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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Too young to attend, wasn't you the camera man then? The only two that I recognise are little Willie and his brother Dick.
  2. Local youngsters late 1940's, note the spindly legs. Maybe we should adopt war-time rationing.
  3. I have heard that some of Martham's smaller & older boats have proven a tad small for today's extreme 'wider seat'. Indeed one lardy lady used her bulk to force herself into the toilet compartment. Trouble is that once ensconced and without momentum her bulk became a handicap. The lady was only released when a bulkhead was removed! Apparently it was suggested that the toilet pumpout was put on blow rather than suck however removing one wall was thought to be less messy.
  4. Will muddy wellies be welcome?
  5. What little affair? Well, since Ardea, when in Paris, was famously a dormitory for resting 'ladies of the night' then perhaps this becomes a leading question? 'Everything is eaten', the mind boggles!
  6. Hi Meg, thanks for that story, I hope that our Gracie has read it. Kind of reinforces the superiority of us elderly blokes!
  7. Suffolk folk like to be intellectually challenged every once in awhile!
  8. Low pay and undernourishment is endemic to Suffolk!
  9. Suspect that a fly tyers vice would not be needed, just masking tape holding a fend-off to a suitable something. However the dexterity of a fly-tyer would be useful. Any handy fly-tyers on the forum? In my opinion the suggestion of using waxed whipping thread is a sound one.
  10. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/health/these-four-charts-show-the-obesity-crisis-in-norfolk-and-suffolk-1-4965011 Live elsewhere and you might stay slim!
  11. Re splicing, anglers use a thing called a baiting needle, ideal for splicing fine strands on models, you won't need a fid. Will the splices be tapered? I suppose you could use an ordinary darning needle but baiting needles normally have bigger eyes and are made of finer wire.
  12. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/getting_up_close_and_personal_with_a_90_year_old_wherry_the_ardea_of_the_norfolk_broads_1_4964160
  13. Listening to the woes of friends I have to say that Barclays would not be my first choice of bank! Agree with Polly.
  14. It's all very well sounding off online but what can we do? Join the NSBA for a kick off. Write not only to your MP but also to DEFRA. Have a go about the governance of the BA whilst you are at it too! Ooooh, dare I suggest that you mention BNP saga as well? Well, I've done that so obviously I do dare!
  15. Another snap of Hotie, this time including my tribute to Watney's Red Barrel. The red 'barrel' on the left was the holding tank for the toilet pump-out!
  16. I was recently asked if I knew what happened to the large 'cat' that used to be at the illustrious Waveney River Centre way back in the 1970's/80's. It was built by Henry & Iris Petersen as a means of fulfilling a dream to sail to the Caribbean. They were never to make it, they reached Canvey Island where regretfully Iris died. Henry continued to live a board for a few years until he became ill and had to move into a care-home. Inevitably Henry died, his boat then became a home to a friend of his and that was the last I heard of Hotei, for that was her name. If she is still afloat, or indeed somewhere in the Thames Estuary I don't know. She was built to sail but whether she ever did or not I don't know. Iris had started to make the sails but didn't complete them before she died. As a seaboat I often wondered, Henry had put so much weight forward in order to provide the accommodation that he felt that Iris deserved and I have long wondered how successful she was at sea and whether the subsequent owner fulfilled the dream that drove Henry & Iris. News of any sightings much appreciated.
  17. In a nutshell, if a boat insured by a Spanish company was to hit and damage mine, possibly injuring a crew member, then would I be compensated? If the answer is no then obviously the company concerned is selling a duff product as far as the Authority is concerned. Please, what is the shortcoming of an Edward William's Marine Policy?
  18. Keith, if I understand correctly a conversation I had with an affable bod in the tolls office recently the BA is not entitled to demand copies of insurance papers as part of the tolls transaction, they can only ask that you confirm that you have insurance in place, either a tick or a 'yes'. I actually think that they are playing this one by the book.
  19. The BA's team was Norfolk County Councill's in-house legal department and for many things they do and did their job well but when it comes to things relating to the Broads I'm not entirely sure that it always came within their field of experience or expertise, just my opinion. The Act was worded pretty loosely, intentionally I suspect, in order to allow for 'interpretation to suit'. Actually I'm quite certain it was and that snippet doesn't come from an imaginary friend either. Anyway, in the case of Keith's grouse I side with Paladin's interpretation of the Broads Act in this case & suggest that Keith coughs up and goes out on the water and makes the best of his possibly last summer on the Broads! With Paladin's field of expertise I am glad that he has put recent events behind him and offered us his sound advice.
  20. Keithe, I can't disagree with you on this one. It's generally accepted that the Broads Act was poorly drafted and clearly needs revision. The Act in regard to adjacent waters being a prime example!
  21. I am completely with John on this one, a simple 'yes' was all that was required! Me, my insurance renewal comes up later in the year so I can say 'yes' with an easy conscience. I admit that I can be an awkward sod when it comes to petty officialdom but in this case I would simply let it ride with the required answer, especially as I'll be insuring anyway.
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