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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Thorpe is a jewel in Norwich's crown and I fully understand the Parish Council's concern regarding liveaboards. No one would reasonably want to see a repeat of the eyesore boating community that developed further upstream towards the Hotel Nelson a few years ago. However, in my experience, if you treat the 'drop out' community with respect then they in turn will return the compliment. By and large liveaboards just want to be left alone to live their lives as they see fit. There are plenty of good folk living on boats, they are not the enemy. Not everyone can afford a house, nor would want one in many cases.
  2. Hello Martin, good to see you over here. We know each other from a closed forum, Jamie C & Co. Some wise words, thank you for that, but there are also some points worth considering. It is a principle of English law in that it should be seen to be reasonable. We also have common law rights such as the right to navigate tidal waters, or being able to access the land. In regard to planning, it has to be reasonable to assume that boats have moored at Thorpe for centuries and just as reasonable to assume that people lived on some of those boats. Such activities predate the Broads Authority and probably the Parish Council. People living aboard certainly predates the twelve year or whatever rule in relation to establishing unauthorised development. It has to be reasonable that people residing on or beside the island have established a prescriptive right of access to the mainland. Why can the Parish Council not accept the reasonableness of such an argument and make reasonable provision for the Islanders?
  3. Emoticon Basildon, and the funny way they talk?
  4. Perhaps it's impatient drivers stuck behind doddery old drivers and cursed caravans that need to hand in their licences. Poppy, I rather suspect that said warning sign is most likely to be bought as a joke by the children of doddery old gits!
  5. Lowestoft is a grubby town but it still has its attractions, such as the Maritime Museum opposite the caravan site, the Triangle and Stamford Arms pubs (Google), the Boat Building Training Centre near Oulton Broad and the ferry that runs from Oulton Broad to Lowestoft & back. A couple of smoke houses for smoked fish are both well worth visiting too. Africa Alive at Kessingland is a great destination, at the moment the baby meerkats are fascinating!
  6. Charlie, reading this whole thread it does seems to indicate that the two outlets are separate and as Charlie suggests not good for either outlet. I assume that the shop has an 'off' licence so if the weather is bad, like it is right now, then I suspect that customers will head for the pub. I can't see the pub not serving food, not in this day and age, ohh dear. I like the sound of what is on offer at the shop so feel some sympathy for 'Berney' & his partner.
  7. Charlie, it does appear that the old shop/cafe is separate from the pub & vice versa and now it appears that both outlets will be selling booze over the weekend. Berney, clarification please.
  8. All together now, 'Oh no it doesn't!'
  9. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/the-berney-arms-inn-will-be-open-over-easter-weekend-to-customers-1-4976894 Does this mean two outlets at one place selling booze? I am now confused.
  10. For those of you who don't know the very excellent Green Jack brewery: http://www.green-jack.com/tastingnotes.html
  11. Effectively he is supposed to answer to the chairperson of the Broads Authority. Trouble is that the Chairperson dances to his tune.
  12. So long as they have a barrel of superior Jenny Morgan!
  13. Mark, details here: https://wheatacrehallbarns.co.uk/local-information/view/aldeby-hall-fishing-lakes I really can't remember for sure but I'm pretty certain it's on the bank.
  14. Bound to be some vintage Garage, with a spot of Kitchen thrown in for good measure.
  15. Rumour has it that the goose disappeared, just before Christmas! Whilst on the 'C' theme, only ten or twelve weeks to go before Lathams start selling decorations again, whoopee! Mention of the 'C' word should go down a storm with our Gracie! Not long now, only eight months to go.
  16. Mention of low slung, baggy trousers, indicative of troubles down below as well as aloft. Sunglasses on foreheads, designer Alice bands. Dicks of the week, just my opinion you understand, blokes over twenty with their hair in buns. Just in case you misread that, B-U-N-S.
  17. That there's going to be a rave at Berney? With no return trains then it'll have to be an all nighter! Best pack my sleeping bag and midge cream then.
  18. Boycee, probably true and for a secure overnight mooring probably fair enough although yours truly won't pay to moor on principle, especially as there is miles of 'wild' mooring either side! I only ever moor to fish, or to walk up to the fishing lakes so hopefully it'll be free during the day, please.
  19. Re Aldeby I too had heard that. Apparently the rent had been hiked up so the Authority, wisely in my opinion, refused to be held to ransom. Okay, so we have lost a twenty four hour mooring but I rarely saw hire boats there so I don't suppose the holiday trade will suffer much. Being so near to Beccles I often wondered why folk moored there and often during the week no one did. Not much of a loss in my opinion and a wise stance by the BA. Mind you, I often moored there, great fishing spot! Be interesting to see what the landowner does with the mooring and whether I have lost my easy fishing.
  20. Booming beats across the marsh, that could soon upset the local residents! Re the noise, it's amazing just how far sound can travel. When one of my daughters turned eighteen we had a garden party, as one does. I thought that we were having a disco, one of my other daughters being a DJ, but several musician friends turned up, including members of The Darkness and inevitably they set up drums and they all plugged in as a jam session developed and further developed. So as not to disturb our neighbours the speaker cabinets were all faced across Oulton Broad, that obviously worked as the following day comments were made that our neighbours had heard nothing. However a good friend of mine is member of Beccles plod. As the crow flies I suppose our garden is possibly eight or nine miles from Beccles, largely across open marshland. Apparently complaints had been made in Beccles and Plod had been out determined to track down an illegal rave! Embarrassing but by heck it had been something of a party, judging by the wheelie-bins full of empties we collected from around the garden the following morning. Until then I had no idea quite how far 'booming beats' could travel! Four daughters have lots of friends and more than a few turned up plus a few uninvited but in fairness their behaviour had been impeccable and in the morning ourselves and a group of volunteers soon cleared up.
  21. Ooh dear, I thought that the problems of the past were dead and buried.
  22. A wiser man than I ever gave him credit for then!
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