and family within the NHS, all of whom have been telling me of their experiences, all of which substantiate the EDP on this one.
  22. I think that reading this article is well worthwhile: https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/health/staff-described-coronavirus-beds-crisis-at-nnuh-6897996
  23. Boats are like women, some men prefer wide transoms and broad beams!
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