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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Fishing & boating auction on Sunday at Stalham. 2017 Museum Events Bringing the Story of the Broads Alive Sunday 07 May Boat and Fishing Jumble 9am to 12pm If you enjoy boats or fishing, like a bargain and recycling, then this well-established sale is for you! £1 entry. Please phone the Museum if you would like a stall (£10). Part of the Broads Outdoors Festival A chance for Griff & Co to clear out BA's lockers!
  2. JennyMorgan


    I don't, I go fishing, on my boat!
  3. JennyMorgan


    BB, if you only have a 5 month season then that is your fault, the close season is not November, it's March. You are losing four months of the season by choice, your choice and you are missing some superb sport. As for businesses benefitting by the abolishment of the close season, there is sometimes more to life than money!
  4. Can't blame the bank, nor the Authority, for a sailing boating running onto a lee shore! The result of the Pegasus running aground is that the geotextile that is there to help the bank become re-established has probably been torn by the keel, or keels, of the grounded boat meaning that the mud will be washed out of the new bank.
  5. JennyMorgan


    Big Bream, wildlife has everything to do with wild water angling. Okay, so carp anglers fish for domesticated, named fish in muddy aquariums but the rest of us fish for wild fish aka wildlife with fins. As for the close season, long may it continue, despite the annual wailing from those who haven't the inclination to sea-fish, game-fish or, heaven forbid, fish for 'nuisance' carp!
  6. Polly, there are several up there including one sailed by a vicar so best watch your language!
  7. I always enjoy my visits to the Lake District, noticeable is the lack of mention of the NP title! Great fishing up there too.
  8. JennyMorgan


    http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/swan-found-at-ranworth-broad-with-fishing-hook-through-its-tongue-1-4996748 That is no angler's set up. Political correctness prevents me from suggesting that those of a different culture to myself are most likely to be guilty, grrrrrrr.
  9. There is no requirement for the Broads Authority to act as a tourist board so why did they pay for this consultancy report? http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/756926/Sustainable-Tourism-Strategy-0416.pdf Much of it is regurgitated information. I agree that to manage the Broads the Authority needs background information but I suspect that sufficient was already available. To my way of thinking this report is both extravagant and unnecessary. Surely tourism should be the responsibility of a tourist board, the prerogative of the industry that benefits from it.
  10. Andy, what an astute comment, summed it all up perfectly! Brilliant summary. It's going to take a strong will to undo all the malaise that the man has planted. The whole system and the ethos of Yare House is rotten to the core in my estimation.
  11. Apparently folk have been known to try and drive off, still plugged in, rather than lose their ten pence!
  12. It might be that the previous meters were set to maximum, a maximum that didn't reflect the BA's present requirements.
  13. I often see pubs with patio heaters blasting away during the summer months, presumably the actual cause of global warming.
  14. We've has a few short blasts of sleet but no sign of any frosts over the last few days. Perhaps us Angles are a more hardy race than those Southerners.
  15. Speed, by its own admission the BA creams off about 20% to pay for the overheads of supplying bankside power.. Heating on at this time of the year, wow!
  16. I've had a play around with 'Paint', not very good at it, and rounded off the image thus, just got to make it fit a 2" badge now!
  17. I see that we will be able to make badges! Fun, fun, fun! I have my artwork ready
  18. Thanks for the memory, the Broads were very special back then.
  19. One of those coasters once won me a race! As Stumpy has pointed out they used to rub bottom thus the undertow that they created was either very handy or a pain in the butt. If they were going your way & you just happened to be close under their stern then you could find yourself being drawn along most effectively. Problem came when you reached the race buoy that you needed to turn round. It could take some pretty hard pushing against the ship's stern to get away from the undertow and no way did we want to go to Norwich. On this one particular occasion the pilot, who must have been a Broads sailor in his spare time, jiggered with the ship's engine at just the right moment and I found my bow being kicked around the buoy! From being nearly last I actually won a race, not very sporting though !
  20. If only all fishermen respected the close season on the Broads.
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