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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. To be even more picky I reckon that Geldeston Locks is about as far as you can go in a Southerly direction, or need to go for a good pub!
  2. Agreed, Barry, 32 years is well above and beyond, Mrs G must have developed a hardback immunity to Mr G's jokes!
  3. Why put a dehumidifier on a boat? Ventilators have long worked wonders!
  4. Nav lights, yes, but please, dear boating god, don't let the hire yards install headlights or search/spot lights.
  5. http://www.edp24.co.uk/business/tourism/push_to_promote_the_northern_and_southern_broads_as_a_whole_1_4751477 The big attraction of the Southern Broads is the relative lack of the crowds that enjoy the Northern Broads, but for how much longer?
  6. Apparently it was a household dehumidifier wot done it. http://www.ybw.com/news-from-yachting-boating-world/moonraker-super-36-fire-possibly-caused-by-household-dehumidifier-43730
  7. Not being one to jump to conclusions I will refrain from further comment !
  8. Fred, did you actually post it? Daft question I know but it's only too easy to miss the send button or not press it hard enough! That aside, unless posting links to other forums, frowned on, I find that our mods exercise very creditable courtesy in regard to modded posts. To be honest I reckon a post on here, as opposed to over there, must be really 'naughty' before it's modded!
  9. Tried again, no probs this time.
  10. I tried paying, it came back as being an invalid request. Suggestions please.
  11. I really do hope that they managed to stay the right side of the channel markers on Breydon!
  12. Mine too, Jill. I had the great good fortune to see Ewan sing it at Snape Maltings as well as the Waveney Folk Club. An emotive song. Another great favourite and contender is Cyril Tawney singing Six Feet of Mud. http://www.traditionalmusic.co.uk/song-midis/Six_Feet_of_Mud.htm I was thinking on the lines of that great Jerry Lee Lewis classic,
  13. Not long since my mum-in-law passed away and my wife & I sorted out her funeral arrangements. I'm sure that many of you have gone through the same process, it isn't easy. We were asked to choose two songs that mum might have chosen, errrr, I hope that we guessed right. My wife and I met at a folk singing club & it's been an interest ever since. I also love boats and boating with a passion, quite like fishing too. Do you remember the Hoseasons TV advert with 'Messing about on the river'? That's one consideration. One or two others too but it really has to be this one for me: How about you guys, anything apt?
  14. I really don't expect the EDP to quote any of what I have written, however I am hoping that Lauren, as the EDP's writer on Broads matters, gains further insight into the shortcomings of the quango.
  15. The talk of lost moorings and the hint from Yare House that it is the landowners that are not co-operating, ummm, I hear otherwise, more likely that the landowners are less than enchanted with the BA. Makes sense to me that cooperation has been withdrawn. If true then I wonder who is to blame?
  16. I too have submitted comment to lauren.cope@archant.co In my case NP branding, the Authority being officer rather than member lead, tolls and direct elections (especially for CEOs!)
  17. At best the Acle Straight only needs three lanes, one in and two out of Yarmouth! Sorry, old joke!
  18. According to Google Alerts the story has even made the hallowed pages of The Sun! https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2031463/safety-improvements-to-lethal-road-delayed-for-years-because-eu-rules-protect-snails/ Normally an excuse for not dredging!
  19. Tim, join the NSBA and then write endless letters to their chairman, copies to all Broads related MP's, simple. Memo to self, do as I preach! P.S. The Broads Society already has a severe case of brown noses, it's long been known as The Reed Factor, blessed man.
  20. Also might be a way of finding out if your house is empty whilst your boat is not, worrying stuff. On another forum, no, not that one, we had a rather annoying individual who seemed intent on creating trouble. One of the mods, navy trained, there's a clue, did some delving because the style of prose can be a pretty certain fingerprint, even for folk who use various forum names and different devices . It was who we thought it was but the mod concerned went further, much further by identifying the address, and even the room, picture from Google, from where the signal came from. The evidence went no further than to those of us involved with the forum management but it did shake the troll, as it was intended to. On an angling forum I was tracked by an individual, who even published a Google Earth location of my house, in an effort to find out where I go pike fishing, I did ask the police to have words and that, thankfully, was the end of it. Not a safe world.
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