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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. I have to admit to a degree of admiration and certainly support for Marshman's recent comments. Like him I preach caution and I share his well worded concerns. It is regretful that we and others see reason to be worried at this stressful time. A question of trust, or lack of it in this case. Jay, you have my sympathy, of course you do. I have family members directly involved, working on the frontline, one with four colleagues that are infected, yes, I am worried.
  2. Indeed it doesn't but the BA has been pushing out the very clear message that we must not go boating and if we do then we will be reported to the police. The BA's message is plain and clear.
  3. Tom, I can't disagree with anything that you have just written. However, I will make one point, if you'll excuse me. Yes, but your people are dressed in blue uniforms and drive around in smart white boats with blue, flashing lights on their roofs, and even board private boats in adjacent waters in order to 'share' the message.
  4. At one time the suggestion was that a 'reasonable' walk would last no more than an hour and a run no more than half an hour. On that basis a two hour drive would be frowned upon. Far two many interpretations abound.
  5. Can't argue with that, it also being my understanding of the latest dictates. Seems quite reasonable to my way of thinking and quite probably a welcome relaxation of the guidelines. At least a few more folk can now walk backwards and forwards past their boats.
  6. I hope that it is not your's this time. I note that one boat lost a fish-finder, ummm, I've made this point before, not a good idea to leave tempting stuff aboard over winter. When the low lifes find good stuff on one boat they then go on to target another. Leaving a cockpit full of goodies in view is also asking for trouble. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/boats-stilen-set-adrift-norfolk-broads-1-6611965
  7. Both cyclists and motorcyclists need to 'Think Car'! Many cyclists need to at least attend a car awareness course. Perhaps a few boaters need to attend an angler awareness course!! Just to bring this thread back to fishing!
  8. Clarity on this issue has been issued by the Angling Alliance, the activity's governing body, and it is clear that angling is permitted from gardens provided that the garden relates directly to the family home. Apparently it does not apply, for example, to a mooring plot that is only accessible via a public highway. Obviously unfair to some folk such as those who live within easy walking distance of their moorings. Hopefully common sense will prevail. The Alliance is presenting its case to the Government for consideration. Personally I think that the case to allow angling, provided social distancing is maintained, is strong. I am talking mid June so by then perhaps general relaxations will be in place anyway. Mind you, I wouldn't book a holiday on the strength of these thoughts!
  9. You are too late, Tom has put me right!
  10. I don't know where it is but I do know where it isn't!
  11. Thank you, Tom. Can't think why I was not aware of that!!
  12. There is history to this in that when the Authority was set up there were those that did question the use of 'Authority' in the title. It was felt that the duty of the new body was not one of 'authority' as such and that the then new body should not go down that path. It's notable that no other member of the national parks has adopted 'authority' in its title. Fortunately it has never been as issue and probably it never would have been, save for the Corona Virus and the obvious policing that this has given rise to. Folk have long been aware of the potential threat to their right to navigate, namely misplaced authority, which might go someway towards explaining the perceived paranoia surrounding the topic and Upcycler's caution. I just hope that people will resist regurgitating all the old and increasingly tired debate on this subject but we would be wise to keep a weather eye open, without getting hot under the collar! In the meantime it is the title of the organisation, I don't see it changing any time soon!
  13. Can't match that but one of my school teachers, a Mr Long, was in Colditz Castle with him as a POW. He didn't have a good word to say about Bader.
  14. I really do think that it was a blunder to allow cycling as an exercise. Why cycling and not other sporting activities? Granted that it's not always a team activity but then the same can be said of a number of sports, angling and kayaking included. Personally I shall have no qualms whatsoever in regard to angling from the end of my garden! Luck of the draw. Just need to kill a rabbit so I can get some maggots, don't suppose the angling shop will be open, let alone the maggot factory.
  15. Businesses are getting a helping hand to survive. https://www.edp24.co.uk/business/government-grant-to-help-businesses-in-south-norfolk-and-broadland-1-6606840
  16. It's looking increasingly unlikely this year https://www.countryside-alliance.org/news/2020/3/coronavirus-covid-19-advice-for-fly-and-coarse-f?fbclid=IwAR0QbhQvzKaWtcqfOLdvBTa_S5_EIx8xq9SyfHuZ-9Zh7svWclfm5Mz6BbI
  17. JennyMorgan

    Bad Timing..

    Discretion is a wonderful attribute! Be interesting to see how the start of the fishing seasons pans out.
  18. By the way, I paddle winter and summer, generally by myself, the risks are mine and accepted by me. It must be sixty years since I last fell out of a canoe!
  19. I have but it's a bit nonsensical when you consider that I can do the real thing, and get fresh air. Those who wish to ride their bikes clearly do so, are you suggesting that they resort to a riding machine or that walkers resort to a treadmill rather than the real thing?
  20. Allegedly, in my younger days, this was my favourite location! Lies. all lies, I much preferred being upright!
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