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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. I wish you good luck,and by the way welcome to the forum
  2. I find it a real shame,Malcolm and before him Chris were always a great help.My feeling is Brooms have lost the plot.I think Martin Broom would turn in his grave.How long will they keep the hire fleet.I would not be surprised if in s few years they sell that also
  3. Lots in Lowerstoft, only 10 minutes on the train
  4. I have to agree,many outlets are empty. The Indian restaurant is shut,sure the sports bar is fine for some,they certainly spent a lot of money on it.The menu is not to my taste, hot dogs,burgers, chicken in a bucket is not for me.We spoke to one of lady's in July,she said a lot of people go to Tescos up the road.The little shop/cafe close to the YS has been shut for years.We always like going to Oulton,but I think the advent of A good shop/cafe and someone to take on the old Indian restaurant may well help.
  5. Not sure how that's going to work,okay the shop is not that large.What then will happen to the shop.This year we only found out about the Ale trail by accident. In fact in the end could not be bovered,infact some pubs that in the past took part did not know any info.In the past they used to email me and send me a news letter now and again.Not heard anything for over a year.
  6. Yes indeed for many years the old marina quays,has looked like a bad advert for Great Yarmouth. What are we talking about eight houses 'redevelop the moorings.The only problem I can see is access.I wish you good luck.
  7. Strictly that is.Just watched week one,considering it was week one.Thought many were very good,some are no hoppers.Looks as if it good be a good show. Will be interesting to see how it develops. Keep Dancing
  8. Sorry to hear your news,I wish you all well for the future.It seems you have a plan.Marina and I intend to.move to Norfolk when we retire also Regards Ian
  9. Paul Chairman of the G.O.G.C.Plus his trying to keep northern boaters away from the south.
  10. Yes we often go to BW,always helpful and friendly.
  11. Sadly it's quite common to do now.In my business (contract catering)if contract goes to another company you are transferred under TUPE by laws.Therefore you are employed on your present terms.However in time they can change your contract.
  12. I understand some of the comments about Brundall.It for me is still a great place to be based.Most of the nine years moored there.Now at Cove lots of nice follow boats.Okay there are a lot of Gin Palaces around and sadly many yards have gone.What the future of Brooms is still uncertain. Like many we us Brooms for fuel,pump,outs Gas etc.Last week we stopped to top up fuel.We found out Malcolm had to apply for his job,sadly it was given to someone else.That of course is up to Brooms,Marina and myself have always found him helpful and friendly. A trip to Brundall will often end at The Yare(sadly not a hotel).of sorts of boaters from Gin Palaces,middle range boaters,workers holiday makers,locals.We love the broads, but for us Brundall ticks nearly all the boxes. Ian
  13. I did hear that a few weeks back,but was unsure it was true.May well be interesting to see how it develops.
  14. I remember a few years back,we moored at Horsey and walked to the beach. It was a lovely warm sunny day,no one around.We sat on the beach and watched the seals,wonderful. Two or three years ago,staying in corton, we went back to Horsey this time in late February. Still special .
  15. Perhaps a phone call to Stalham museum of the broads.They must know
  16. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! And guess what strictlys on Saturday. Keep Dancing .
  17. Gins not my thing,do they do a whisky one?
  18. The thing is Nostalgia is not what it used to be.
  19. Don't think there's much chance of getting a grant from the EU!
  20. Think it's often a balance,our boat which is a Alpha 29 built in 1991 will not get under potter or Wroxham bridges.If you look at the older wooden boats most of them will go under most of not all bridges.If you look at many new boats they are huge,I can see some of the reasoning, the hire companies have to compete for customers, people want tv and all mod cons large beds etc,almost a floating hotel.Someone on Facebook yesterday was moaning that the microwave, one shower was not pushing out hot water etc.Last week we noticed two boats got the engineers out because the TV was not working. For me to be on the broads is always enjoyable. SK does not have any mod cons,like many never tire of the broads even if can't get under some of the bridges.
  21. As much as I dislike being able to ho under the bridge.Okay SK is much to high to do so,if for what reason it wasn't there think potter would suffer.Last year we got a day boat which was enjoyable.
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