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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Because their members feel a need for clarification. There is a case for angling, namely the mental well being of its participants. However, the message is clear, all things considered, stay at home.
  2. This latest Covid variant really is. It is highly virulent and we clearly need to take cover.
  3. Yes, responsible action by the Angling Trust. The Trust is here to act on behalf of its members, which is clearly what it is doing. In this case it is also banging home the Government's message as I'm sure the BA will also do. Anglers, as well a boaters, need to look beyond their own interests. Us anglers need to realize that hanging up our rods for a while is nothing, indeed less than nothing, when compared with the life changing pressure being forced upon front line NHS staff & their families. I have a daughter who is pharmacist in a local hospital, her life is in a frazzle, she could so easily take the easy option and isolate but she doesn't, she sees that risking the lives of herself and her young family as being her duty. She's now working six days a week, often a twelve hour day, comes home both physically and mentally exhausted. Both my wife and I are shielding so she won't let us help with her two young boys, at least not until we have had our jabs. Talking of which my daughter is also training folk to handle the vaccines and to inoculate, that is on top of her duties on the wards. The pressure is constant and immense. So we can't go fishing or play on our boats . . . . . . . . .
  4. The message is clear, stay at home! Responsible action by the Angling Trust.
  5. The title of The Pits was granted several years ago to Gt Yarmouth.
  6. The river fishing season ends on March the 14th so probably no fishing until June 16th.
  7. It's official, we can not use angling as an excuse to visit our boats! https://anglingtrust.net/covid-19/?utm_source=emailmarketing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=national_lockdown_statement_jan_5&utm_content=2021-01-05
  8. Like they did with that famous 'yellow pile' on Breydon, that was a laughable example of inefficiency. The Authority does not do 'business' well.
  9. Don't think that you'll see many smug photos from today, it's peeing down with rain and blowing a near gale! Just to remind us locals of what even we are missing:
  10. The then National Rivers Authority, in the good old days, even went so far as to buying land at Geldeston Locks with future plans to reopen the navigation. Regretfully the BA inherited that land which they subsequently sold, grrrrrrr!
  11. For those of you who are fascinated by the drainage mills on the Broads, and Herringlfeet in particular, this might interest you. Good to hear proper English!!
  12. It was seriously considered at one time but if I recollect correctly it was scuppered by the estimated costs involved, as well as the disturbance it would have caused to a minute colony of legless oomigooly birds. It could have been good.
  13. Were Rodgers and Hammerstein not American?
  14. The NEC is central, but in practical terms a million miles from the coastal yachting centres so I don't see that as being a viable alternative to Excel. A great shame that the Olympic Stadium at Stratford was not built with a view to also being used as an occasional exhibition centre.
  15. Apparently, for our two local hospitals, things were pretty bad over the weekend and over the next two weeks are predicted to get even worse. No room for complacency and we have yet to see the results of the Christmas relaxation. The way you are managing sounds just right! In Norfolk & Suffolk some patients are being moved from the bigger to the smaller hospitals.
  16. I heard from a reliable source this afternoon that two local hospitals were busy today, more so than at any previous time in the entire pandemic. The very sincere advice given was simple, "stay away from other humans, for at least a fortnight". May I suggest that my fellow old crocks also heed that advice.
  17. I can only guess that the organiser of the Ludham 'rave' was incredibly naïve, if not just plain thick. Did he really think that his activities would be ignored, especially during these testing times? We live in a society intent on complaining at the best of times, let alone in the middle of the night in an area where a pin can be heard when dropped!
  18. Wicks offer a good range of products, their catalogue is worth a browse. Ideal for DIY.
  19. Any of my wherry images that you wish.
  20. Most home-improvement sales people are on some form of commission, even if they tell you that they are not! Add-ons are more dosh!
  21. Don't be remotely interested in signing on the dotted line, stay in control, watch the price drop! Threaten going to Wicks!
  22. None of our Ludham forumites was it? That should see a drop in Ludham property prices!
  23. Better to have a fleet of Optimists than one of Pessimists!
  24. An optimist in our midst!
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