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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Should have done that years ago . . . . . . . . . to keep them pesky invaders wot speak funny at bay!!
  2. I can think of one yard that famously sold out to a PLC at a healthy price only to buy back a few years later at a much lesser price. So many yards have gone, which must say something about the viability of the industry. Oulton Broad, at one time, had over twenty boatyards and during the 60s/70's heydays the Broad was a vibrant hub competing with Wroxham for popularity. One by one those yards sadly and inevitably closed. As a part owner of Fowlers, like others we had a way out, we sold our land for housing or at least alternative uses. Fowlers, at that time, regularly had twenty plus week seasons, we had some good boats, we'd both built and also bought in boats from yards that had closed. We maintained our boats to a good standard, maybe too good, maintenance cost money. I don't think that we were ever flogging a dead horse but there were undoubtedly easier ways of making a living than hiring boats!
  3. But are you not all good friends or family already? In a situation like that its more a case of shared ownership rather than being part of a syndicate, there is a difference. Sharing is good.
  4. Ar Ya Reet Bor? How You Gewin? Amma troshin well me oll booty! Howld yew hard, Bor, murst on em 'air are forriners, bess speek Yorksure or Tribyewtory Inglish, no gud yammerin on in proppur tork, the buggers unt unnerstan yer!
  5. Was a time, pre living memory, when Gorleston was in Suffolk, that was before it was down-graded!
  6. Robin might have retired by then!
  7. I had a look at that site, amazing number of pubs in Gt Yarmouth at one time!
  8. I rather suspect that the £75k is the hole that the present tenants have found themselves in. I've been in the same place, that was not a good. However, only guesswork on my part, I hope that I'm wrong.
  9. Problem is that so many retired owners want as much rent out of a business as when they ran it. Generally they have nothing to lose as when one disillusioned tenant moves on another starry eyed one tales their place. The present economic situation is in for a hefty shakeup in regard to many of the unsustainable rents I suspect. I feel sorry for those tenants wanting a way out and I foresee a few who sadly lose a great deal.
  10. Likewise we had a boat at Robins, he has a darn good set up there. Must be one of the best boat lifts on the Broads.
  11. All up roughly £40k per year just to stand still, plus another £50k for salary & wages. Six good months trading, if you are lucky, then there will be six tick-over months, again if you are lucky. Add to that refurbishing that dull, drab dining room. As the saying goes, you do the maths. In normal times, perhaps. That the present tenants want out at this time says it all, in my opinion.
  12. When I open my backdoor . . . . . . . . . . .
  13. Regulations allow for a 65' long replica Norfolk Wherry. Great, I want one! A fully licensed hotel afloat, all the comforts of home, a skipper and steward, a life of Reilly! Inevitably I would call her 'Jenny Morgan'!
  14. I rather fear the 'control freak'. Granted that the Broads themselves are man made but most of the rivers are basically natural. The Broads is the Broads, messing around with nature inevitably has a knock on effect. I can't help but believe that there is a high degree of self importance rearing its unwelcome head with this latest 'initiative'. Heaven save us from such as Natural England, witness the Hoveton Great Broad debacle.
  15. You could have a preview of such a fleet, albeit privately owned, by visiting Brundall!
  16. For the life of me I can't imagine which yard that might have been, oh no, not possibly!!
  17. It wouldn't! Imagine having to put up with customers, perish the thought. Best keep my money in the bank and go sailing and fishing!
  18. Such a barrier has been considered and reconsidered and yet again reconsidered so many times during my lifetime! Firstly, the major flooding we have seen on the Waveney Valler recently is fresh rather than saltwater. Secondly, a number of renowned and able experts have repeatedly concluded that if the sea is held back at Yarmouth Southtown then the likelihood of saltwater flooding above Potter will increase quite considerably. I am no expert but I do see the logic of that conclusion. Still, yet even more research will give a purpose and employment to a few good folk I suppose!
  19. Back in time a Jimmy Hoseason of Hoseasons fame had a 'Kent' that he called 'Mardler', if I remember correctly. It sailed well enough although exciting it was not! It was a good family boat and much enjoyed. I note that Eastwood Whelpton at Upton have one or two Kents in their hire fleet, perhaps they could help or just advise you.
  20. Blakes ran a Pub of the Year competition back in the 1970s. It ran for several years and yours truly and the team at the Waveney Inn won the award year after year until the pubs that never won pulled out, refusing to support something that they could never win. It wasn't that they were bad pubs, just that the Waveney had both extensive onsite moorings and a well used shop. At the time we were the only pub to charge for moorings and with every mooring ticket we handed out a voting form. In the shop every customer was asked to vote. We didn't miss an opportunity which, looking back, was perhaps unfair on the other pubs but it worked for us. That competition was good for us but it died a death, sadly but inevitably. Perhaps the same could be said of the NBO competition.
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