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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. My feelings exactly. Not many locals within the BA's upper echelons.
  2. Sixty covers probably equates to forty cars plus there would be others waiting their turn, me thinks that the committee got it right, for once.
  3. The committee going against the recommendation of the officers, wow!
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-37517105 Keen to move to Broadland & need the perfect job? Job in Oulton Broad.
  5. Wanna catch a bream? Some sound info here:
  6. https://www.insidermedia.com/insider/central-and-east/norfolk-marina-on-the-lookout-for-new-owner Now, if I won the lottery then I could redevelop the marina as a haven for sailing boats! Errr, maybe not, those blasted bridges!
  7. If nothing else the contact address is within the article.
  8. Tony, actually I think it is a case of very clever architecture but whether it is suitable for the location must surely be open to debate and varied opinion. For me I do think that the cottage. and the site in general, has lost its picturesque. iconic picture post card appeal, I do regret that.
  9. For me the next best thing to pegging it afloat would be:
  10. Alan Smethurst, I remember him well. Scattering your ashes on Hickling might be better, less chance of them being disturbed by dredging!
  11. Polly, so right to keep Brilliant, big boats offer comfort & fridges for the Pims but never the fun of smaller boats.
  12. Understandable concern but if the business is a success, and whilst the Authority seems hellbent on increasing access and the estate similarly keen to make money, then such 'improvements' maybe inevitable. A kiosk selling ice cream and tacky souvenirs could be next.
  13. I'll keep your request in mind! After scoffing one of your herrings might be a good alternative. A good friend of my family died whilst racing on Oulton Broad, he quite simply sailed into the bank by the sailing club, much to the surprise of the spectators. He was sat there, hands on tiller and mainsheet, just as if he was alive.
  14. Perhaps a tad selfish but I rather hope that that is how I go, on the Broads and on a boat. Bit of a shock for those around me but hopefully I'd have a smile on my face. I hope it was a peaceful ending.
  15. Wish it was the case around here! We can get is season tickets, generally about three times the 'usual' entrance price and that can be good value for such as Africa Alive & Sealife. For most things we get 'stung' just as much as the visitors do!
  16. I suppose the fear is that people will moor up and go to the first tea-room that they see, that I can understand. Equally though coaches might bring visitors because it's somewhere they can see and access the broad and those visitors might wander up to the village. Surely a win win for all concerned in the long run? I haven'r been to Salhouse for more years than I can remember, too many grockles, izzerts and trippers for my taste!
  17. Whether it would be a plus or minus for Salhouse I don't really know so I will be neither objecting nor supporting this application. However I do get the impression that the BA tends to favour businesses with financial clout and to bully those without.
  18. The house with the chip shop chimney besides Hunsett Mill could easily be considered uglier!
  19. Once again I see this as folk who have holidayed on the Broads, learned to love it from that point of view, and have subsequently decided to pursue their own vision. Fine, but why have the local, experienced and established Broads businesses not pounced? I suspect that the answer is the same as Jenner's Basin, it will take a battle royal to achieve the vision at that particular location. Not to say that I don't wish them well but when the likes of Tingdene, Richardsons and Len Funnell leave it alone then that must mean something. Agreed, the BA must proceed with caution but to that I would add not closed minds.
  20. I can agree with most that you have written, Marsh, but how can you honestly say that the site where the WRC pods are is well shielded? It's on, what is for the Broads, a hill (gentle slope) overlooking the river! That aside I don't blame the BA for treading cautiously on this one but if it's an implicit 'No' at this stage then I think that that is premature. I also think that there are enough folk on this planet that simply want a razz-matazz free holiday, maybe a short walk to the pub of an evening, a spot of fishing and a river bank to sit on and meditate, for a small glamping site besides the river to be very popular. Visual impact I don't mind, unless its unsightly. Call an area a national park, whether it is one or not, in order to attract visitors means that the Broads must be able to cope with the subsequent demands, the Authority can't have it both ways. Me thinks an open minded approach is called for on this one, just as it is for Jenner's Basin at Thorpe.
  21. No wholesome dydling then? Dydling maketh man!
  22. Those excellent pods at the Waveney River Centre, to me anyway, show just how acceptable they can be.
  23. Perhaps the lady didn't like the alternative meaning of dyke?
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