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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. I do, just as you know darn well that a great deal more than just a few locals and boaters object to the current set up and the potential threat of Sandford. Deny it if you will but the reality is that I am far from alone in my concerns, and you know that is true
  2. Carol, may I respectfully suggest that you read the Broads Act!
  3. Thingamybob, you are quite right & I agree with you entirely. However, your response does raise a few concerns. For many, one of my daughters included, being a liveaboard is the only rational solution to what really is a national disgrace. My daughter, like so many, can only get zero hours contracts meaning that even with enough saved for a deposit she is finding that getting her own home is next to impossible. The Broads Authority had a solution that would have helped many, Jenner's Basin on Thorpe Island, it won't be happening. Planning policies are so often against those on low incomes seeking a home. Financial policies are against those seeking a home. Employment policies too, it is a disgrace because the solution is there. There is so much redundant land around the Broads, unsuitable for housing because of flooding issues which could be ideal for formal liveaboard communities, however birds take precedence over humans, the system & societies' priorities are flawed. The average local wage is under the national average, so often the only folk who can afford local properties are people from outside the area. You ask that liveaboards play by the rules. Mooring prices are based on what folk are prepared to pay, or are able to pay but liveaboards can rarely afford marina charges. My daughter, like many others, wants to provide for herself, but the system just won't allow her to. Providing for liveaboards should be a national project and not just because of need but also because it would, in part, take the pressure off greenfield sites. Liveaboards have a place on the Broads, we should embrace them as part of the rich mix that makes the Broads the Broads.
  4. JennyMorgan


    I've had more than a few pike, and one or two bass, by bouncing/ripping a lure across the surface, especially during the early season.
  5. Carol, hopefully the BBC will pick up on the obvious discontent of many in regard to the NP issue and the BA in general. It is, after all, a countryside issue, especially as the BBC have reported on NP discontent on previous programmes. We shall see, certainly won't be upset if the BBC ignores me or others but there is a story there. Re the BBC, like the BA, a radical shake up wouldn't go amiss.
  6. http://www.lowestoftjournal.co.uk/news/quirky-dwile-flonking-tournament-to-return-to-geldeston-1-5003110
  7. Sorry Marsh, I cannot accept that it is a silly game. In an ideal world Countryfile will pick up on a potential story, one that goes rather deeper than just the NP issue. Tens of thousands have been spent/wasted by the delusional doctor on his pursuit of his grail, and that alone is an issue well worth highlighting, given the opportunity. If they don't then at least several of us tried.
  8. Apparently BBC's Countryfile is on the Broads next Sunday. If you would like to inform the BBC that the Broads is NOT legally a national park then their contact e-mail address is: countryfile@bbc.co.uk
  9. But where have they gone? A problem, if it really was one, just moved on?
  10. If folk don't mind a spot of portage across the B1113 then an EA lock key could be really useful!
  11. Another option might be to drill holes in the wood dash board big enough for a short length of stainless tube, to scale, to be passed through & glued. The tube is then filled with clear resin to flush with the face of the 'gauge'. Lights behind the dash panel gives the impression of illuminated gauges.
  12. I do regret leaving one or two good friends behind but on balance SeaMaster is on the money.
  13. Sunshine and anglers.
  14. I can't think who might be the 'other side' but I can think of at least two over here who are most definitely heading that way! Needles to say that one will be clutching a goblet of vino, and a truncheon, whilst the other will be googling terrible jokes and clutching his sheets.
  15. Awww, thought that you might think that I was a Waitrose customer! Seriously though, I do visit the big supermarkets, when one is nearer and handier, but wow, do I notice the price differences! Not only that but our local Tesco is BIG and it takes an age to walk around compared with my smaller, more convenient local Aldi & Lidl. Joking aside I really can't see any advantage in throwing money away on premium labels, unless it's fishing tackle! Coincidently I bump into some of the richest people in Lowestoft, also shopping in Lidl!
  16. Sorry, didn't you have a poke around whilst you were there?
  17. Welcome back, can you shake off the scent of sulphur and brimstone?
  18. Even those are cheaper across at Lidl's!
  19. Passing over to the other side is inevitable but hopefully not just yet!
  20. https://www.writersandartists.co.uk/store/9781472927651/writers-artists-yearbook-2017
  21. It takes me long enough to write out my C.V. without tackling a book!
  22. I shop in Lidl's, good quality vegetables at great prices. What with a boat, a fishing tackle shop to support, a wife and seven grandchildren I can't afford Morrison's prices, wonky or otherwise!
  23. I once watched a flotilla of hire cruisers follow each other onto the putty on Breydon. Found out later that it was a large school group each boat having a teacher at the helm.
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