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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/crime/watch_your_speed_new_speedwatch_group_launches_in_attleborough_1_4947352 Perhaps Lidl or Aldi could do a line in dummy speed cameras kits with 'free' hi vis waistcoats for £9.99? Guards style, high fronted white top hats, complete with pop-up blue flashing lights could be an optional extra. Summertime fun for retired forumites sat outside of the Horning pubs!
  2. There you are, John, there had to be one! Thanks, Quo!
  3. The 48 hour rule does seem to ignore holiday visitors who want to visit Norwich, spending the night before in Thorpe and the night after too. Not everyone wants to moor at Norwich Yacht Station overnight, especially after Jeremy Kyle panned it so Thorpe is an obvious stopping place. However, I do have some sympathy with the Parish Council, as I do with residential boaters. Whilst the majority of the houseboat fraternity are not a problem there are those who seem incapable of making friends with the local 'in brick' community especially in regard to the parking of cars and vans. On top of that there are the mooring hoppers, those who swap from one 24 hour mooring to another. Thorpe one day, Bramerton or wherever the next and back to Thorpe the day after. In a nutshell I don't think that the live-aboard community has exactly helped or organised itself. It is a shame but it does appear that neither side of the debate is prepared to sit down with the other and reach an acceptable compromise.
  4. People with little Hamptons, if the moorings are stern on, take up pretty much as much space as bigger boats so I can quite understand Clive having a high minimum charge. Not only that but if a 'small' boat is frightened away then I'm quite certain that there is a big one waiting to take its place.
  5. As one who has taken advantage of the right to moor for the duration of a tide, both in sailing and pop-pop-boats, at Great Yarmouth Yacht Station and had that right explained to me by an obliging Quay Ranger, I have to assume that there is at least a common law right to moor and that it is upheld by non other than the Authority who will, I'm sure, have researched the matter in absolute and miniscule detail. Indeed it's hats off to the staff at the Yacht Station at least from me. I doubt very much that even Thorpe PC would ignore the harsh reality of an unduly high tide.
  6. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/boat_owners_moored_for_more_than_24_hours_in_thorpe_st_andrew_could_be_fined_100_under_new_plans_1_4947888
  7. Re double glazing at carboot sales, of course it sells but having worked for a double glazing company marketing department I can only say that whilst the reps sold it was never really worthwhile. Probably the best sales, and most surprising, was at country fairs, the Royal Norfolk Show for example. In the end the reps used to knock car boot sales and the like by asking customers what sort of product did they really expect from a carboot sale?
  8. Socks and sandals. socks and sailing, socks and crocs, errhem men in white socks, naa, no chance that anyone would wear socks let alone odd socks!
  9. John, it might relate to the mooring posts, that was an issue at one point with the BA, might have reared its head again.
  10. We once had an amusing episode over the perfectly innocent use of the name **** and having to use the alternative term 'an abbreviated Richard'!
  11. Bit unfair on the Rangers down South!
  12. Take a peep at this, at six foot six inches long she could easily be a radio controlled model. As it is a man is aboard rather than on the bank controlling it. http://www.boatdesign.net/forums/attachments/sailboats/70315d1336787012-minuet-yachts-2m-fun-boat-can-design-improved-international-2.4-meter.jpg
  13. The toll will soon be due, £250.00 or so, mooring charge for the houseboat alone, heading up towards a grand. A huge amount of work is required before she could possibly pass the Boat Safety Certificate requirement, the pressure must surely be on for a quick sale now. She is clearly a liability in her present state. Time to make an insulting cash in hand offer? According to Facebook the present owner might only have paid £4k for her so perhaps that would be a good starting point..
  14. I once watched a BA Ranger demand a toll off a father who's toddler was playing in what was blatantly a blow-up beach-toy dinghy on the slipway at Burgh St Peter. I won't tell you where the justifiably irate father told the Ranger to put his boathook but not long after that the Ranger in question transferred to another department. The denizens of the rhond thought it highly amusing at the time but where actually is the cut off point between a boat and a toy? There are some really large models out there, certainly longer than an Optimist sailing dinghy, fairer tolls and all that old guff but surely a RC Laser wouldn't demand a toll, would it? Just a thought, having an electrical installation, would it require a safety certificate?
  15. Even the Titanic was lofted !
  16. Here she is, during the 1950's, bottom left of centre.
  17. Old Frank has an incredible library of Broads books, long time friend of Bob Malster too, absolute fund of useful information.
  18. Residential moorings are hardly at a premium on Oulton Broad, nor nearby Lowestoft, and neither are swinging moorings, just ask in the Harbour Master's Office if you want one.
  19. No1 is Katrina before she was sold on EBay. No2 has been off her moorings now for several years and is being slowly rebuilt after sinking several times. No3 is a complete rebuild and is now with new owners who appear to have overcome most of the problems and are thoroughly enjoying her.
  20. That's mean! I suspect that Oulton Broad or Beccles Yacht Stations might be able to help, worth a call.
  21. Probably quite right, Grendel. The BA planning policy is that abandoned houseboats can't be replaced. Another not inconsequential issue is that the mooring is only hired thus the prospective houseboat owner would not own it. £45,000.00 for a 'project' and with questionable rights of tenure and poor access does not seem to me to be a wise purchase.
  22. That could be due to 'doubling-up', not an uncommon technique for repairs to clencher built hulls, especially where rubbing has taken place, where the hull rubs against the bank. It's not uncommon to tack a wherry by turning her against the reeds, indeed many years ago Albion needed much of her forward planking replaced and it was reckoned that it had been rubbed surprisingly thin in that manner.
  23. Somewhere I have an aerial photograph of her. In the meantime here is the location, amazing that it is.
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