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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Many thanks will look into it. Ian
  2. Not a bad job,cooking breakfast for six people and some prep for next week. Still was here till 9.00 last night.
  3. Our boat Alfa 29 built 1991 uses a heating system that's runs off the engine .It is far from the best and is hard to keep the boat warm.My problem being , spending a life time in kitchen I suffer from the cold We love our boat but she can be cold.Think if she was warmer may well spend more time on her.
  4. Working tonight at Drumonds,canape party for 160.Also they switched on the lights on the Christmas tree.A photo of the board room. Not much has changed in over 100 hundred years. Also a view looking down the Mall.
  5. Alan I am so very sorry to hear your sad news.Please accept Marina and my condolences, Ian
  6. Today and for the next two weeks,over looking the great man.I am at Drummonds,one of the oldest banks in the UK.
  7. Home now watching strictly. We had a good but packed day.As I said we called into St George's, had breakfast. I got a bottle of single malt.Marina brought things for Christmas. Them made our way to the boat.Put on covers and checked her over.All fine then off to Woodfordes for lunch and more bits and bobs for Christmas. I thought the shop had moved into the pub in October, in only moved last week.Therefore stuff is all over the place.I got s bottle of pinot from Surlingham.We keep saying must visit the vineyard.If you like Whisky and have not tried St George's give it a go. It may be me but I think Woodfordes has changed perhaps not for the better.For a number of years I would get 10% off in the shop.Thats stopped now,the reason I was told because the law changed,they destroyed all details,she took my email address and said I should get emails again.She added don't hold your breath however.I hope things do improve,the food was okay, but have had better in the past.From there Wroxham, Potter then home. Some pics.
  8. Popping up to the boat,will call into Wroxham and potter.Stopped at St George's for breakfast and a little drink for Christmas.
  9. Anyone who owns a boat,wood or not is slightly mad
  10. See I need to give you lot some cooking tips.!
  11. Same view from work,but today sunny.From Monday my view will be close to a true great of Norfolk,pics next weekend.I am on my way now to Bluewater.
  12. It's something I have to do to pay for the boat.In two and a half years I will work no more
  13. I am a chef working for Baxter storey caterers I work all over London.Today State street bank.
  14. You can pre cook beef for example, slice and reheat in gravy.Yorkshires on a low heat under the grill.I often cook veg together ie carrots cauliflower green bean,spuds again reheat under the grill.
  15. Some items you can pre cook at home,including Yorkshire puds.I always do extra and store in the freezer.
  16. About 160.C,make sure you cover with tin foil.Check after an hour. You are after soft.When you have given the duck some colour cook until hot about 180 about 10/15 minintes.Its a easy and fairly cheap meal.If you have a few friends on board they will be impressed. Serve with a nice full bodied red wine.
  17. Another great dish that's sounds posh,and indeed is served in many great hotels.Confit duck legs.lets say you intend to visit the boat the weekend. On the Thursday take duck legs sprinkle with sea salt,quite a lot pepper corns bayleaf and thyme and rosemar,garlic. Cover and store in the fridge.Friday dust off salt place in a oven proof dish,cover with oil,adding fresh herbs garlic and pepper corns.You can use herbs and garlic from before,make sure there's not much salt left.cook for about 2 hours.Take out from the oil and allow to cook.Stain off the oil retain great for roast spuds or more duck.when you serve give some colour in the pan and heat in the oven,serve with creamed mash red cabbage or buttered Savoy cabbage and a rush red wine gravy.its easy to do and is great in the winter.You can also do with game.
  18. We don't have shore power so I tend to only cook when we are on holiday in the summer.In the main weekends we eat out.What I do before the holiday I park cook chicken casserole,and mince for cottage pie.So on the boat I Finnish off with dumplings Roast potatoes and for the pie mash potatoes.Can also do beef pie,chicken,lamb.Whatever you like.Top with shortcrust pastry,or do with suet and self raising flour.I also do stirfrys which are quick to cook.Hotmade soups are great for the boat also.
  19. Yes it was a bit up and down,let's hope it picks up.
  20. Our boat was ex Brinks,built in Somerleyton and was named Comet.She spent ten years in France.We renamed her,Sweetkingfisher. We have some things of her past.A name plate with some of her details in English and French.Also some info in Three languages,dotted around the boat.We think it's a nod to her past.
  21. Just watched the first programme. They started at Lowerstoft and made they way to Ramsgate
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