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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Hollyberries and chickens are never wrong
  2. http://www.express.co.uk/news/weather/725108/Winter-2016-heavy-snow-cold-UK-weather-long-range-forecast If you are iced in then at least you will be comfortably moored up in the boat-house, a Christmas barbie on the bank, won't be any need to ship that forward fend-off. I've had berries on my holly trees since August, my chickens are eating more so as to build up their fat levels for a cold winter, the fish have already moved into deeper thus warmer water, nature knows you know!
  3. Those of us who know Mark may well remember his public and very cutting, and apt, criticism of Doctor Packman. Either Dr P is magnanimous in forgiving Mark or Mark has the knowledge and means to go his own way, despite the BA. However my guess is that the BA will be entirely neutral where Mark is concerned, indeed it has to be. Like Andy I very much doubt that the Ferry will ever make a profit as a standalone business but I reckon it's a pretty good retirement project.
  4. What I would like to ask the man is whether he had charts or not? By his own admission he did not know that he was very near to a lifeboat station, or seemingly the shore for that matter. He had the shipping lanes outside Felixstow to contend with as well as the approaches to the Thames Estuary. Did he actually know how to use the anchor? Something of a Captain Calamity if you ask me.
  5. Another link here: http://www.ybw.com/news-from-yachting-boating-world/coastguard-working-to-help-stricken-yacht-near-happisburgh-43879 In it you'll see how the hull is holed by the groyne. I suspect that she is full of water which means that her deadweight must far exceed her stated hull weight. All that weight pressing down on the groyne has lead to the inevitable, her hull has split.
  6. For more info see: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-37853216 In that report it mentions that the boat is to be removed and I suspect that that will be a costly job, perhaps an insurance company is involved.
  7. Lori, I don't know the facts of this one but very often concrete boats are built by amateurs and don't meet relevant, recognised standards thus some insurance companies won't touch them.
  8. Steve, every one of us has two choices, either that we do or we don't, simple as that. Doing doesn't make it bullshit. No law saying that we have to, no law saying that we can't, it's our choice. Go back to that picture of the Royal Yacht, dressed overall she looks absolutely splendid, surely you agree.
  9. I've seen more than a few black ensigns that started off as reds. Not on cruisers but on merchant vessels. A British thing?
  10. Although an American publication this information reads well. It includes the comment that abiding by flag etiquette can add to the fun of boating, a comment with which I agree. I also think that pride in one's boat is also a relevant factor. A smart. well dressed boat, like a smart well dressed woman is eye candy! http://www.sbccsail.org/Documents/Burgee.pdf
  11. The Broads is an estuary of the open sea so Q's comment is absolutely right. A visit to Holland's waterways is always a pleasure for me. The Dutch have a colourful flag culture and apparent pride in their ensigns, regretfully missing in Britain despite the fact that we regard ourselves as a maritime nation.
  12. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/norfolk_wildlife_trust_launches_1m_appeal_to_secure_future_of_hickling_broad_1_4758888
  13. Britannia with all her 'pretties' aloft!
  14. The 'jack' with a white boarder is a 'pilot jack' and can even be worn on boats owned by common oiks like myself! http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/gb-pilot.html
  15. How do I earn the right to fly the flag of St. George? Be an Ingerland supporter or a boat that went to Dunkerque. Chill? But why, none of us are uptight about the topic, are we? Interested, yes, but hardly in a state that calls for chilling! If folk want to do it their way, to ignore our proud history and customs then so be it. As for earning rights, both my father and grandfather fought for me to have the right to fly our national, maritime ensign. The British merchant fleets that wore the Red Duster through absolute hell during WWII earned the right for non naval vessels to wear it too, what a superb privilege that my humble boat is now entitled to wear it! Vexillology, fascinating topic! It's all here: http://www.flaginstitute.org/wp/about-us/about-vexillology/
  16. Brrrr, a seasonal thing, it's now very cold at sea-level!
  17. I don't know the truth about the present demise of the Waveney but with Christmas & New Year just around the corner then I think it a pity that the tenants were not allowed to reap the benefits. Great shame if Oulton Broad is to loose a boozer.
  18. Etc. to include such frivolities as hair curlers or straighteners, hair dryers, shoe polishers, wine coolers, nail buffers and bread makers.
  19. I am really surprised that the 'venomous posts' have been taken seriously. Come on folks, black humour may not be your thing but no one is seriously going to taser those that they disapprove of, surely? Perhaps we need a tongue in cheek emotive.
  20. As our son in law was responsible for the CGI in much of that film called Gravity we did make the effort to go and see it in 3D at a cinema in Norwich. The food intake of some of the porkers and lardies around us was amazing and rather than annoy it did become part of the entertainment, good lord, look at the size of him, does he really need that second tower burger?! Sandra Bullock in 3D or some gross greaseball doing a Linda Lovelace impression on a hapless doozle-dog, grease and ketchup drizzling down several chins and into her more than ample cleavage did hold a morbid fascination for yours truly! By the way, great film! Mind you, the experience was probably a one off, unlikely to be repeated, I go with The Q on this one, it'll be on TV soon enough. Mind you, he is working on the forthcoming Star Wars, might change my mind, better start saving up. No, he doesn't get us free tickets!
  21. We had an illuminated pumpkin in the window, and a tin of quality street by the door, no probs. At about nine o'clock, when the young 'brats' turned into six foot lads, we took the pumpkin out of the window and the calls ceased, It all went very smoothly & my grandson, in his skeleton outfit, had a great time helping us answer the door!
  22. Many a true word written in jest, I hope!!
  23. We had several groups of 'brats' round tonight, pleasure to share their fun & enjoyment.
  24. Got to allow popcorn & chocolate! Judging by what some cinema's charge for their food then yes, they must make a lot of money out of food. Should it be allowed? No, downright antisocial, apart from above exceptions . Cod & Six on the way home, bring back the old ways!
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