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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Is this the answer for people who toss & turn or throw a duvet off? https://www.aldi.co.uk/en/specialbuys/sun-2-aug/product-detail/ps/p/fishing-sleep-suit/?pk_campaign=uk_product_newsletter&pk_kwd=2015-07-31_17-38 Unless they are renamed 'Carp Sleep Suits' and come in camouflage pattern then I don't see these catching on with anglers but I reckon for tos=sers on small boats these could be the mutt's nutts. How funny, I used the term tos=sers in relation to people who toss & turn in their sleep & the dreaded auto censor substituted it with 'silly people'!
  2. Hoity-toity lot at the best of times but I suspect it was aimed at their own, or at least the rowdies who surface at Regatta times. Don't think that any of you should take it personally.
  3. Hope the driver had some change for the fare!
  4. Good theory is that, Martin. Another look back in time, this time when sailing a centre boarder into the River Alde. Being very shallow draft, and at the first opportunity, sailed in over the bar. Once in just happened to look behind us to see, with horror, that several keel boats that had probably been waiting for the tide, had tried to follow our example, possibly thinking that we knew what we were doing. I did feel a bit embarrassed, having set such a bad example!
  5. I mustn't larf, someone could have been hurt, but another one bites the dust, or is it the mud?! I well remember driving a big racing job out of Chichester Harbour & heading off to the Isle of Wight. I just jammed the bank of throttles forward and hung on very tight! Reaching the Island in not many minutes, to the congratulations from the boat's designer, I conveniently choose not to mention the fact that I hadn't dared let go of the steering wheel in order to throttle back! After that I do have some sympathy with the owner of the boat in Clive's picture, even if I didn't carry on up Bembridge beach!.
  6. Our campaign is taking off! Interesting softening of intent by Natural England in that access might be allowed in ten years time. Think that we need a definite statement of intent on that one though. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/petition_grows_as_natural_england_says_access_to_hoveton_great_broad_from_the_river_will_be_impossible_over_the_next_decade_1_4175974
  7. To be honest, Dave, having heard all the previous tasters and news reports I think that Radio Norfolk balanced the story well over the previous hour. I rather suspect that the 8.00 sound bite was to balance what had gone before. I think that we can be reasonably pleased.
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02x43c6#play
  9. http://www.greatyarmouthmercury.co.uk/news/anglers_warning_over_investment_on_the_broads_1_4174290 If the Broads are healthy for fish then they must be healthier for people. If the Broads are attractive to anglers then they will be to anglers families & friends. Anglers often claim that they are the eyes and ears of the waterways, perhaps they are.
  10. The tide is very but not exceptionally high today. I wonder if they went under going the other way and then expected to be able to do the same today? You can do that under motorway bridges so why not Broads bridges?
  11. I understand that the involved petitioners were very pleased with how their interview went.
  12. Radio Norfolk are intending to broadcast a story on the early show tomorrow (6.30 - 9 am - Friday 31 July) about the Hoveton Great Broad restoration project. They visited the Broad & interviewed of the some of the petitioners yesterday and have an interview booked with Natural England today.
  13. The tidal rise and fall in Lowestoft is a major hurdle when it comes to embarkation. It's always been a barrier to previous water taxi schemes. Hopefully these problems, and bureaucracy, have been overcome but really these should have been sorted before the boat was built.
  14. The engines might well have been well maintained whilst in use but will probably have been neglected whilst in storage, and that might mean several years of decay. If boats in Lowestoft are anything to go by the engines might not be silenced or anything more than basic.
  15. Gapton Hall Estate? Seen several from the road.
  16. Embarkation and disembarkation might be the hipcough.
  17. John is a great bloke but who is to set the standards & requirements? Okay having the right gear but folk do need to know how to use it. I have attended some of the local PAC meetings and cringed at some of the things I have heard & seen. Do I know the answer, like as heck I do but I have witnessed some local PAC members doing some really quite objectionable things. I have all the respect in the world for John, but not for some of his fellows.
  18. Agreed but I will say this, I have witnessed some of the self declared experts fishing in ways that really should not be encouraged. Re the Pike Anglers Club (Association), unfortunately, in my opinion, part of the problem. Pike conservation is their remit but inevitably they also promote pike fishing and more pike fishermen is not what the Broads need right now. The other problem are the experts who think that they can do no wrong, but do. I too will shut up now before I really go off on one, because I really could!.
  19. Suspect that they are ex oil-rig boats, those orange jobs, make good houseboats.
  20. Naa, Warp's a nice man, he sent me a copy for the use of!
  21. Not the first Broads boat to make that mistake, Robin!
  22. Is that a 'no' then? I'm gutted!!!!!!
  23. Think that one should be made into a 'sticky'!
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