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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. If you owned land on the river, the reality is it will be for you own use or you will charge others to moor there.Of course to maintain insurance etc will cost you money. If I was lucky enough to own riverside land it would be for my own use.
  2. Pork pies and bubble pass on the pickled eggs, picked onions yes plus a nice piece of cheese and good crusty bread .
  3. I remember as a child on the broads, the gas mantels,also in caravans. They would crackle ant the gentle light was almost magical.
  4. It's seems to me HW could take tips from us,making sure it has a microwave. Tips on a good English,Scottish or even American breakfast. Not sure about the pickled eggs or pork pies though!
  5. Go Scottish Haggis and a nice single malt
  6. There are a number of items in a full English and you can have bubble and squeak.
  7. Bubble and squeak ,as a chef you lot want to make me cry
  8. If you look at the sponsors for us you will see them freedom boats
  9. Go for Silverline Brundall, well maintained a good yard ,and the southern Brazos are not to busy.
  10. Brundall still has Silverline, well maintained boats,which are always well turned out.Before we owned boats used them many times.You can't go wrong with them.
  11. Six people on this boat,you may need in that case two microwaves.My boat a Alpha 29 built 1991,no mod cons,but has more space then the Brooms mould sleeps four in comfort and it has a half bath in the rear cabin.
  12. Polly did you forget to attach a photo?
  13. I have been over this boat at the London boat show (Brooms) .It is a 4 max people 6 who are they kidding .I would guess Brooms are selling the mould.I agree with Alan why bother with a microwave.Comfort, heating and a bit of space is important.
  14. Because I am sad watching 4 in a bed there have been a number of Glamping shown.To me some look quite good,but I can't help thinking it's used to push the cost up to the customer. The one I mentioned yesterday was very basic,and in no way was up market.For me I want a bit of comfort.If you like that sort of thing fine.
  15. What do people think about Glamping ?This afternoon 4 in the bed.Not what some people are thinking. TV show on channel 4,four B&Bs stay in one another B&B.s.,then give marks etc.Today Glamping,in my view today's was far from up market.For my part we camped in the south of France when the kids were young. There's no way I would glamp or camp now I think it's become trendy .If you like that sort of thing go for it.Sadly not for me
  16. Try my local garden centre for all things Christmas
  17. What a lovely day today,24/25c.We visited three garden centres today,one was getting there Christmas stock up and running.In fact today reminded me of five years ago.I treated Marina to a long weekend in Geneva,also October and almost the same temps.We had lunch over looking mount Blanc. Back to now tonight we had Haggis nips and tatties. Sadly no single malt to wash it down,still some red later.Now watching strictly. Merry Christmas and keeeep dannncing.
  18. Hope the main part of the pub does not change to much, we got a day boat last month and popped in for a quick drink.Hope to call back next year.Slightly off topic have sponsored a brick for the locks appeal.Think Griff has also sponsored a brick
  19. I remember when Sue was land lady back in the sixties.
  20. I don't know ,like many I get my broads fix looking at broads webcam.Why not phon Brinks,after all it is there webcam
  21. Must be the leaning tower of Christmas tree
  22. I to like the new series,as many know I am a big fan of strictly.
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