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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Kings head not known for there food,The white Horse very good food and drink,dont know about football, why not phone them up.
  2. That's okay I only have two and a half years left till I retire!
  3. Lots of nice people like us,if you disagree we will duff you up
  4. Oh dear I'm going to have to teach you lot how to cook
  5. I'm sure you liked it,but have never seen it.Being a chef I would not need to.
  6. Welcome from me to best wishes Ian
  7. What seems odd to me is,in the middle of summer which for once is quite hot.The world cup and again strange England are doing well.The factorys that make the stuff all shut down.Its like not producing ice cream for summer.Are these people for real.
  8. Think its about time this sorry state is sorted out. It clear now its not only affecting river traffic.
  9. They were sleeping with the fishes!
  10. We used to go to the Thai on the river,every time we were in Norwich.Stopped over a year ago.From the riverside as was said in a very bad state.I wish them well will check it out next time there.
  11. We did not make it easy,but we played well at every match.Now we need to do that in test matches.
  12. What a great day for English sport. First England winning 6-1.Then Lewis winning the French GP.Just Finnished England beating Australia to win the series 5-0.
  13. Many moons ago I used to live in a tower block close to the Thames.In the days when the docks were working. It was interesting watching the tugs working the ships.Some were very good and made a easy job of it.Others made hard work of it.
  14. What a great result from England 6-1.in the cricket England 66 for 5 needing 140 runs.Now come on Lewis waiting to start the French GP.
  15. Please tell us more,I am aware what's happening in those sports.However I will support England/Britain in any sport.
  16. It's going to be warm, head for the beach
  17. England and English involved in three sports.England playing Panama in the world cup.England playing Australia in the ODI hopefully to win the series five nil.Lewis Hamilton at the France GP.Good luck everyone involved. No Brits involved but ,Tennis at Queens.My problem is to try and watch all three.
  18. We throughout the year where poss book before hand.
  19. I forgot the ladybird until you said.We were on holiday in Bognor. We sat outside have a drink and we became covered in them.Cant remember why there was so many.Never seen so many since.1976 was the year before we got married. The summer seemed to go on forever.Fast forward, so far this summer has been good.
  20. My day not so much mine but Marinas.Its her birthday today.We did shopping this afternoon. This morning we went to the garden centre near Sevenoaks.A Spitfire was flying overhead. Next Friday up to the boat for the weekend.
  21. It does when then kids were young we had two holidays in the South of France camping the first one.It rained cats dogs and hippos all night.Luckerly after that the sun came out
  22. Don't drink to much of it,they said on the news there's a shortage of co2.Which may affect beer, tonic for gin and food.
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