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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Thanks, Vaughan, in its entirety pretty much the answer that I expected. It begs the obvious question, if it was not a problem back then, why should it be so now? What motive does the Council have for damaging Roger's livelihood and impacting on the lives of the Islanders?
  2. 01603 952417 is a company that appears to go under various names, First Anglia, Anglia First or Debbage & Tubby, a Norwich based double glazing company offering a Green Scheme buy back on windows over ten years old. I asked who was funding the buy-back and was told it was the Glass & Glazing Federation. I phoned the Federation only to be told, surprise surprise, that they make no such funding available and know nothing about such a scheme whatsoever. Double glazing call centres, grrrrrrr, don't we just love 'em!
  3. Perhaps if the boat owners and their dinghies were to carry token bags of coal then? Daft, I know, but sillier things have happened in the past, and succeeded.
  4. Thank you, Malcolm, was there nothing relevant in the deeds for your strip of land then? I remember from my antics with Jamie Campbell when we navigated the Muck Fleet up to the Trinity Broads that any portage involved had to be via public footpaths. We had one bridge to pass but thankfully that was served by public footpaths so we remained legal. On that basis I wonder about access to the water and subsequently the Island over land that quite possibly was a tow path and also a public 'green', open space. Vaughan, do you not have old deeds relating to Herts and the Island tucked away in the attic or whatever?
  5. Nowadays Lathams appears to be overrun by the Brigante hordes all puttering 'eee-ducks' to all and sundry and demanding extra discount.
  6. Is there any record as to how the owners of both the properties opposite and the strips of land would access their property on the Island? At what point in history was the Green created as an open space?
  7. Wise words, Vaughan, relevant questions too. In my view the proposed moorings are okay just as somewhere to moor and at what appear to be reasonable prices. Not for me though, nor I suspect for many owners of 'acceptable' boats. The more I think about this the more it appears that the Island businesses took it for granted that they had access over the Green, ergo it was/is a public staithe, common land. History suggests that it was a working area and subsequently a village green/common with public access. Trouble is that I doubt that there are any written, legal agreements. However, if the area is a public, open space then that is what it is, shouldn't be an argument. There is exactly the same situation at Beccles and Oulton Broad and consequently there is free mooring, only I won't tell folk exactly where 'cause I'll lose my free mooring spots!
  8. Hardly the perfect hire or Broads boat by the sound of it, looks good though.
  9. Sorry, Gracie, I really don't know, I'll ask Timbo.
  10. Whoops, got that wrong! 'So neither Yarmouth nor Kirkley were ever estuaries' being what I should have writ!
  11. Interesting comment is that, Robin. Firstly the BA has spent a small fortune in researching reasons for not dredging and secondly some of these shallows were historically cattle walks and indeed the walks were indeed often natural outcrops built up to create fording points as part of long distance droves. The footpath that goes outside my house is very clearly enroute between Burgh Castle and Colchester and a gravel ridge does pass under Oulton Broad in such a way that it must surely have been a part of that same route.
  12. So neither Yarmouth nor Kirkley were never estuaries and the Romans never built Burgh Castle? Well, dang my dingly dangly bits for being such an ignoramus!
  13. There is an answer to that by way of a well known country comment about snobs but best not aired on a public forum!
  14. Gracie, sailing boats have been on the Broads for hundreds if not thousands of years. Both the Romans and the Vikings sailed up our rivers and estuaries. It is those fart boat things that are the relatively recent interlopers, tis they that should know their place, their skippers and crew should dip their ensigns and doff their caps as we glide quietly and serenely past, emission free too!!! Of course I jest, don't i?!
  15. Vaughan, thank you for that potted history, I had a feeling that if I fished then you might take the bait which, conveniently, you did and with style! I am quite certain that amongst all the history there lies the answer. The Island was clearly sold off or leased in strips and surely any astute business person would have ensured access rights, unless there was a public staithe thus those rights already and conveniently existed.
  16. Of John's own admission 'the beer was in', I won't complete that well known saying but I suspect that some of you have encountered it. I have a huge respect and liking for John (MM) but in this I agree wholly with Loo, sorry John.
  17. Marina, it wasn't but it could have been me! The bloke was out in front, one reason it wasn't me, and he was determined to win, that's what races are about. It is not unheard of for a sailing boat to use the vortex created by another boat, both in the water and in the air, to help draw it along, as I suspect was the case in this instance. I doubt very much that there was any danger although I accept that you didn't know that. Presumably he turned away when your boat ceased to help him. Have faith in sailing boats. By the way, slowing a sailing boat down when racing is not an option but sailing boats are remarkably manouverable, when they need to be. As I say, have faith.
  18. I rather suspect that in all sailing clubs there will be a precocious brat or two demanding all and sundry get out of their way but in respect to the Beccles sailing club I generally find that they have got their act together. Spare space is at a premium, as dnks suggests, but casualties and sinkings are rare, at least amongst the competitors!
  19. Back in the eons of time, when the Island was created as part of the Lowestoft to Norwich Navigation and the then new railway line crossed the river, some provision surely was made for access to the then newly created island? Somebody must have owned the land prior to it becoming an island or was the entire island sold to the railway company thus no provision required? A week or two spent in the local Public Records Office might pay dividends. Please note, I stress 'might'!
  20. Is that in a rowing eight? Those sliding seats can be really painful!
  21. Thank you for reminding us of the obvious, a fact that appears to have been forgotten. Reconsidering this issue leaves me wondering if after all it isn't up to Roger to take the lead & look after his customers. However it still appears that Roger needs help in doing that and that the Islanders need to help themselves. It also appears that the bridge has been forgotten.
  22. Being near to Gt Yarmouth and the sea means that there is also a very real risk of catching crabs
  23. Best not go swimming there, shoals can be very contagious, especially in the nether regions.
  24. You can always ask for a plate, I do! I suspect that the planks of wood are off-cuts from the boatyard thus cheaper than china. As the one who was responsible for the old, convivial bar I was sad to see it go but in truth I rather like the 'vandalised' new bar's decor.
  25. As one who only very occasionally visits the other place I have to say that I have appreciated Malcolm's input and the balance that he's introduced to this debate. He hasn't only replied to Rickh but also to PeterW and in both cases with courtesy and conviction, I appreciate that. However, I do agree with John in principle.
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