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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Thought they paid people to go to Upton park
  2. Yes to both,do remember the old steam engine.Used the foot tunnel many times,there's also one in Greenwich.
  3. Your are wrong Alan.In London you get a Oyster + 60,once you hit 60.so I only pay on br trains up to 09.30.Buses underground,DLR and Overground is free.
  4. Sadly there boats still get knocked.I remember a few years back,one of there boats was a week old ,and getting fuel at Brooms the chaps were patching up a boat that got stuck at somleyton bridge.
  5. We Marina and I went to Bluewater today, she got some hotel chocolate, I topped up with Lindt.Back in July I lost my phone together with my loyalty card,which was full.So starting again.Its got to be done.Sure Grace would approve.
  6. Sadly the old Woolwich ferry is now retired.The replacements are due in next January.Have some great memories of the boats.Have said before, as a child my granddad used to take me across on Saturdays.We would go to the docks and watch the ship's.In recent years helping to collect for the RNLI.I hope the sleepers and crew retain there jobs and return in the new year.Looking forward to the new boats.There are a few vids on u-tube. Ian
  7. Glad you got sorted,think it's either down to Richardson's policy or insurance. Anyway have a week,and welcome to the forum. Ian
  8. Welcome to the forum ,think my friends have the answer.There are a number of long canel boats on the broads. Ian
  9. We were there last month,the chap at the YS,said there is plans to up date the loos and showers.Also other work due to take place.I like many hope there is improvement,it's long overdue. Always like going to Beccles,but apart from the new pathway it needs some work doing.
  10. I have a problem running a bath,never mind a marathon. ?
  11. Let me bring it back to Gracie.Lets talk about chocolate, wine and shoes.I like chocolate and wine, not together mind .Not fussed about shoes.
  12. Like many we recycle, 're use where possible. The only way this problem will be solved is to move away from plastic and find a alternative.Sadly we can't do it on our own.There needs to be a world wide heads together to sort it out.
  13. Watching drowning in plastic on BBC 1.Shocking the amount of plastic in a chicks stomach, just knocks you back.Thanks to this and David Attenborough bringing this to the attention of the pubic. It seems plastic is in every corner of the world. Let's hope it's not to late to stop this tide of plastic. There are signs that we are starting to move away from our love of plastic products.My hope is that the world will reduce and replace with cleaner products.
  14. Welcome,is the view Potter Ian
  15. Maurice,I don't know must be a company such as menzes or Smith's.Taking to the lady at Stracey and the chap at stokesby the charges had doubled .
  16. The point I made at the start of this thread was,for what ever reason companies have increased there fee to shops to supply newspapers.I understand fully some shop keepers feel the price is to high.Since other forms of news such as social media news channels etc.Papers are not as popular now.Still I like many want a paper now and again.Is everything you read true?no even people in high office will make fake news.Like most people I get news from lots of sources,then make up my own mind.
  17. I think there's a few levels here.Yes people run out of things to post,therefore stop doing so.In recent months many have joined and some of the long standing members have gone missing.A few months back some posts became a bit personal. I will always stand up for on, some subjects,good open debate and long may it continue.What I don't like is when it gets personal.Some seemed to disagree then attack others who did not share there view.Then throw the toys out of the pram. A lot was posted a few months back about the forum playing a leading role,regarding the broads.Lets have open sometimes heated debates,but do so in a fair and honest way,and don't make it personal. We may not need to be reminded,but we all share something in common, our love of boating and the broads. Ian
  18. Don't worry Jean,we only make the bad ones walk the plank!Boyce normally shouts Chelsea as he goes past us. Ian
  19. I am sure she got tales to tell on wine,shoes chocolate and her love of sailing boats Whatever you are doing Grace,have a lovely weekend. Ian.
  20. On our recent holiday,like most years we stopped at Stracey. I asked if she had any news papers.Sorry we have stopped,due to the fact they have increased the price to deliver to us.The same at stokesby. Yesterday marina asked the owner of our local corner shop.The only papers she sells The Sun and the Times,no magazines .The same reason.Okay for many years paper news has declined, however I like many like a paper certainly magazine. Right now been reading EDP Norfolk mag.Perhaps I can understand a shop owner deciding not to sell papers because they won't get A good return on there money,but my local shop in town something to me says perhaps the charges are to high.
  21. I to did a few pms,which she replied to. She said the same that she wanted a break.Sadly it seems some of the old guard are not posting as much.I for one miss there posts,Hopefully they will return. I do think in recent months the forum has changed,let's hope old friends return. Best wishes Ian
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