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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Should have said When I came out of hospital I got myself a oxitmeter .If I dont feel right I check my breathing and checks your pulse rate also.For those that are not sure what they are.Most healthy people with have oxygen levels in the high 90s.If mine drop to low 80s it's best I at least contact the Doctors. Pulse below 70 is good.Both of these are at rest.
  2. I've just looked at this article, really very worrying. As someone who recovered from pneumonia. Now living with COPD,I know the signs of an impending chest infection. And how best to deal with it.With covId19 induced pneumonia, which I was aware of,but didn't realise how it differed from normal if that's the correct term pneumonia.
  3. The lockdown is tough In my opinion think it's right the country is going in the right direction. Like many I miss the boat.I've not gone anywhere. As far as I've gone is my garden.If we are to get back to as normal as possible. We need to carry on what we're doing now.Sadly that means no pubs clubs restaurants. Visits to the seaside,trips on the river.I want to return to work up to the boat visit to a pub etc,but it's not possible yet.If we relax too soon.This virus will carry on.Then we really will have a major problem which the country will struggle to recover from.Lets bite the bullet and make the most of what we got now.Many are suffering and some dieing sadly.Just remember that.
  4. Not so sure they could.Toms walk was and is for NHS charities. There may be a legal reason why they didn't.
  5. I fully agree,but I am a little disappointed with the lack of publicity regarding the 2.6 challenge on Sunday.This is intended to support many charities.
  6. Also this Sunday is the day if the 2.6 challenge. I'm taking part in Aid of the RNLI.For those that don't know about it.It has been set up to help feel the funding gap due to the London marathon being postponed. I am a little disappointed at the lack of publicity of this event.Many charities have seen donations to them dropped off.Hopefully this event with help. I am sure Captain Tom and Michael Balls record will hit number one. Just visit the 2.6 challenge link, if anyone would like to support me or indeed help other charities. Its via Just giving. Used by Captain Tom. Money goes direct to your choice of charity
  7. I have very mixed feelings at present. I was working in a very busy unit.Was told one afternoon in March sorry we dont need you.Very strange feeling I had no control. Our game plans put on hold.We intend to retire next year and move to Norfolk. Plus being in the high risk group restricting my movements.Still Marina and I have kept busy each day.I spoke with Graham the other day ,I'm concerned about the batteries on the boat.Thankfully he will check it out.I fully understand the lockdown the very real need to protect us as far as possible. Like many I'm concerned about the future. So at times I have a feeling of no purpose. That's the main reason I'm doing the 2.6 challenge on Sunday.I want to help if I can.
  8. Ours dont deliver, but are sent to the one Marina uses at Belvedere. My company have stopped pay slips.Now on line.
  9. If you add equal quantities of ingredients. It will be too heavy.It does not matter if you cook or not apples, its just a matter of taste.Still what do I know have only been a Chef for nearly fifty years
  10. I've not worked now since 18 march and will be unable to leave the house until if I'm lucky by the middle of June.I've not left the house since 23 March, which was my birthday.I do have the garden, theres many in my position that don't have a garden that can't be easy.When I'm allowed out I will be like a kid in a sweet shop.Still I am well thankfully.
  11. Lovely photos, yes indeed Cris.It appears we've reached the top of the curve.Lets hope this is the start of a way out of this madness. In the words of the great man. "Now this is not the end.It is not even the beginning of the end.But it is .perhaps the end of the beginning ". My photo today on St George's day,which I think is fitting. Was taken last summer.The dark before the light. We will come through this.
  12. I was there when I was at school and that's to the locals. My love of Chelsea football club began.Chelsea were playing Leeds utd in the FA cup.Because we were from London the locals took the kick.Funny before I went there,I didn't support any club.Just glad it was Chelsea and not some teams I could mention!
  13. Marina did her new fish tank today.Fred the fish(black widow).Wrongly said he she was a Angel fish.They all seem happy a much bigger tank.I won't show them my chips tonight. Fred's the one to bottom left.
  14. My game plan before this madness took hold of us all.Was simple hit retirement on May 23 next year,Marina August 23 next year.So after May 23 next year go down to A three day week.Sell the house and move to Norfolk. Simple.Now life far from easy,At high risk unable to leave home until at least middle of June.My future like that of many is uncertain. Think thousands,perhaps millions of us will take a long look of our lives.
  15. An idea let's post our pictures taken before lockdown.Pictures of the broads,trips abroad.A visit to the pub,restaurants.Family and friends get togethers.A trip to the country side.Why its special for you.In such dark times anything to make as smile is good.Lets look forward to a time we can get back to near normal. An idea also for the mods.Perhaps a section just for Corona related posts during this time the virus is affecting us. A brace of Kingfishers,and a bridge you may know.A couple of Spits from two years ago.
  16. Marina and I seem to do things round the house each day.So far today not alot.I clean the grill, so in the past week I've cleaned the oven and grill, Tidying up paper work,getting rid of some.Marina sorting out her new fish tank.Some days are better then others.Its given me food for thought for the future. As for making a list I would have a few.
  17. I'm pleased to say some sponsorship as stared to come in.I will be doing my walk next Sunday 26 April.This would have been the day of the London Marathon .In taking part its certainly the closest I will ever get to the Marathon.I know I've said before.Its not for me, have not left home since Monday 23 March, which was my birthday one I wont forget.I just want to help.Being at home often I've felt useless, this is my chance to in a small way to help.To do so I need people to sponsor me.If anyone can help great and please share with others. If you want to sponsor its 2.6 just giving, donate my name Ian Hathaway. Thanks Ian
  18. There's talk about what people can and cant do.From my position, I have little choice, theres things I want to do ,many I cant.At high risk I have to stay home.I last left the house on March 23,My Birthday. I am lucky I've got a garden,many dont.I miss the boat,going to the shops,I miss work.We all have had our lives turned upside down.We all want a return to normal.Not sure what normal that will be, None of us know.Yes Theres things I would like.I want to paint Alan's old room.I cant go to the shops.Marina can do the shopping, I worry about her doing so,but what choice do I have. My mum worked hard to bring me up,my Father died when I was 18 months old.I too worked hard to support the family. Think I did my bit.This is perhaps the first time in my life I've felt useless.Sorry If I upset people.Many of you can at least go out,okay your choices are limited. I would really enjoy a walk, that for me wont happen until at least the middle of June if I'm lucky. The reasoning behind my setting up a petition to make a NHS day once a year event and signing up for the 2.6 challenge in Aid of the RNLI is simple,I feel useless and just want to help That's not happening my petition seems to be falling by the way side ,and in doing the 2.6 some question my choice of the RNLI at this time.A organisation I've been a member local and National for many years.The 2.6 has given me a purpose, I will walk for half an hour,that's nothing many will say.For me that's a big deal.Stange I can work non stop at work all day, but if I walk for a time I become breathless, walking is not easy.I will do it and hopefully raise many for the RNLI .I just in my limited capacity want to help,but get a bit anyoned at times.Sorry if I've upset anyone. Like most just want to get out of this mess,if in my own small way to help so be it Ian
  19. Think we're all going look like hippies soon Man.Marina will.cut mine tomorrow. Not that I've got much anyway.
  20. I'm informed by and large most food and goods are now available now.A few weeks back when it was it was like the Wild west.There was no loo rolls and hand sanitizer. Now theres no flour, tomato puree and Marina said the deli counter at Morrisons.
  21. The reverse with Marina and I .Alan was born on our Anniversary 2 July . Once again Happy birthday. Ian.
  22. A friend like you is or was having treatment for Cancer. Hope your treatment resumes soon. Have a very happy birthday. I will raise a glass to you tonight .Cheers.
  23. According to Marina theres next to no flour available in supermarkets at present. She managed to get some flour last week in a Polish shop.
  24. Clear I started this post as someone at High risk.I suffer as most know I have COPD.Had all the texts and letters from the NHS and the Government. There seems to be some surgeries appearing to going beyond what is coming from the NHS and Government. Not sure why I am concerned for a number of reasons when we start to come out of this nightmare. Concerned for my health, but also work.I'm due to retire May next year.Have no idea what will happen when the lid starts to left.When this first started it was thought those at most risk. Those with underlying health problems, those with cancer, transplant and the elderly. What now seems very worrying is younger people, and some that are quite fit are getting I'll and dieing .Im honest with my self.have health problems and sadly no longer a youngster. Think the important thing is the infection and death rates drop.Think we are going in the right direction What's worrying. In some parts of America they seems to not be listening and doing what that want,far from helpful. We all need to bite the bullet and get over this as soon as possible.
  25. If any one wants to know what to do with those tins and packets in the back of the cupboard let me know,I will give you some ideas
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